Salpiglossis - the cultivation of superbissim and notched species


Salpiglossis is a beautiful plant with colorful inflorescences. An unusual highlight of the culture is the golden "mesh" that adorns the inside of the buds. Salpiglossis flowers has an unusual shape. Gardeners have about 20 species of plants.

Features of salpiglossis

In the development of the country, culture came from the Chilean Selva. It happened at the beginning of the 20th century.

Which family belongs to

Plant culture belongs to the nightshade family, represented by biennial and perennial crops. The closest relatives of salpiglossis are called potatoes and hot peppers.

Blooming Salpiglossis

Briefly about the history of the appearance

The popularity of the plant came only in the middle of the 20th century. At this time, salpiglossis was grown in many European countries. A little later, culture appeared in Russia.

Plant characteristics

The main characteristics of the culture:

  • the form is grassy;
  • stem - has a dense structure with small villi;
  • the arrangement of leaves is another;
  • flower features - loosening a medium-sized brush;
  • inflorescence cup - five-parted.

Important! The plant has a funnel-shaped corolla with a tube and limb, which consists of 5 lobes.

Classification of Salpiglossis

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Gardeners have 4 main types. Only one of them is actively grown today - salpiglossis is notched.


The salpiglossis notch flower is distinguished by large shoots. In length, they reach 1 m. The color of the inflorescence can be light brown, blue, yellow or purple. Flowering begins in the middle or end of June. The fruits of salpiglossis notchis are small oval-shaped boxes. Inside them seeds are ripening.


A characteristic difference of salpiglossis superbissim is corolla flowers with large corrugated petals. Their color can be pale pink, yellow, orange.

Large flowered

High inflorescence reaching 2 m in length. Large-flowered salpiglossis is distinguished by branching shoots and large flowers of violet and yellow hues.

Salpiglossis low

Salpiglossis flower reaches 50 cm in height. Inflorescences appear in mid-June. During the growing season, the entire bush of salpiglossis is covered with small purple, blue, yellow and red oblong-shaped flowers.

Salpiglossis low

What varieties are most popular with gardeners

Muscari flowers - varieties and species, cultivation

As they spread, breeders actively engaged in crossing different types of salpiglossis to obtain new inflorescences. Today, there are about 20 plant varieties used.

Kew Blue

Kew Blue is considered a stunted variety. You can determine it by the small corollas of purple or golden color. Inflorescences develop well in greenhouse conditions. The Kew Blue variety is used for spring distillation.

Casino mix

Stunted culture. The height of the shoots reaches 50 cm. Gardeners advise using special supports for growing this variety. The flowering period begins in June. The flowers have a red and yellow hue.

Festival and Flamenco

Low-growing shrubs up to 40 cm high. The flowering period begins at the beginning of years. The flowers have an oblong shape and various shades.


The bush grows to 70 cm. It blooms with pink buds with golden veins. The Bolero variety does not need additional support, as it has strong stems.

Ali Baba

The height of the inflorescence reaches 90 cm. The stems of the flower are fragile; to strengthen them, support is required. Inflorescences have a yellow, cream, purple and golden hue.

Velvet Dolly

A undersized bush, which reaches a height of 40 cm. During the growing season, velvety buds of purple, yellow and red appear on the stems.


Lush shrub up to 60 cm high. It begins to bloom in June. The buds are purple, purple and yellow.


Inflorescence with scarlet and white buds. The bush reaches 70 cm in length. The flowering period takes place in June.

Seedling by seedling

Planting by seedlings is considered the most acceptable for the plant. Salpiglossis cultivation and irrigation is carried out according to standard technology.

Time for landing

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Salpiglossis planting and care for which implies the need to plant seeds in early spring. To plant a flower, they recommend beginning or mid-March.

Capacity selection

For the cultivation of salpiglossis, shallow and wide dishes are chosen. The container material must be durable.

Soil and seed preparation

For the full cultivation of salpiglossis from seeds, fertile and nourished soil is required. It is recommended to fertilize with mineral components. The soil is pre-disinfected. To do this, the ground bag is heated for several minutes in a microwave.

Note! The seed material is kept in a preventive solution that helps prevent the development of seasonal diseases.

Fertilizing the soil before planting

Seedling Care

Young shoots of culture are considered fragile. Care for them carefully. To grow strong bushes, you will need to gradually accustom salpiglossis to open air. Germinated seedlings are taken out to get used to on the street. The duration of stay in the air should be within 20 minutes. Each time, the time is increased by 10 minutes. A strict requirement is to prevent drying of the earth and regular watering of inflorescences.


A pick is carried out when the first shoots appear on the bushes. To do this, remove the spine from the soil and pinch it 2 mm. This stimulates the growth of lateral roots.

Features of non-seedling planting in open ground

In the southern regions, it is permissible to plant inflorescences immediately in open ground. You can sow in early April. Before planting, the selected area is carefully dug up and fertilized. Planted seeds are covered with a film until the first seedlings appear.

Features of gardening

Caring for a plant in the garden is straightforward. To grow a healthy flower, you need to follow the rules of watering, fertilizing and mulching.

What conditions do salpiglossis like?

Salpiglossis loves good lighting, the absence of strong winds, loose and moist soil.

What is the plant afraid of?

Home salpiglossis does not tolerate drought, low soil moisture, strong winds, low temperatures.


During flowering, watered every day. An exception may be a period of heavy rains. During the rest period, watering is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks.


The mulching procedure helps to reduce the number of weeds on the site. It also allows you to qualitatively control the level of soil moisture.

Additional Information! For mulching, bark or expanded clay is used. Perform the procedure before flowering.


Loosening the soil is necessary to destroy its surface crust. As a result, the soil is saturated with oxygen. Loosen the soil 2-3 days after watering.

Loosening the soil after irrigation

Top dressing

Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied 2-3 times per season: during planting, during flowering and before wintering.

When and how it blooms

Salpiglossis blooms with beautiful multi-colored buds of an oblong bell-shaped shape.

Types of flowers

Salpiglossis flowers are small gramophone seeds consisting of 5 large velvet leaves. The color of the buds can be burgundy, yellow, purple, purple. The inner part of the flower is characterized by the presence of multi-colored mesh veins.

Flower shapes

Inflorescences have a bell-shaped slightly oblong shape.

Flowering period

The plant begins to bloom in June. The vegetation ends in late September or early October.

Changes in flowering care

During the formation of buds on the stems, fertilize the culture with mineral fertilizers, and also water it daily.

On a note! During rest, feeding and frequent watering are not needed.

Care after flowering

When the flowers fade, a small oval box appears in their place. It contains seeds that are to be planted next year.

Seed collection

You can collect seeds in mid-October, when the petals of the inflorescence wither. They are kept until spring. Keeping the seed better in a cool room.


Gardeners recommend sheltering a flower for the winter, as it can die due to severe frosts.

Possible problems in growing

In the absence of proper care and watering after planting salpiglossis in open ground, pests can appear on the branches of the plant. This will reduce the immunity of the flower and lead to the formation of pathologies.


The plant is often affected by aphids. To get rid of insects, the bushes are treated with a concentrated soap solution.


Most often, salpiglossis is sick with stem rot, fungal infections. To prevent the development of pathologies, the bushes are treated with herbicides.

Signs of improper care

To understand that the care of the crop is carried out incorrectly, it is possible by the dryness and yellowness of the leaves, the appearance of rot on the stems, and the absence of flowering at the prescribed time.

Aphids on the stems of a plant


Salpiglossis is a beautiful and unusual plant culture used to ennoble summer cottages. The plant does not tolerate frost, severe drought and wind. For its full growth, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.


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