Tomato Pink Bush F1: a description of the hybrid and the features of its cultivation


Tomato is one of the most popular garden crops grown on almost all household plots in any region. Varieties of breeders and varieties bred a lot - from traditional red tomatoes of a classical form to the most unusual shades and configurations. Recently, pink tomatoes have been especially readily cultivated. One of the worthy representatives of this group of varieties is the Pink Bush F1 hybrid.

Description and features of tomato Pink Bush F1

Tomato Pink Bush F1 - the achievement of breeders of the famous French company Sakata Vegetables Europe. The hybrid has been known to Russian gardeners since 2003, however, it entered the State Register only in 2014. It is recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus, but the experience of gardeners, who quickly appreciated the novelty, indicates that you can get a very good crop in temperate regions (the European part of Russia), and even in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East subject to planting in the greenhouse. Although the taste of a tomato is fully manifested, only when the plants during the period of active vegetation receive enough heat and sunlight. Climate of Ukraine, Crimea, Black Sea is well suited for a hybrid.

The Pink Bush F1 tomato hybrid is one of many achievements of foreign breeders who have successfully taken root in Russia.

Pink Bush F1 belongs to the group of varieties of pink tomatoes, very popular recently among gardeners. It is believed that such tomatoes due to their higher sugar content have a special taste: rich, but at the same time soft and tender. They are also suitable for dietary nutrition and for consumption in the presence of an allergy to red fruits. Moreover, they are not inferior to the "classical" tomatoes in the content of lycopene, carotene, vitamins and organic acids and surpass them in the content of selenium. This microelement has a positive effect on immunity, improves mental activity, and helps to cope with depression and stress.

The hybrid belongs to the category of early ripe. The first fruits are removed from the bush 90-100 days after emergence of seedlings. The fruiting is extended, but at the same time the bush gives the crop together - the tomatoes on one brush ripen almost simultaneously.

The fruits on the brush of the Pink Bush F1 tomato hybrid reach ripeness at one time.

The plant is self-pollinated, determinant. The latter means that the height of the tomato bush is artificially limited after reaching a certain mark. Instead of a growth point at the top of the bush is a fruit brush. Although when grown in a greenhouse they can reach a height of 1.2-1.5 m, when planted in open ground, the height of the bush does not exceed 0.5-0.75 m. The stem is quite strong, it is able to withstand the weight of the crop (such tomatoes are called stem ) Accordingly, the plants themselves do not need a garter. But if the soil on the bed is not mulched, it is better to tie up fruit brushes to avoid contamination. Another advantage of determinant tomatoes is that there is no need to remove stepsons and otherwise form a plant.

Determinant tomatoes are artificially limited in growth

But small dimensions do not affect productivity. Plants are literally strewn with fruits. The leaves are not large, it still enhances the decorative effect. At the same time, there is enough greenery to protect the fruits from sunburn. On average, about 10-12 kg of tomatoes are removed from 1 m², 1.5-2 kg each from the bush.

Pink Bush F1 tomato bushes in the greenhouse slightly exceed the dimensions declared by the originator

The fruits of the Pink Bush F1 hybrid are very attractive in appearance - aligned, symmetrical, rounded or slightly flattened. The experience of gardeners indicates that the most flattened are the fruits that ripen first. The skin is beautiful raspberry pink, smooth to the touch, with a touch of gloss. It is painted evenly; there is not even a pale green spot on the stem, typical of so many varieties and hybrids. Ribs are weakly expressed. The average weight of a tomato is 110-150 g. Some rare specimens reach a mass of 180-200 g. In fruits, 4-6 small seed chambers. An extremely high percentage in the yield of commercial presentation fruits is 95%. They crack extremely rarely.

Presentability is one of the many virtues of Pink Bush F1 tomato

The flesh is also pink, grainy at the break. It is juicy and fleshy, but rather dense (dry matter content of 6-6.4%). This feature, coupled with a thin, but quite strong skin, leads to very good storage and transportability of Pink Bush F1 tomatoes. Even fully ripened tomatoes can be stored for 12-15 days, without losing presentability and maintaining the density of the pulp. If you shoot them still green, the "shelf life" increases to 2-2.5 months.

Taste is recognized as "excellent" by the State Register. Professional tasters gave him a rating of 4.7 points out of five possible. This is due to high sugar content (3.4-3.5%). Fruits are best consumed fresh. In the same document, the hybrid is classified as salad. This does not mean that they are unsuitable for home cooking, but gardeners for pickling and pickling use them relatively rarely - during heat treatment, the characteristic taste becomes less pronounced. The only thing that definitely cannot be done is to squeeze the juice (due to the dense pulp). But this feature allows you to dry tomatoes Pink Bush F1 and make tomato paste from them, however, a slightly unusual pale color.

Tomatoes Pink Bush F1 are intended mainly for fresh consumption

The hybrid has innate immunity against culture-dangerous diseases. From verticillosis, Fusarium wilt and cladosporiosis, he does not suffer in principle. Not afraid of these tomatoes and nematodes. It is extremely rare that they are affected by mosaic disease, vertebral rot, and alternariosis. Pink Bush F1 tolerates prolonged heat. Buds and fruit ovaries do not crumble with sharp fluctuations in humidity.

The undoubted advantage of Pink Bush F1 tomatoes is the presence of "built-in" protection against Fusarium, which can destroy the plantings of this crop in a matter of days

The hybrid has a few drawbacks, but they still have:

  • Tomato hybrid means the inability to collect seeds for planting next season on their own. They should be purchased annually. And their cost is quite high. Due to the popularity of the hybrid, fake seeds are often found on sale.
  • We will have to pay special attention to seedlings. She is very demanding on the conditions of cultivation and care. Many gardeners lose a significant portion of the crop already at this stage.
  • Taste qualities vary greatly depending on the location of cultivation, type of soil and weather during the summer. If the Pink Bush F1 landed in not very suitable conditions, the taste becomes fresh and “harsh”.

It is advisable to purchase Pink Bush F1 tomato seeds produced directly by the originator - this reduces the likelihood of buying a fake

Video: a description of the popular varieties of pink tomatoes

What to consider when planting a crop

Pink Bush F1 tomatoes in most cases are grown in seedlings. It is at this stage that the plants require the most attention from the gardener. The manufacturer on the package with seeds indicates that it is advisable to plant seedlings in a permanent place when they reach the age of 35-45 days. When choosing a specific date, consider the climate in the region. If it is moderate, it is recommended to transfer tomato seedlings to the greenhouse in early May, in open ground - at the very end of spring or in early June.

It does not matter if you use purchased or self-prepared soil for seedlings. When growing the Pink Bush F1 hybrid, be sure to add sifted wood ash, crushed chalk, activated charcoal (at least a tablespoon per liter) to prevent fungal diseases.

Wood ash is not only a natural source of potassium, but also an effective means of preventing fungal diseases, especially rot

Pink Bush F1 tomato seeds do not need preliminary preparation. The manufacturer has already taken care of everything in advance, therefore, when disembarking, they do not need to be soaked, disinfected, treated with biostimulants and so on. Just inspect them, discarding obviously damaged ones. Only the substrate will have to be disinfected.

Pink Bush F1 tomato seeds have already been pre-treated for diseases and pests

When preparing to grow hybrid seedlings, keep in mind that humidity, temperature and lighting are critically important for it:

  • Seeds are laid out with tweezers on moderately moist soil in containers. Top with a layer of peat about 1 cm thick, sprinkling it with water from a spray bottle.

    Before and after planting Pink Bush F1 tomato seeds, the soil must be moistened

  • Be sure to maintain an interval between the seeds of at least 3-4 cm. If placed closely, this provokes upward growth. And the stem of the Pink Bush F1 hybrid must be powerful and low, otherwise the plant simply can not withstand the mass of fruits. The same applies to seedlings already bursting. Do not place the cups too tightly - the plants obscure each other and stretch upwards.

    If the seedlings of Pink Bush F1 tomato seeds are too thick, it is better to thin them immediately so that the remaining plants develop normally

  • The containers must be covered with glass or plastic film, ventilating daily for 5-10 minutes. The temperature is maintained at 25 ° C.

    Before emergence of seedlings, Pink Bush F1 tomato seeds do not need light, they only need heat

  • After emergence, seedlings need light for at least ten hours a day. In most regions of Russia, this is possible only if additional illumination is provided. The temperature during the first week is no more than 16 ° C during the day and about 12 ° C at night. After a week the next month it is raised to 22 ° C and maintained at this level round the clock.

    To illuminate the seedlings, you can use both special phytolamps and conventional fluorescent

  • The seedlings are watered with soft water exclusively heated to a temperature of 25-28 ° C as the substrate dries up 1-2 cm deep. Be sure to defend tap water or add a little apple cider vinegar or citric acid to it to soften. You can also use spring, melt water.

    Pink Bush F1 tomato seedlings are watered as the topsoil dries

  • After a month harden seedlings. Start with 1-2 hours in the fresh air, but in the shade. Gradually extend this time to 6-8 hours. In the last 2-3 days before planting, leave the tomatoes "spend the night" on the street.

    Hardening Pink Bush F1 tomato seedlings will help plants adapt to their new habitat faster

Video: growing tomato seedlings

Pink Bush F1 tomato seedlings ready for planting have 6–9 true leaves and 1–2 future fruit brushes. Do not delay landing. If flowers and especially fruit ovaries appear on plants, they are not guaranteed to give an abundant harvest. The dimensions of the bushes allow you to place 4-6 plants on 1 m². Plant them in a staggered manner to ensure uniform access to the sun. It is impossible to thicken plantings too much, this provokes the appearance of diseases and inhibits the development of bushes. After planting the seedlings, moderately water it, mulch the bed and forget about watering and loosening for the next 10 days.

Pink Bush F1 tomato seedlings need to be transplanted to a permanent place on time, otherwise plants will not bring a plentiful harvest

Take care of the preparation of the beds or soil in the greenhouse in advance. In order for Pink Bush F1 to perform best, the substrate must be nutritious and fertile. Be sure to add humus, nitrogen-containing, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The hybrid categorically does not tolerate acidic soil. Dolomite flour, crushed chalk, hydrated lime will help normalize the acid-base balance.

Dolomite flour - a natural deoxidizer of the soil, subject to the dosage without any side effects

Follow crop rotation rules. Pink Bush F1 can be planted in the place where tomatoes or other plants from the Solanaceae family used to grow if at least 3-4 years have passed. Relatives for the hybrid are bad neighbors. After all, they pull the same nutrients from the soil. The nearest beds to tomatoes are suitable for planting greens, Pumpkin, Legumes, carrots, any kinds of cabbage, onions, garlic. These same cultures are good predecessors for them.

Garlic is a very suitable neighbor and predecessor for tomatoes Pink Bush F1

When planting the Pink Bush F1 hybrid, provide space for something like trellis. You have to tie fruit brushes to it. In the greenhouse for bushes growing above the norm, full support is required.

Important nuances of agricultural technology

Pink Bush F1 tomatoes are not considered particularly moody in their care. All agricultural practices are, in principle, standard for this crop. Significantly save the gardener's time the lack of the need to engage in the formation of bushes.

Proper watering is critical to culture. Soil moisture should be maintained at 90%. But Pink Bush F1 does not like excessively humid air, 50% is enough. Accordingly, if this tomato is grown in a greenhouse, it will have to be regularly ventilated (best through vents, avoiding strong drafts). With an excess of water, the fruits of the tomato become watery, the sugar content decreases, as does the density of the pulp.

Pink Bush F1, cultivated in a greenhouse, needs to be watered every 2-3 days, and in extreme heat - generally daily. If you do not have this opportunity, mulch the soil. This will help retain moisture in it. For irrigation use only warm water.

Tomatoes Pink Bush F1 does not like high humidity; when growing in a greenhouse, it must be regularly ventilated

Video: how to water tomatoes properly

Drops should not be allowed to fall on the leaves. Pink Bush F1 is watered either by the drip method, or along the furrows, or directly under the root. Although the latter option is also not entirely successful. If you wash away the earth from them, the root system dries quickly, the plant dies.

Drop watering - ideal for tomatoes

It is best to use complex mineral or organomineral fertilizers (Kemira, Master, Florovit, Clean sheet) to top up Pink Bush F1 tomato. This recommendation applies to all modern hybrids. Due to the high yield, they draw a lot of nutrients from the soil that they need trace elements. Natural organics most often do not contain them in the required concentration.

It is better to feed modern tomato hybrids with complex fertilizers containing all the macro- and microelements necessary for plants in sufficient quantities

The first feeding is made two weeks after transplanting seedlings into the soil, the second when fruit ovaries form, the third after collecting the first crop. The best time for this is the day after watering or heavy rain.

Video: the nuances of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Experienced gardeners recommend spraying flowering tomatoes with a weak solution of boric acid (1-2 g / l). This significantly increases the number of ovaries. There is another way to increase the productivity of Pink Bush F1 tomato. To do this, after collecting the bulk of the fruit, cut off the old shoots on which they formed, leave only stepsons. If the weather is lucky in the fall, they will have time to ripen the fruits, albeit smaller than those that were in the "first wave".

Of the pests for Pink Bush F1 tomatoes growing in open ground, subject to agricultural technology, snails and slugs are the most dangerous, and whiteflies are in the greenhouse. In the first case, folk remedies are quite enough for prevention; mass mollusk invasions are extremely rare.The appearance of whiteflies is prevented by infusions of garlic and onion shooters, tobacco chips, any plants with a sharp smell of greenery. To combat it, they use Confidor, Actellik, Tanrek.

Whitefly is an insect that resembles a small moth; pests flock from tomato bushes at the lightest touch

Video: Pink Bush F1 tomato growing experience in the open field

Gardeners reviews

Personally, today I bought Pink Bush F1 and Pink Pioneer. This was advised to me by a familiar seller (I’ve been buying 75% of seeds from him for more than 10 years). Pink Bush F1, as he said, is earlier than Torbay and is therefore preferable for me.



Pink Bush F1 I will also plant this year, in the past he sat in my open ground - I waved 170 cm. But I planted only 10 bushes for testing. I really liked it.



Bobcat did not ask me, I decided to give the remaining seeds to my mother. Although in the south he is unrivaled, just like Pink Bush F1. Yesterday I bought a kilogram of Pink Bush at the local market, the taste is just fantastic - bright sweet and sour, very tomato, I am absolutely delighted. I was tormented for two years, planted, I didn’t grow anything even slightly similar in taste ...



This year I grew Pink Bush. It is pink-fruited, early, tasty, but the fruits were small, and the yield was not ah!



Pink Bush - a chic tomato. It is pink and medium in size. It goes for everything: in a salad and in a jar. I know lovers - they plant only this one variety and only from large bundles of Sakata.



I didn’t really like the Pink Bush. Harvest yes, but the taste ... Plastic tomatoes.



Pink Bush - a nightmare, not a tomato, 80% burst. Despite the fact that I have drip irrigation on timers, it is watered strictly at a certain time and in the same doses. The foliage is weak, it was all in the shoulders and burns, the foliage is sensitive to fungal infections.



I just can’t imagine the Pink Bush F1 cracked, if only to step on it or lie down well. We are growing Pink Bush F1 for two seasons: not a single crack, we are satisfied with the hybrid. Our favorites: for themselves - it’s Korneevsky, Saint-Pierre. "To People" - Pink Bush F1, Bobcat F1, Wolverin F1, Mirsini F1.



Pink Paradise F1, Pink Bush F1 ... There are hybrids much better than them in terms of characteristics - productivity, stress resistance, resistance to diseases. And the taste is by no means worse.



Pink Bush - tomatoes pink, low, very tasty. I really like it, I’ve been planting for the third year already.

Valentina Koloskova


Wonderful Tomatoes Pink Bush F1. Grew that year in a greenhouse. Ripened early and very friendly. I cut off the frigging branches and left the new stepsons that appeared by then. There was a second crop, but the tomatoes are a bit smaller than the first.

Natalia Kholodtsova


Of the Sakata hybrids, pay attention to the determinant Pink Bush F1 as an earlier and more productive one. In a greenhouse, tall grows.



Most gardeners are constantly experimenting with varieties, trying to grow something new and unusual on their own infield. One of the novelties of selection is the Pink Bush F1 tomato hybrid. In addition to an attractive appearance, the fruits are distinguished by very good taste, yield, shelf life and transportability, unpretentious care. All this makes the variety interesting not only for amateur gardeners, but also for those who grow vegetables for sale on an industrial scale.


Watch the video: Tomato Plant Profile: The 'Brandywine's Red & Suddath's Strain' Heirloom Tomatoes - TRG 2011 (October 2024).