Flowers are like roses, but not roses - as they are called


Rosa is the queen of the garden, who breaks records in popularity, is famous for bright large flowers, gives elegance to the summer cottage, and joy to the owners. Rosa refers to perennials that are whimsical in care and require special cultivation conditions.

Not all flower growers will cope with the cultivation of capricious women. There is an alternative to garden beauty - flowers similar to roses. Unpretentious perennial and annual flowers like roses, but not roses, as they are called, are of interest to many summer residents.

Lovely Rose Doubles

Among the flowers like roses emit balsam, eustoma, ranunculus, begonia, peonies. Of indoor doubles, hibiscus, geranium are noted.

Lisianthus and eustoma: what is the difference

Lysianthus flowers, or the Irish rose, are called eustoma, as well as the Texas bell. This is the name of a single flower resembling a rose. The height of the culture is 90 cm. On a branchy bush without thorns, sometimes up to 30 buds blooming at the same time are located. The diameter of the flowers is 14 cm. Petal color:

  • blue and white;
  • pink and yellow;
  • blue and red.

Violet color varieties are particularly attractive. The plant has a long growing season - more than six months.

Etymology of Names

When the words of eustoma penetrate the etymology, it becomes clear that the meaning of the flower is a lovely mouth / mouth. Translated from Greek, "eu" means lovely, "stoma" - mouth, mouth.

Purple lisianthus

Greek lisianthus is translated as opened - "lysis" and "anthos" - a flower. In Latin, it sounds like a bitter flower. The name fully justified itself - when tested on the tongue, a bitter taste is felt. Lisianthus and eustoma - what's the difference? She is not there. These are the names of the same flower.

Many names testify to the love and sympathy of different peoples for the plant.

Flower story

Lusianthus enters European countries from the south of the North American continent. First mentioned in 1806. At this time, Richard Anthony Salisbury, an English nerd, classified the culture. Eustoma becomes popular at the end of the twentieth century. It has become widespread in Mexico and America, New Zealand and Australia.

Features of lisianthus

Gardeners like the flower variety of eustoma. It happens even two-tone: one tone passes into another. The flower is characterized by resistance. Cut plants stand in a vase for 2 or 3 weeks. They can compete with chrysanthemum. Eustoma is preferable for banquets and festivities. The use of white lisianthus at wedding ceremonies in bridal bouquets is appreciated.

Eustoma for a bride's bouquet

Lisianthus is liked for its tenderness, charm and versatility. They cultivate the flower in the flowerbed and at home, present it to their beloved and use it for ceremonial decoration. Eustoma has a special position among flower growers and gardeners.


The bush plant is grown as an annual or perennial. In the wild, lisianthus belongs to two-year crops, but when cultivated in unprotected soil it is an annual plant. The root system of a thermophilic flower freezes in frost.

Attention! Scientists are developing varieties that are resistant to cold.

The geography of year-round cultivation of lisianthus in the garden areas of the central strip of Russia is limited to + 10 ° C in winter.

When diluting lisianthus, cultivation is carried out in a seedling manner. Sowing seedlings is carried out in December or January to obtain flowering in the midst of summer. A flower garden lit by the sun is being prepared for culture, which is protected from the wind, with loose soil.

Growing lisianthus for seedlings

Seedlings are planted in an open grant in the absence of a threat of return frosts. Landing pattern - 30 × 50 cm. Regularly look after the culture:

  • systematically watered with lukewarm water;
  • They are fed with mineral solutions at the stage of budding and flowering.

When planting seedlings on an open bed, the eustoma blooms before autumn. When frosts approach, a flower is brought into the room, then lisianthus will delight its owners and guests with its beauty.

If you want to breed lisianthus, they are guided by the climate of the area. Suitable eustoma for the decor of the balcony and loggia.

If a lisianthus flower is grown at home, then after 2 years, according to the reviews of flower growers, it degenerates.

Balcony decoration

On sale, eustoma seeds are labeled as annual.

Rose-like flower - ranunculus

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Among the flowers, similar to roses and eustomas, ranunculus is isolated. The plant became popular in the 16th century; it was imported from Turkey, first to foggy Albion, then to other European countries.

After 300 years, the plant was forgotten. Now note the increasing interest of florists in the flower. The resemblance to the rose, but the greater modesty and less pompousness helped the ranunculus regain its location and sympathy.

Golden meadow button

Representatives of the professions associated with flowers worship culture. In Italy, flowers were called the golden buttons of lawns. According to legend, ranunculi are the stars that Jesus turned into flowers to present as a gift to his mother.


The plant is also called Asian buttercup. The homeland of an unpretentious flower with brightly colored buds that resembles a small rose is Asia Minor, from Turkey - garden species of ranunculus.

Persian ranunculus (semi-double and double species) has a complete resemblance of a flower to a pink rose bud. The culture grows to 80 cm, the minimum height is 30 cm. Flowers appear on the bush, the diameter of which varies from 4 to 8 cm. The shades of the buds are pinkish and milky, yellow and lilac, purple.

A heat-loving plant is planted in the last decade of May on a garden plot. Planting stock - small nodules. A suitable time is after the spring return colds.

Tip. To provide early flowering, seedlings are used.

For ranunculus fit beds with fertile soil and light shade. Fertilize the bed with rotted manure, and also make complex replenishment. Landing is carried out according to the scheme of 15 × 25 cm.

A distinctive feature of the Asian buttercup is a long flowering period (several weeks), which falls on May-August. At this time, the flower will need to be fed with biohumus, but the culture is not picky in care. She likes the sun, but direct rays can harm the flower.

How to care

The flower is supposed to care:

  • watering;
  • weed removal;
  • exemption from wilted inflorescences.

Ranunculus planting

Digging of flower tubers is carried out in the fall. After drying, they are sent for storage in a cool, dry place. The main thing is to save until spring.

Ranunculus today

The growing popularity of the flower has benefited its varietal variety. There are more than 600 species of garden buttercup, which are characterized by greater endurance, compared with roses. A bouquet of cut ranunculi will please you with beauty in a vase for 2 weeks.

The mysterious and magnificent flower when opened is like a rose. When the ranunculus is fully dissolved, it is similar to a terry poppy.

A universal culture is growing:

  • in field;
  • like a potted flower indoors;
  • as a cultivated plant in the garden.

Flowers adorn a floristic composition, suitable for decoration of monotonous and not only bouquets. The peculiar shape and brightness of the buds, which reach 8 cm in diameter, give charm to the flower group.

Important! To get a catchy and mesmerizing effect (when planting on a lawn or in a cut), practice the use of ranunculus in at least 3 tones.

A sweet culture, which is characterized by stamina, is in demand by florists in the formation of a bouquet for the bride and groom. The accessory leg is decorated with a crocheted napkin, satin ribbon, and rhinestones. Spring flowers, absorbing the energy of the sun, display it with dazzling terry buds.

Flower mix

Masters collect monocompositions from ranunculi, and also make them a component of the flower mix, giving the bouquet warmth and charm.

How to keep a bouquet longer

For flowers to please their beauty for a long time, you will need:

  • upon returning home, place the plants for a couple of hours in a vase, do not remove the packaging film;
  • add water for cut flowers in water;
  • cut obliquely the stems with a sharp knife a few centimeters;
  • remove sheets from the flower that are below the liquid level in order to avoid rapid water pollution;

    How to extend the freshness of a flower

  • it is undesirable to place ranunculi near heating appliances or in direct sunlight.

Growing up in an apartment

At home, several nodules are simultaneously planted in a wide pot. They are kept in water for 24 hours. Drainage is laid to the bottom: expanded clay, eggshell, gravel. Then add a layer of fertile soil, tubers, which are sprinkled with soil. It is necessary to water and monitor the temperature, which should not exceed +12 ° C. You will need to regularly moisten the earth.

When the seedlings grow to 5-6 cm, increase the temperature to +20 ° C. At the flowering stage, the temperature is reduced to +18 ° C. Rosette needs good lighting. Otherwise, the flowers will not have to rejoice for a long time. It is preferable to put the flowerpot on the western or southern windowsill. Ranunculus needs enhanced recharge when it gains green mass and blooms.

If the culture fades, it needs to be darkened and cool. When the leaves dry, the branches are cut, the tubers are transferred to fresh soil and stored at t = + 15 ... +18 ° С.

Important! The emergence of seedlings is accompanied by the transfer of the container to the light.

Grassy or grassy rose

What indoor flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house

The plant is called a grassy rose because of the grass shoot. At different stages of development, culture is like a rose, poppy, tulip. In the presence of terry varieties with snow-white, pink, bluish colors. Dimensions of the flower reach 8 cm, up to 20 pieces are formed on one culture.

The result of feeding ranunculus


Their blooming begins at the same time. They do not fade for 14 days.


Cryptobellis stemless (in Latin Cryptobellis acaulis), or a grass rose, belongs to the family Astrovidae, or Compositae. It lives in the highlands of the island of Hawaii.

The plants that people brought in had a different fate: individual individuals in Hawaii did not have specific pollinators, while others were not competitive. However, some species turned out to be viable and run wild. Cultures took an active part in the formation of the plant world of the Hawaiian Islands.


On mountain slopes with an abundance of sunlight, winds blow all year round and are rather cool at night, an amazing culture grows there. It forms an elastic rosette of hairy green-silver sheets with 15 cm diameter. An elongated root penetrates deep into rocky fissures.

A chamomile inflorescence is formed among the rosettes, which is surrounded by a number of lilac petals (reed flowers). They are sitting in the middle of the outlet among the leaves. Wide sheets have an edge with small denticles.

For its appearance, the culture is called a grass rose. The meaning of the word cryptobellis is a hidden daisy. The photophilous perennial is content with a minimum of humus.

The appeal and charm of the plant


The leaves rise up at night and close the inflorescence, protecting from the cold, and hold insect pollinators. The maturation of grassy rose seeds after pollination occurs a month later. The propagation of small achenes with hairs at the top is helped by the wind.

Flowering period and life span

The flowering of young crops falls on 3 years of life, in the coldest regions - on the fifth. When cryptobellis fades and bears fruit, the maternal culture outlet dies. By this moment, lateral buds are formed at its base, from which new rosettes develop, and the flower does not die. Then the plant lives from 10 to 12 years.

The rose remains the queen of the flower bed, however, all of the listed plants that resemble it are beautiful and can take their rightful place in the country.

Additional Information. Excalibur is a novelty among shrub roses. The diameter of apricot flowers is 10 cm, the number of petals is 25 pcs. Tall branchy bush (up to 150 cm) blooms repeatedly. Flowers are admired from the beginning of summer to autumn, with small intervals.

Doubles will decorate a personal plot: flower bed, window, terrace. Compliance with the cultivation of luxurious flowers is appreciated. Cultures live and develop, they need love, care and proper care.


Watch the video: Why my rose plant growing well but not flowering. मर गलब क पध म कलय कय नह बन रह (October 2024).