Small-leaved pylaea - home care


Pilea is the largest genus of flowering plants of the Nettle family, with about 700 species. The most popular is the small-leaved sawmill, which won the love of flower growers with ease of care and aesthetic appearance.


The birthplace of the flower is the subtropical and tropical countries of America. Pilea plant prefers moist, shaded places. Under ideal conditions, the culture can grow up to 70 cm.

Little Pilea Flowers

Indoor small-leaved sawfly is a perennial up to 15 cm high with strongly branching shoots on which small leaves of a pale green hue grow. The maximum size of the sheet plate is 5 mm in length. It is shiny, semicircular, convex on top, with a solid or carved edge.

The plant blooms in residential conditions rarely. Small light buds of pylaea, collected in inflorescences, usually appear in early summer and do not have decorative value. Many cut them, so as not to weaken the plant during the flowering period.

Advice! Thick creeping flower shoots are suitable for cascading decoration. Pilea looks beautiful next to plants with erect stems.

Flower species

Common types of pylaea that can be grown at home:

  • Peperomiform (Chinese money tree). The height of the flower is up to 40 cm. Rounded concave leaves on elongated petioles hang from the main stem, making them look like umbrellas.
  • Silver (other names - Silver, Kadier). New shoots look up, and old ones creep on the ground. The leaves are elongated, with carved edges, with 3 veins, along which silver threads stand out. Thanks to them, this species was named. The maximum height of the flower is 40 cm.
  • Threadlike. A plant with thin, curly shoots of a reddish hue. The leaves are small, oval, painted purple below.
  • Wrapped up. On each node of its stem is 2 sheets with carved edges. Corrugated sheet plate with brown streaks. The flower grows to 30 cm.
  • Monolithic. Creeping shoots, with round, bright green leaves, similar to coins. They are located on small petioles. The lower part of the leaf plate is painted red.
  • Lebanese. This is an ampel saw with curly shoots of brown color. Small oval leaflets on top have a pale green color, as if covered with silver, and the bottom plate is saturated green.

Lebanese Pilea

Pilea flower increases the humidity level in the room. Some species are able to secrete biologically active substances that stop the growth of bacteria, fungi and other protozoa.

Care Features

Monolithic and small-leaved pylaea, other types - home care

Caring for small-leaved sawing at home is simple. But still, some requirements must be taken into account so that the plant pleased with its rapid growth and flowering.

Conditions for keeping the flower:

  1. Accommodation In the wild, pylaea grows in the mountains, so at home it is better not to place the plant in direct sunlight. The ideal place is in the shade of other colors in diffuse lighting. In summer, you can plant a flower in the open. In winter, the use of phytolamps is recommended.
  2. Temperature indicators. It is better to place the flower in a room where the air temperature is not higher than +23 degrees. In winter, the plant can be kept on the insulated balcony. It is important not to put the pot of saw on a draft.
  3. Air humidity. The optimal conditions for growing pylea are a cool microclimate. In summer and during the heating period it is necessary to increase the level of humidity. This can be done with a humidifier or with a bowl of water placed near the pot.

Overgrown shoots that need to be cut

Flower care consists in choosing the right soil, timely watering, fertilizing and forming a bush. What you need to remember:

  • For planting pylae it is better to choose a fertile soil of medium density with neutral or low acidity. The flower grows well and without soil, with roots immersed in water or a nutrient solution.
  • One should beware of overfilling and waterlogging of the soil, not to allow long breaks between irrigation. It is necessary to water the flower after the top layer of the soil has completely dried, using the settled water at room temperature.
  • To maintain the beauty of the leaves and to prevent the stretching of the shoots, it is necessary to fertilize the soil throughout the year, even after the growing season. In winter, top dressing is done monthly, the rest of the time - once a week. To replenish nutrients in the soil, universal fertilizers for flowering plants are suitable.
  • During the growing season, you need to take care of the young shoots of pylaea, give them shape. The adult plant is regularly cut, removing the elongated processes.

Important! Do not spray the leaves of the pylaea from a spray bottle. The procedure may spoil the appearance of the plant.

Transplantation and reproduction rules

Peraea peperium or Chinese money tree

It is recommended to transplant small-leaved sawmill every year in the spring. You can update the flower less often, focusing on its appearance. If the shoots stretched out and drooped, the trunk of the plant was exposed - it is better to transplant it.

Pilea transplant tips:

  • It is recommended to cut old shoots, divide the flower into several bushes and form them.
  • The plant has a superficial root system, so it is better to choose a pot that is low but wide.
  • If the soil mixture was prepared at home, you need to disinfect it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The first layer is laid with expanded clay on about a third of the pot, and soil is poured on top.

Cutting cuttings ready for transplanting

For propagation, you can use cropped shoots. They are simply placed in water until the roots appear, and then planted in prepared soil. For decorative effect it is recommended to put several cuttings in the pot.

Growing a flower with seeds is difficult. In a small container at the bottom you need to lay a layer of expanded clay, and on top - the ground. Place the seed in the recess and sprinkle with soil, cover the container with foil. Shoots should appear by the end of the month. You can transplant them into the pot when the first leaves are formed on the sprouts.

Important! Young plants grown from seeds need high humidity, otherwise they will all die.

Pest control

Pilea Kadier, Kadiera, pressed, Alumi - home care

The small flower of the sawfly is resistant to diseases, and pests appear most often due to non-compliance with the temperature regime and low humidity. a spider mite, thrips or scale insects can infect a plant.

The main signs of the presence of a spider mite: deformation and twisting of leaves, color change. As a result of infection, pylaea ceases to grow and can die. Parasites hide on the back of the leaf, it is difficult to see them, especially at the initial stage. Ticks can be found during molting on white grains similar to dandruff. The cause of pests is dry air. If parasites are detected, the sheets should be treated with soapy water. With severe infection, the Actellic insecticide will help.

It looks like a spider mite under a microscope

Flower thrips are oval-shaped insects that live in colonies and are carriers of the fungus. Ideal conditions for their existence are high temperature and low humidity. After infection, brown spots appear on the leaf plate, most often on the reverse side. On top of the sheet you can see the whitish foci with yellow stripes. As a result, the flower withers and may die. To combat thrips, the chemical preparations Actellik, Mospilan, Aktara are used. Antifungal prophylaxis is recommended.

Thrips leaves

The first sign of the appearance of scabies is tiny plaques of red, brown or yellow on the leaves and sticky secretions. These are insect colonies. As a result of infection, the leaves of the flower turn yellow, dry and fall off. The plant begins to lack nutrients. To get rid of the pest, chemicals are used.

Plaques by which you can recognize the scabbard on flowers

Due to overflow, pylaea can get root rot. This fungal disease develops on the stem and goes to the roots, which can lead to withering of the ground part of the flower and its death. For treatment, biological and chemical fungicides are used - Previkur Energy, Maxim, Mikosan, Gamair.

Attention! When using drugs against diseases and pests, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Breeding problems

Despite the fact that the pylaea flower is unpretentious, when growing it, you can encounter some difficulties:

  • Due to non-compliance with temperature conditions, leaves may fall.
  • Improper watering often causes root rot.
  • The color of the leaves fades due to too bright lighting, and due to a lack of light, the leaves become smaller and the shoots are extended.
  • Direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves.

Experienced and novice growers can grow small-leaved sawmill. The main requirements are the proper placement of the flower, maintaining the necessary temperature and humidity, watering and timely transplantation. If they are observed, the decorative plant will delight for a long time and serve as an interior decoration.
