Hamedorea Elegans Flower - Growing and Care


The palm of the Hamedorea elegans (Chamaedorea elegance) also has a second name - the elegant Hamedorea. In nature, grows in the forests of Mexico. Natural conditions suggest increased humidity. But domestic lovers of exotic indoor plants will be able to grow this palm tree at home.

What does the chamedorea elegans look like?

The first mention of the plant came from Central and South America. In ancient times, it was believed that chamedorea is the best plant for meditation and self-knowledge. It has also been used as food.

Hamedorea graceful

Hamedorea elegans belongs to the family Palm. Externally, the flower resembles a shrub, with straight thin stems. Plant height varies from 1.5 to 2 meters. The upper part of the stems is panicles consisting of several long-leaflets with a beautiful green color.

Peduncles of this species grow from leaf sockets. Inflorescences consist of small flower balls. Black fruits are formed immediately after falling flowers, each contains a seed.

Plant fruits

Other common varieties

It is not difficult to grow hamedorea at home, first of all it is necessary to determine the type of flower. Experienced flower growers advise the following proven types:

  • Hamedorea high. If properly looked after, the bush can grow up to 2 meters. Leaves grow vertically, flowering is plentiful. Branches are strewn with bright orange flowers.
  • Arenberg. The variety is represented by a single trunk, on which wide leaves are located.
  • Ernest-Augustus. The most elegant representative of this culture. Leaves on long branches resemble a green hat.

Healing properties

The plant has useful qualities and healing properties. Chamedorea moisturizes the air in the room and purifies it. Absolutely safe for any pets.

Attention! Thanks to the pleasant smell, it brings fun and arouses activity. It is because of these qualities that it is not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom or children's room.

Features of caring for the chamedorea elegans at home

Caring for a plant involves following simple rules. Compliance with the temperature regime, lighting standards, irrigation rules will lead to an excellent result and a healthy plant.


Palm Hamedorea - home care

In the summer, Chamedorea elegans is demanding on the temperature regime. In the room it is necessary to maintain a temperature of + 20 ... +25 degrees.

In winter, the flower is rearranged in a cool place, the temperature in which should not exceed +15 degrees.

Attention! The plant does not tolerate wind loads - when ventilating the room, you should try to monitor this.


Palm tree calmly responds to any lighting. She feels good both in the shade and in the most lit conditions.

It is not recommended to place the flower in direct sunlight - burns may appear on the leaves.

For the uniform formation of the bush, it is necessary from time to time to turn the plant to the light.


The flower requires abundant and systematic watering. At elevated temperatures, the amount of water introduced into the soil should increase.

If the substrate dries, the death of the plant is inevitable.

Attention! Humidification is carried out with room temperature water, which must be left standing for several days.


Specialists recommend sprinkling at least 2 times a day. You can spray the flower with an ordinary spray gun, or you can use a shower head.

Spraying is carried out with the most warm water.

Flowering plants


High humidity is the best habitat for chamedorea.

Important! The proximity of heating appliances can harm the plant, the leaves begin to dry.

Caring for the Graceful chamedorea involves placing a flower in the immediate vicinity of a humidifier or artificial pond.


For planting, it is recommended to use special soil purchased in the store. It should be marked "for palm."

For self-cooking, you must take:

  • turf land (3 parts);
  • hardwood soil (1 part);
  • coarse river sand (1 part);
  • peat (1 part).

The addition of charcoal to the soil improves its nutritional properties.

For a palm tree, it is necessary to make drainage at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay, gravel, broken brick are suitable for these purposes.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is an important aspect of the healthy development of any plant. From spring to autumn, top dressing is done every 2 weeks. Liquid fertilizer, created specifically for the palm tree, has proven itself perfectly. Some use fertilizers for deciduous plants.

Important! When applying complex dressings recommended for other types, the dosage should be reduced by half.

Gardeners have proven the undeniable benefits of nitrogen for indoor flowers.

When and how it blooms

Freesia flower - growing and gardening

The flowering process of this culture begins only in an adult plant, for 3-4 years. The height of the chamedorea will already reach 30-40 cm.

Flowers resemble mimosa and have no decorative value. The number of colors in different varieties varies. Outwardly, everything resembles a branched panicle located on the stem.

Flower formation

The flowers are small, round, most often painted yellow. Other varieties of Hamedorea have flowers in red, orange.

Blooming palm trees can begin at any time of the year. At this point, several panicles are formed.

Changes in flowering care

During the period of active flowering, it is necessary to create conditions for the comfortable growth of Chamedorea elegans:

  • Temperature + 16 ... +20 degrees.
  • Abundant watering.
  • High humidity.
  • Takeaway plants to the street.

Attention! In the fresh air, it is necessary to create conditions so that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, and the plant is protected from draft and strong gusts of wind.

The dormant period begins a couple of weeks after the end of flowering. It should be accompanied by a decrease in temperature - + 12 ... +15 degrees. It is important to prevent lower temperatures, this will lead to illness, and maybe even to the death of the flower.


Iberis perennial flower - growing and care

For this species, it is not recommended to resort to leaf pruning at all. Hamedorea Graceful has one growth point. When pruning, the flower stops growing and after a short period it simply dies.

How is the chamedorea elegans propagated?

Propagation of the flower is carried out in the most standard ways: using seeds, cuttings, air layers.

  • Seed germination

The seed method involves the use of a container in which greenhouse conditions can be created. In a pre-prepared nutrient substrate, the seeds are sown superficially. The first seedlings will appear in 1-1.5 months.

Young seedlings

On a note! Seed can hatch from 1 to 6 months. It all depends on the quality of the seeds and growing conditions.

  • Rooting cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is the separation of root offspring from an adult plant. Strong roots on the processes of the first indicator for transplantation. The carefully separated plant is transplanted into a pre-prepared pot.

  • Air lay

The fastest way is propagation by air layering.

Important! It is necessary to wait for the formation of strong roots on the air layers.

  • Other options

If an adult plant has grown too much, then replanting by dividing the bush is the only way out. Hamedorea gets out of the pot along with an earthen lump. The root system and leaves are divided into the required number of delenki. Such a plant should grow in the same conditions as an adult representative.

Reproduction by dividing the bush


Plants that have not reached 3 years old need to be replanted once a year.

An adult bush needs to be transplanted once every 3 years and only after the root system has outgrown the existing capacity.

Transplanting an adult plant

Possible problems in growing and disease

Most often, plants are affected due to non-compliance with the rules of care.

  • Discards buds and leaves

Falling of flowers and leaves occurs due to a sharp change in temperature in the room. A decrease in temperature is detrimental to this species.

  • Leaves turn pale

The appearance of light spots on the leaf plates is caused by direct sunlight on the flower. Chamedorea is unpretentious to the habitat, but the diffused light is more useful for it.

  • The tips dry on the leaves

The drying process of palm leaves begins with the slightest decrease in air humidity. This is due to the fact that chamedorrhea is an extremely hygrophilous plant.

  • Lower leaves fall off

Most often, falling of the lower leaves is a natural process. Falling leaves can also be caused by temperature fluctuations.

  • Pests

There are three types of pests that can attack this species: spider mite, scale insect beetles, thrips.

The cure for all is one. If insects are found, it is urgent to treat the whole plant and the soil with Actellic or any other insecticide.

  • Other problems

Rotting of the root system is caused by a violation of the norms of watering the plant. The first signs are characteristic spots on the stems and an unpleasant odor emanating from the ground.

Attention! To save from root rot, you need to urgently transplant a flower and in the future follow the rules of moisturizing.

Yellowing of the entire leaf plate is most often caused by chlorosis. The disease appears with an increased level of calcium in the soil. Transplanting into a universal substrate will help save the flower from death.

Signs and superstitions

Folk omens advise every housewife to purchase or raise a hamedorea. Thanks to her presence in the house, the fate of a person will noticeably change:

  • business success will follow;
  • the microclimate in the house will become peaceful and calm;
  • the fragrance of this flower repels evil spirits and protects the house.

Hamedorea flower


There is another superstition that literally haunts this species. If you bring an adult plant into the house in your arms, troubles and troubles come along with it.

Believe it or not in signs - everyone’s business. The main thing is that the flower will decorate absolutely any room and will delight with its appearance for many years.

Home care for Chamedorea elegans is a drop of attention and patience. If you follow the recommendations above, you can grow a wonderful houseplant that fits perfectly into almost any interior.


Watch the video: Хамедорея. Неанта уход, пересадка в плошку для бонсай. Август 2019. Бонсай по русски (October 2024).