Spathiphyllum - reproduction at home


Spathiphyllum, or "female happiness," is growing rapidly. A flower is not a long-liver and loses its elegance with age. A permanent transplant will not help the plant become eternal. The time will come, and the old spathiphyllum will have to be replaced with a new one.

How spathiphyllum propagates in the wild

In the natural environment, the flower grows in the South American subtropics and Asian tropics. Humid and hot climate are the most favorable conditions for spathiphyllum. Tall jungle plants protect the flower from the scorching rays of the sun.

Spathiphyllum (lat.Spathiphyllum)

In places of natural habitat, spathiphyllum is easily propagated by seeds that fall on fertile soil suitable for germination. At home, the seed method of breeding a flower is rarely practiced.

Note! The calcium oxalate content in the leaves of the plant can cause an allergic reaction, skin dermatitis, especially in people prone to intolerance to this substance.

The best period for the propagation of spathiphyllum at home

Spathiphyllum flower - reproduction at home

A flower is propagated in more than one way; accordingly, a time suitable for a particular breeding option is chosen.

For the seed method, the end of winter (February) or the beginning of spring, the first decade of March, is suitable.

By cutting or dividing the bush, the plant is propagated at any convenient time throughout the year.

The main condition for reproduction is to do this before the plant blooms

Preparation for the breeding procedure (inventory, soil, capacity)

Before propagating spathiphyllum, prepare the necessary items, tools:

  • sharpened disinfected scissors, knife, pruning shears;
  • ceramic or wooden containers;
  • a container under water for the temporary maintenance of cuttings;
  • film or glass for organizing a mini-greenhouse.
Gloxinia - propagation by leaf and tuber at home

Land for planting should be light, fertile. Ready-made soil for flower crops can be bought or prepared independently. In the second case, you will need:

  • garden land;
  • peat or humus;
  • small pieces of coniferous bark;
  • charcoal;
  • some sand.

Young seedlings need containers not too large, otherwise flowering can not wait. Spathiphyllum does not bloom until its roots encircle the entire space of the pot.

Note! In tanks, drain holes and a drainage pillow made of expanded clay or pebble are mandatory. On top of the drainage layer sprinkled with sand.

Spathiphyllum reproduction methods

Spathiphyllum and Anthurium flowers - male and female happiness together

Most plants are planted with seeds, but for spathiphyllum at home it is difficult to create conditions that are close to subtropical. Therefore, the seed method is rarely used when breeding an exotic flower. It is easier to propagate the plant by dividing the root or using cuttings.

Spathiphyllum propagated by seed

Spathiphyllum: seed propagation

This method is more often used in breeding work. It takes at least two years to grow a flowering plant from a seed. Procedure:

  1. The prepared pot is filled with disinfected soil. The soil is steeped with boiling water, cooled.
  2. Seeds are laid out with an interval of 3-4 cm or in small grooves.
  3. Seedlings are covered with cellophane, creating greenhouse conditions.
  4. They put containers in a room where the temperature is not lower than +25 ° С.
  5. They monitor the landings so that condensation does not form. Glass or film is ajar, airing is arranged.
  6. The soil is moistened by spraying. The film is removed gradually, accustoming seedlings to the air. Dive plants when they grow their own leaves.

Note! At home, it is difficult to conduct artificial pollination of a flower even for an experienced florist.

To grow spathiphyllum, seeds should not be stored for long. Over time, they lose germination by half. At home it is easier to use other plant propagation options.

How to propagate spathiphyllum by dividing the rhizome

Adult spathiphyllum is divided into several independent bushes. The event is carried out when the flower is too thick, or it is time to transplant it. The algorithm of the procedure:

  1. Prepare a new pot or several, scissors, pruners.
  2. Abundantly water the plant. Carefully pull the bush out of the bowl.
  3. They clean the roots of the earth, washed with warm water. Remove dried sprouts where leaves were previously cut.
  4. Gently untangle the roots, dividing the spathiphyllum into parts. If it is impossible to separate manually, a rhizome is cut with a sharp knife. The cut points are sprinkled with charcoal or greased with brilliant green to disinfect them.
  5. Independent plants are planted with roots in new pots.

In addition to rhizome division, how else does spathiphyllum propagate at home?

How spathiphyllum propagates at home by cuttings or processes

Spathiphyllum cuttings are rosettes of leaves that are disconnected from the overgrown flower.

On a note! Separated outlets can have their own roots or be without them. With roots they plant immediately in the ground, and without them they put in a container with water and wait for growth.

The bottom of the bowl is covered with expanded clay. On top add a layer of moss-sphagnum and sand. The substrate should include pine bark.

As soil, you can use ready-made soil for aroid or orchids or make it yourself.

Branch of flower sockets

How to root a spathiphyllum stem without roots

Walkthrough for planting the cuttings without roots:

  1. The process of spathiphyllum moistened at the end is lowered into the drug Kornevin (growth stimulator) and set aside for 20 minutes.
  2. Dip it in a glass with settled water so that the water does not rise above the leaves and covers only the bottom of the handle. You can throw activated charcoal into a glass (1-2 tablets).
  3. Wet the leaves from the spray bottle, cover the seedling with a bag or glass.
  4. Every day they lift the film, arranging airing and spraying.

Important! The main thing is to create and maintain moist air in the mini-greenhouse, otherwise the leaves will dry faster than the roots grow.

Roots should appear after 3 weeks.

Can a flower be propagated by leaf

Florists say that it is impossible to breed spathiphyllum from one leaf. It does not take root, unlike other plants.

Further care for sprouts and young plants

Young spathiphyllum seedlings first need care. Even tall plants that have just been transferred to a new pot are covered with a plastic bag to keep humid air under the hood.

Mini greenhouse from a plastic bottle

Basic rules for flower care:

  • Every day and more than once a day, the shelter is raised, the condensate is removed and the leaves are sprayed.
  • Lighting should be bright, but soft and long. Leaves will get burns from direct sunlight.
  • The thermometer column in the room should not fall below +25 ° С.
  • Water the flower while drying the surface of the soil. At the same time, they are sprayed regularly to keep the air moist.

Note! Immediately after planting, the flower is not watered.

At first glance, it might seem that growing a flower is a difficult task, it is difficult to care for it. But experienced flower growers argue that, subject to all the subtleties, caring for the plant is not a burden.
