Diamantino panicle hydrangea (Diamantino)


Hydrangea Diamantino is a real chameleon plant. The flower beckons with a beautiful view and unique properties. Botanists and gardeners pay special attention to caring for panicle. You can find out more about all the features by reading the article.

Hydrangea of ​​this subspecies is the largest among representatives of its species. It has lush inflorescences, which can reach 20 cm in length, as well as many different colors. Inflorescences of hydrangea Diamantino have an elongated shape, sometimes due to abundant flowering leaves and branches of the bush are invisible.

Hydrangea Diamantino and its flowering

Description of hydrangea Diamantino reveals a small feature: experienced gardeners can change its color by regulating the composition of the soil. If Diamantino is planted in a slightly alkaline soil, then it will acquire more pink shades, and if it is acidic, then the inflorescences will turn blue.

Interesting! The appearance of hydrangea Diamantino has always admired its majesty, florists often use a flower in special creations.

Some even plant a flower in a highly alkaline soil. Despite the fact that hydrangea does not tolerate this type of soil, as a result, inflorescences of incredibly saturated purple flowers are obtained. However, in order for the plant to feel good in such conditions, it needs proper care.

Hydrangea Diamantino pink

Panicle and tree hydrangea - differences

Freshly purchased hydrangea must be transplanted into the open ground. Do this according to certain rules.

What you need for landing

For good flowering, it is necessary to prepare the soil before planting. Gardeners do this from the thaw period to the appearance of buds. At this time, plant material that contributes to the further development of the plant.

Planting panicle hydrangea Diamantino in open soil is recommended in spring or autumn. This distribution depends on the climate of the area. If it is cold and does not contribute to the favorable development of the plant, it is better to plant hydrangea in the ground in spring. This is necessary in order for the bush to get used to and take root in the new conditions.

Choosing the best place

The look of hydrangea Diamantino loves the sun and neutral lining. Therefore, before planting, you need to find a place where this plant will feel as comfortable as possible.

How to transplant hydrangea

Do not plant the indicated variety under the trees, as the roots of the tree absorb all the water and nutrients from the soil, which harms hydrangeas. An important condition is the planting of bushes in places where direct sunlight does not fall. Aggressive sun leads to quick drying of the soil. As a result of such planting, the plant begins to bloom much later than usual.

Step-by-step landing process

There is nothing complicated in planting this variety. But still it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. In order to properly plant the plant, you need to dig a hole measuring 30x40x30 cm. These are approximate parameters.
  2. The excavated soil must be mixed with certain substances for the best development of the plant: peat, turf land, organic and mineral fertilizers, sand.
  3. During planting, the roots are shortened, which contributes to better absorption of nutrients from the soil.
  4. In order for the bush to start growing as quickly as possible, it is not advisable to deepen the root neck by more than 2-3 cm.
  5. After planting, you need to very carefully compact the soil, which will help to avoid drying out of the roots. Also, the soil must be mulched - chips, peat and peat are poured around the planted plant, with a layer of at least 7 cm.

Important! If you need to plant several shrubs, then it is worth considering that an adult plant reaches about a meter in width.

Hydrangea Bombshell paniculata - description

There are two main methods of propagation: cuttings and seeds. Each of them has its own rules, observing which you can get a beautiful and healthy flower.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is the most common. It allows you to breed offspring that preserves all maternal qualities.

In order to prepare for propagation by cuttings, it is necessary to cut them correctly. It is necessary to follow certain recommendations:

  • there should be several kidneys on the handle, you need to cut 2 cm under the kidney. If the shoot is large enough, a cut is made 5 cm above the kidney; if small, the cut is not done;
  • it is advisable to cut off all the leaves that are below, at the top you need to leave 1-2 leaves.

After the procedure, for better growth, the cuttings need to be soaked in water and treated with a growth stimulator. Seedlings are placed in containers in a cool place, maintaining constant humidity. Sprouted cuttings can be planted in the ground after a year, preferably in August.

Seed cultivation

Hydrangea Levana (Levana) paniculata - description

In order to grow hydrangea from seeds, they must be sown for seedlings in February. For better assimilation of seeds, it is recommended to use a loose and nutritious mixture of leaf, peat soil and river sand.

Features of propagation of hydrangea

After this, the crops must be covered with a thin layer of soil, as well as moisten and cover with a film. However, many gardeners say that this method of plant propagation is ineffective. As a result of this, the sprouts emerge unfriendly, the properties that the plant originally possessed are lost. Also, the first results can be seen only after four years.

Hydrangea Care Diamantino

Observing the rules of caring for the plant, you can admire its flowering for a long time. It is important to water and feed it in time, as well as take into account some features in different periods of development.

Watering mode

Panicle hydrangea is very fond of moisture. Therefore, to maintain abundant flowering, the soil should be regularly watered. Mulching of the soil is welcome, which will help to stay moist for a long time. There are no rules in watering, since this plant can grow calmly even in marshy areas. In the summer, it is advisable to water the hydrangea daily or every other day.

Top dressing

Also, as with watering, panicled hydrangeas for normal growth and flowering are important abundant top dressing. If there is no regular feeding, then the shrub ceases to grow, and flowering stops.

Note! For feeding, you can use tincture of mullein, which is desirable to water the plant 2-3 times a month. This type of fertilizer helps to grow greens.

For beautiful flowering of hydrangea Diamantino you need to fertilize the soil with mineral substances designed specifically for flowering "green brothers". Fertilizers need to be applied to the soil every ten days, it is advisable to use water-soluble minerals that will be applied to the soil along with irrigation. The interval between dressings should not be more than two weeks, since in this case the flower does not grow well and gives a faded flowering.

Features of care during the flowering period

During flowering, it is very important to prune the flowers. This will help give a more magnificent look and colorful flowering. This procedure must be performed in accordance with all the rules, as careless pruning of the bush can lead to less luxurious flowering.

  1. Starting pruning shrubs, get rid of crooked branches.
  2. After cutting off all the shoots of last year for 3-4 buds.

Features of care during the flowering period

These are the basic rules for cutting bushes that have just begun flowering. After a while, after the plant gives 6-8 branches, it can be cut to the ground. Such actions are necessary so that the plant can form strong shoots. However, this will happen if a strong root system is formed.

Features of care at rest

During rest, hydrangea Diamantino should be abundantly watered and supplied with fertilizers. You also need to perform top-dressing in several stages:

  • the first - in June, for the abundant formation of buds;
  • the second - in the summer, during its heyday, is necessary for further abundant flowering;
  • the third - in the fall, just before the rest period. Top dressing consists of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Note!In the dormant period, in autumn, panicle hydrangea is usually transplanted to a new place and prepared for winter. Hydrangea is recommended to be transplanted in September, for which branches of the bush are connected, which greatly simplifies the work.

Winter preparations

Before the arrival of winter, panicled hydrangea must be carefully prepared for severe colds. This plant can easily survive winter frosts, but it is advisable to provide young plants with “protection”.

Although adult hydrangeas are resistant to frost, wintering in shelters, they begin to bloom more abundantly before. To prepare for winter, the soil around hydrangeas is covered with peat and humus, the branches are cut to 5 buds. It is also advisable to bind the branches in one bundle, but this is better not to do in young plants, as they can break. The connected branches are covered with a film or burlap, sprinkled with sawdust or dry leaves on top.

Panicled hydrangea Diamantino is a very beautiful and bright flower, a favorite of gardeners, florists and just creative people. It is not in vain that panicle is present in many delicate photographs or beautiful paintings.


Watch the video: Гортензия метельчатая Диамантино. Краткий обзор, описание hydrangea paniculata Diamantino (October 2024).