Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety


A revolutionary variety of bush roses grown in the UK attracts gardeners. These flowers are quite versatile, they look great in landscape design and are great for composing bouquets.

Roses Princess Anna: grade description

Rosa Princess Anna is striking in splendor. This is a classic version of roses grown in the English garden. The flower of this variety has a bright pink, or even almost red color. The buds have a conical shape at the beginning of flowering, and at the peak - goblet. Inflorescences can please the eye throughout the summer. The diameter of the flowers varies between 8-12 centimeters. Rose has a pleasant light tea aroma.

Rosa Princess Anna

Flower Benefits:

  • long flowering period;
  • Great for decorating landscaping;
  • resistant to disease.

Of the minuses, the following points should be noted:

  • towards the end of summer, the foliage becomes pale green;
  • difficult to reproduce;
  • fades quickly.

The variety of roses Princess Anna is very often used by designers as landscaping and decoration of the territory. The company for this variety in the flowerbed will be able to make:

  • bells;
  • geranium;
  • peonies;
  • phlox;
  • hydrangea.

The history of the origin of the rose dates back to 2010, it was then that the botanist David Austin was able to select this plant. The name that was given to the hybrid belongs to the princess of Great Britain.


Information about the correct planting of a rose

Rose Black Prince - grade description

Planting roses is not an easy thing. This flower can be propagated with the help of seeds, seedlings or a new variety can be grafted into an existing rose bush.

Important! Sowing seeds is the most inefficient way to breed rose varieties.

It is known that Princess Anne rose loves the sun and partial shade in the same size. The flower should grow in a well-ventilated area, but without strong gusts of wind, and the sun should be in sufficient quantity, but so that the daytime heat does not burn the delicate petals.

The most optimal time for planting in open ground is the end of April-beginning of May. In this case, the soil should not be frozen, but should lend itself perfectly to drainage. Before planting, it is necessary to fill the ground with mineral fertilizers.

Rose seedlings

The most popular way to grow this flower is to plant ready-made seedlings. Choosing a planting is worth a healthy plant with a strong root system. It is worthwhile to inspect the stems in advance for rot and other diseases. Landing is best done in mid-spring, when the night frosts have already receded, and during the day the temperature is confidently kept within 15-17 degrees. The correct step-by-step planting of roses:

  1. Seedlings should be put in a liquid root growth stimulator for several hours.
  2. A pit 50-60 centimeters deep is dug, the whole weed is removed from the soil.
  3. It is better to loosen the soil before planting and feed it with mineral fertilizer.
  4. Treated roots must be immersed in a dug hole, to a depth of 5-7 centimeters.
  5. After the seedling is covered with an earthen mound, it is necessary to water the plant with warm water.

Important! You do not need to often water the roses. Once a week is enough.

How to care for a plant

Rosa Leonardo de Vinci - a description of the standard grade

Despite the fact that Princess Ann Rosa is not the most whimsical representative of the whole family, she needs care. The optimal temperature at which the plant activates growth varies from 17 to 25 degrees.

Important! At temperatures above 27 degrees and the location of the roses in open sunny space, it is possible to show off leaves and buds.

The frequency of watering also affects the plant. Park roses need moderate watering as the topsoil dries. Watering is necessary in the morning, but not more than once a week. It is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves and buds of the plant. Loosening the soil twice a week is a mandatory procedure for enriching the roots with oxygen. In order for the rose to grow up, careful weeding is necessary. To reduce the number of weeds, you can sprinkle the hole with sawdust

Important! For watering, you must use water at room temperature.

Fertilizing the soil should be carried out twice a season. This is best done in early spring and during the active flowering of the plant. At the end of summer, the feeding process must be completed.

It is necessary to prune the plant twice (in autumn and spring) for sanitary purposes and for better flowering during the entire growth of the rose bush.

Important! You need to trim the plant depending on how you would like to see the bush.

For the winter, the plant needs to be covered only in the climatic zone where the air temperature drops below 5 degrees. In other regions, you just need to cultivate the soil, carry out thorough drainage, trim and leave until spring.

The flowering period of the rose and its propagation

The first inflorescences on the rose begin to appear in early June and hold until the first frost. During flowering, the plant gives away many nutrients that need to be replenished by feeding humus and fertilizing the soil with nitrogen.

Rosa Mainzer Fastnacht (Mainzer Fastnacht) - variety description

With untimely pruning of shoots, top-dressing with poor-quality fertilizer or abundant watering of the plant, root rot can develop, which contributes to the wilting of the plant.

Reproduction can be carried out in two ways:

  • A popular way is grafting. Reproduction should be from July to late autumn. An incision must be made above the kidney at an angle of 45 degrees. The cutaway shoot must be lowered for a couple of hours into the root stimulator. After it they plant a few centimeters in a hole, fill it up, water it and cover it with a plastic bottle so that the temperature does not drop below 23 degrees;
  • dividing the bush is a less traditional way. Before dividing the bush by roots, you need to make sure that at least 4-5 shoots will remain on each. Pour mineral fertilizer into the hole, process the roots with a solution of litter and clay, and then plant a bush.

Important! Reproduction must be carried out either in early spring or late autumn. Reproduction is strictly prohibited in summer.

Diseases and Pests

This hybrid of varietal roses is practically not susceptible to any diseases. Previously, only: gray and root rot, arising due to excessive watering of the plant, were recorded.

Thus, the royal look of varietal roses Princess Anna was bred with the aim of variety of landscape design of park and garden areas. Unpretentious care and ease of propagation make it easy to grow a rose in any area.


Watch the video: Princess Anne rose Hoa hồng David Austin (October 2024).