Chubushnik (jasmine) - planting and care in the open ground


In Russia, chubushnik is quite common. It can be seen everywhere. But many people confuse this plant with jasmine. Why? The aroma and appearance of both are similar to each other. But jasmine is creepers, and mock-ups grow in the form of a bush. In addition, the plant Chubushnik belongs to the Hortensian family. Chubushnik - what is it, how to grow it - further in the article.

Description of mock

You need to figure out what the mock-up looks like. As mentioned above, this is a bush with a height of 70 cm to 6 meters. The stems are covered with gray or brown bark (depending on age). The root coating is quite thin, can peel off. Leaves are not very long (from 5 to 7 cm). They can be of various shapes: ovoid, elongated and oval. The inflorescence has the shape of a brush and consists mainly of 3-9 flowers (white, yellow or cream flowers), which are both simple and double. Fruits are small boxes with seeds.


Species and varieties

Chubushnik flower is of the following types:

  • winter-hardy crown. The name speaks for itself: this species tolerates winter frosts well. Blooms for 20 days. Has a rich honey smell;
  • large-flowered. A plant of this kind has quite large buds. But the sweet and persistent aroma is no different;
  • odorless. Also a talking name. Flowers are absolutely odorless. But this is offset by the large size of the buds;
  • Lemoine. This type of French. It has a lot of variations: decorative, winter-hardy, fragrant, etc.;
  • small-leaved. This is a dwarf species. He has small buds (mostly white in color). In addition, it is not winter hardy.

Allocate the 20 best varieties of mock orange:

  • Common (Pale). His homeland is the Caucasus and Southern Europe. This is a fairly unpretentious plant. The bush height can be up to 3.5 meters. In one brush can be from 5 to 9 flowers, which are yellow, white or cream colors. They have a fairly strong, honey flavor. But the most important thing is that they have high frost resistance (they withstand temperatures up to -29 degrees);
  • Coronary. The height of the bush ranges from a meter to three. The leaves are large. The inflorescence contains 7-9 flowers, which are white or cream in color. The variety is frost-resistant (can withstand 30 degrees of frost);
  • Shneeshturm. This is a deciduous bush with weeping shoots. In this form, it is very similar to a fountain. Terry flowers, mostly white. This variety loves fresh air, so it is recommended to sit on the street;
  • Virgin. Brought out already in 1909. The average height of the bush is 3 meters. Terry flowers of white or cream color form an inflorescence in the form of a brush. This variety of mock-ups tolerates frosts. But if winters are without snow, then the shoots can freeze. In severe winters, it is recommended to shelter them;
  • Belle Etoile. This variety is a bit like Virgin. The bush is quite low (maximum height 1.5 meters). The flowers are also compact. There are inflorescences (of three pieces) or single. The buds have an interesting, original color (the petals themselves are white, and the middle is pink). It has a strawberry flavor. The variety likes sunlight (it is not recommended to plant in the shade), frost-resistant;

Chubushnik Belle Etoile

  • Bicolor. The bush is low - up to 1.5 meters. Crohn is quite magnificent. And the flowers have a delicate color: the petals are white or cream, and the middle is raspberry. They grow either singly or form a brush with 2-3 buds. Have a sweet strawberry flavor;
  • Snowball. The smallest variety. The height of the bush is up to 120 cm. During flowering, it looks like a huge snowball. Terry buds are usually white. This variety tolerates frosts. Also does not dry even during extreme heat. It is better not to grow the bush in the shade - this reduces the intensity of flowering;
  • Blizzard. The maximum height is 1.5 meters. The flowers are semi-double, usually white. From them comes a somewhat strawberry flavor. The variety is quite sunlit. It withstands frosts very well. True, sometimes the shoots can freeze, but with the advent of spring they are resuscitated;
  • Komsomolets. Bush height up to one and a half meters. Inflorescences consist of several double flowers of white color. The variety is frost-resistant, does not even require shelter for the winter. In addition, it is susceptible to attack by aphids (it is recommended to regularly process it);
  • Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The maximum height is 3 meters. Terry buds have a delicate white color. They exude a pleasant delicate aroma similar to the smell of pineapples. The variety is frost-resistant (withstands up to 29 degrees of frost). For long flowering, plentiful watering and sunlight are recommended;
  • Mont Blanc This mock bush is quite high (from 1.8 to 2 meters). There are white semi-double flowers that combine into inflorescences. They have a fairly strong smell, reminiscent of the aroma of fresh strawberries. The variety is resistant to frost (can withstand up to -35 degrees);
  • Snowflake He came to us from Minnesota. And this is one of the coldest places in the United States. There are frosts up to 50 degrees. And no frosts are terrible for this variety. That is why it can be grown in the Urals or in Siberia. It begins to bloom in early summer. White buds with terry petals. Such flowers resemble flakes of snow. It looks very unusual, but beautiful. In one inflorescence there are up to 5 flowers. Aroma, like citrus;
  • Avalanche. The maximum height of the bush is one and a half meters. Buds of medium size. They have thin white petals. Flowers are formed into an inflorescence of 3 pieces. It tolerates not very large frosts (up to -15 in total). Therefore, he is better off growing in the southern regions;
  • Lemoine. Was bred in France. The bush is quite high - up to two meters. White flowers gather in an inflorescence of 7-9 pieces. They emit a strong, pleasant smell. Resistant to even the most severe frosts (can withstand even a temperature of -40);
  • Elbrus Bushes of this variety are quite high - up to two meters. Large semi-double flowers are usually only white and cream in color. And they gather in inflorescences of 20 pieces. It looks like a very beautiful plant, but, unfortunately, it is odorless. But the grade is frost-resistant. May grow in the shade. But flowering lasts longer only in plentiful sunlight;

Chubushnik Elbrus

  • Alabaster. The maximum height of the bush is 180 cm. The flowers have a pristine white color. Gather in inflorescences of 7-9 pieces. The flowers of this variety have a pleasant and persistent aroma. It tolerates frosts perfectly (it can endure up to -30 degrees);
  • Ermine Mantle. The bush can grow up to three meters in height. Semi-double flowers have a very delicate, beautiful color. They have a pleasant strawberry flavor. And flowering lasts quite a long time. Ermine mantle is quite frost-resistant. It can withstand up to -30 degrees;
  • Airborne landing. The variety was so named because white buds are twisted in shape in parachutes. They have a pleasant smell, like fresh strawberries. The variety is resistant to severe frosts (up to -30 degrees);
  • Ballet Moths. The bush is simply huge - up to four meters in height! Beautiful white buds are combined in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The smell is subtle, but quite pleasant. He tolerates frosts well, but it is still better to insulate;
  • Pearls. The variety was so named because of the beautiful pearl color of the petals. Terry flowers are collected in inflorescence of 7-9 pieces. The bushes are frost-resistant (can withstand temperatures up to -25 degrees).

Chubushnik varieties Pearls

Growing Chubushnik from seeds

Chubushnik Shneysturm - description, landing and care

Properly grow this plant can not everyone. To succeed, you need to follow the guidelines below. How to plant mock-up using seeds?


It should be noted that the seeds of this plant retain germination throughout the year. Therefore, they can be planted at any time of the year. But if you plant a plant in winter, then this should be done only in calm weather and in frosts not higher than 10 degrees. So, how to plant mock orange? In the snow, it is necessary to prepare indentations of 25-30 cm and put the seeds there. The place where the mock up is planted should be covered with straw or twigs. When spring comes, the branches need to be removed.

How to care for mock

For a plant to grow beautiful and healthy, you need to know how to feed a mock up. After the first shoots appear, they will need to be irrigated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Repeat this in a day. And after 6-12 days it is necessary to dive shoots. If you make proper care for the mock-up and its shoots, it will be strong and healthy.

Outdoor landing

Planting in the open ground is quite responsible, because if planted incorrectly, the plant may grow painful, or it may not grow at all.

When to plant mock

Blue or blue hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

It is best to plant in open ground in the fall: in September, October. You can also plant in early April. For a plant like mockingberry, planting and grooming at the right time can play a key role in subsequent growth.

How to plant

Planting a garden plant should be done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole for a seedling 60 × 60 × 60 cm in size.
  2. At the bottom of the pit you need to put a layer of broken brick or coarse sand. The layer can be from 12 to 15 cm.
  3. Next, you need another layer of specially prepared substrate.
  4. After 10 days, it is necessary to immerse a seedling in each hole so that the neck is directly on the surface of the earth. After that, the plant is thrown with a substrate and carefully watered.
  5. After the moist earth has settled, you need to add dry soil to the pits. But be sure to check that the root neck is not below 3 cm under the ground, otherwise it can rot.

On a note! According to the same scheme, it is possible to provide the mock-up guy landing and leaving in the Urals.

Chubushnik: outdoor care

Chubushnik snowblow - description, landing and care

Chubushnik loves leaving. There are a number of requirements that must be followed in order for the plant to be healthy.

How to water a plant

After the buds began to form, the plant needs abundant watering. Because with a lack of water, the flowers quickly fall off, the leaves have an unhealthy pale color. So the more watering, the better.


Reproduction can occur in various ways:

  • by seeds;
  • green cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Diseases and Pests

In order for the plant to grow strong and healthy, pleasing the eyes of others, you need to carefully monitor it. And take measures to protect it from pests and diseases. But you need to know what to deal with.

Chubushnik diseases

Chubushnik diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • gray / brown spotting;
  • tubercularia / diplodia / gendersonium necrosis.


Most often, the plant is threatened by aphids and green weevils, which must be disposed of.

Flowering period

In most cases, the mock orange begins to bloom in late May or early June. Its flowering lasts from 25 to 50 days.

Flowering mock

Mock-up after flowering

After the plant has bloomed, you should not forget about it. What should be done after flowering of mock-up?

How and when to collect seeds

To avoid long transplants of this plant, you can do simpler: after flowering of the mock nut, collect seeds and plant them later. Its seeds are in a dry box (this is how the fruit looks). Store best in some cool place (so that the seeds do not dry out).

Winter preparations

Before winter, it is necessary to cut off old or damaged shoots, as well as get rid of faded inflorescences.

On a note! This plant does not need special preparation for winter. Because it is quite frost-resistant and unpretentious.

Use in landscape design

In landscape design, mock-ups are used with various plants. Fit:

  • shrubs that bloom beautifully;
  • large trees with bright foliage;
  • climbing plants (e.g. clematis, actinidia, climbing roses).

Landscape mock-up


Thus, mock-up is a plant that even a beginner gardener can grow. It is used to create bright green flower beds. Chubushnik normally tolerates winter.


Watch the video: Чубушник, Жасмин - как правильно? Сорта Чубушника, посадка и уход (September 2024).