Pelargonium Aussie Pink Rosebud


Pelargonium Australian rosebud is an elegant type of flower in large inflorescences, which is characterized by large leaves. Appeared in Australia and looks similar to a bush rose. Unpretentious in leaving and practically all summer blossoms. The plant is afraid of frost and for the winter it needs to be dug up.

Brief Description, Origin History

This type of flower is popular among gardeners due to its chic appearance and minimal time spent on care and breeding. Pelargonium australien pink rosebud can be grown at home or in the garden without much difficulty. In Europe, a flower appeared in the seventeenth century. In the Russian Federation it was brought from Australia, and a new species was introduced in 1827 as a result of a mutation when crossing brilliant geraniums and pelargonium, which was preceded by long attempts to create. On the flowers there are many terry petals, combined into corollas, which in appearance resemble roses. They have completely no smell.

Graceful flower

Important! Selection of a new species was carried out until a truly elegant and beautiful flower was obtained. Its important feature is the ability to filter and clean the air from bacteria.

How to Care for an Australian Pink Rosebud at Home

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

For pelargonium, the Australian rosebud is comfortable with an air temperature of at least ten degrees Celsius. In the summer, you can keep a pot of flowers on the street, but bring it to a house or dig out when it gets cold.

Note! He does not like a flower and direct sunlight, therefore it is better not to put it on a windowsill in the open sun.

Flowering in favorable conditions

It should be borne in mind that the plant loves light, but does not like too intense lighting, so the diffuse lighting is optimal. An ideal option would be lighting on the windowsill when intense sunlight falls several hours a day.

Watering rules and humidity

This type of pelargonium does not like when the soil is excessively watered. Dry microclimate is also unacceptable. It is advisable to water the plant away from the stem by first checking the condition of the earth. If the earth is wet, then there is no need to water it. The plant will tolerate a lack of watering more easily than waterlogging. On average, a plant is watered several times a week with water at room temperature. After transplanting, it is watered gently and not waterlogged.

Additional Information! Water for irrigation should be warm, and the volume of water moderate. If you do not control the soil, this can lead to rotting of the roots and the development of fungal diseases.

Top dressing and soil quality

Pelargonium swanland pink loves a nutrient medium and loose soil with neutral acidity. It is advisable to use calcined soil before planting so that there are no parasites in it. Fertilizer begins to be applied in the spring. In order to accelerate growth, nitrogen can be added to their composition, which will contribute to the active development of leaves. Since the appearance of the buds, the soil has been fed phosphorus and potassium. The plant may not bloom with insufficient nutrition.

Important! The plant is most actively fed in the spring and fertilized twice a month. Mineral substrates support flowering in the warm season. If we are talking about a houseplant, then it is transplanted in the open ground for the summer, and in the fall in a pot and fertilized with nitrogenous substances.

Pelargonium in the open ground

Flower Tank Size

The pot is better to use a small one, but with each transplant its volume needs to be increased. This will stimulate the flowering of the plant, and not its growth. The size of the pot significantly affects further development. If it is smaller than the root system in size, rot and growth inhibition may appear. Too large a pot will stimulate flower growth, not flowering.

Pruning and transplanting

The flower grows rapidly and needs to be transplanted often. Before planting, the pot is treated with disinfectants. To form a bush of a beautiful and regular shape, the shoots from the sides are cut off so that new buds begin to appear.

Note! Transplanted flower in the spring. This is due to the fact that at this time the plant is at rest. After transplanting, the plant does not fertilize for about two months.

Pink rosebuds pelargonium cut off in order to get a harmonious crown. Most branches are formed in February, and the rest of the time - as needed.

Features of flowering plants

The plant blooms all summer. Inflorescences have multi-colored coloration and the degree of flowering depends on the conditions in which the flower is contained. On average, about 20 or more flowers can appear on a bush per season, with an inflorescence diameter of 3 to 4 cm.

Period of activity and rest

Pelargonium South Shukar, Aksinya, Ireland and other varieties

The period of activity in the flower is observed from the last months of spring to October, and dormancy from the beginning of October to spring. In winter, the flower is placed in a dark place and reduce the amount of watering.

Additional Information! The period of deep rest lasts from November to February. After a period of rest, the plant begins to move away and shoots appear.

Types and shape of flowers

Pelargonium pink astralia flowers pink corrugated shape. The petals are lighter on the inside and painted white, and pink or red on the outside. Flowers are collected in a ball. The buds are like roses, and therefore the name rose-rose appeared. The leaves of the plant are large dark green.

Propagation of the flower by cuttings, when it is better to do

Pelargonium April Snow - growing geraniums

Propagated by geranium swanland pink cuttings. This procedure is carried out in the spring, since summer is the optimal period for rooting. The cuttings procedure consists of the following steps:

  • you need to cut the stem from 5 to 10 cm long;
  • remove all buds and leaves from the stem;
  • above the kidney and under it, make an incision;
  • put the handle in a darkened dish;
  • place the dishes on the windowsill and after two weeks the roots should appear.

Cuttings can be placed immediately in the ground, for this it is pre-treated with a disinfectant. The plant sprouts at a temperature of +20 ℃.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Australia pelargonium is inherent in specific diseases. It can also be destroyed by pests and parasites. Pelargonium australian pink rosebud leaves turn yellow due to lack of light or too dry air in the room. To eliminate these symptoms, you need to often spray the flowers and rearrange the pot in a place with good lighting. Sluggish and unhealthy flowers can be due to overflows and stagnation of water in the root system. To eliminate the symptoms, pelargonium swanland pink is not watered for some time.

Pelargonium cultivar Australian pink

Rapid withering of flowers may appear due to the presence of a fungus that destroys the flower. It is treated with the drug Fitosporin. Brown spots indicate bacterial damage. The plant needs to be transplanted into another land and treated with fungicides. Insecticides will help in the fight against aphids.

Additional Information! To make sure that there is a danger to the flower in the form of parasites or a fungus, you need to analyze the condition of the leaves and flowers. In a healthy flower, the leaves should not be dull and dull with unhealthy spots.

Common diseases include Botrytis, which begins to develop due to excessive watering. It appears in the form of spots and a gray gun on the foliage, in connection with which they quickly fall off. To save the plant, you need to cut off all damaged branches and leaves, spray the plant with preparations from the fungus.

How to treat

In the presence of bacteria, the stem darkens. To eliminate this ailment, you need to weed the earth, and spray the plant with special antibacterial solutions. Yellow specks on the plant indicate the presence of ticks. They appear due to overdried air. The soap with which the plant is treated, as well as the Lightning preparation, will help correct the situation.

Important! To combat rot, which appears on the stem from the root to the apex and is characterized by spots of brown or black color, replace the earth with another looser soil.

Aphid is manifested by the fact that the leaves twist. To eliminate infection, diseased leaves are cut, and the rest is treated with a soap solution.

Note! To cope with thrips, which appear in the form of outgrowths on the leaves and deform them, they treat the plant with Aktara and Biotlik preparations.

Australia pink pelargonium has a graceful appearance, is unpretentious in leaving, is easy in reproduction and has no smell. It is grown by flower growers even without much experience in flower cultivation. At the same time, it pleases with its magnificent flowering and beautiful view.


Watch the video: Rosebud 2 (October 2024).