Features of growing pumpkins in the Urals: seedling and direct method of sowing


Pumpkin is a thermophilic culture. If in the southern regions its cultivation does not cause any problems, then in the Urals it is necessary to more carefully approach the choice of a site and create the most favorable conditions for plants, due to the short and cool summer. Only in this case, you can count on getting good quality fruits.

The best varieties for the Urals

A culture such as pumpkin grows in almost all corners of the world, but in order to get a decent crop, you must follow the growing technology. Pumpkin cultivation in the Urals is possible under optimal conditions and in compliance with agricultural technology. An important factor in obtaining a crop is the correct choice of variety, since frost in mid-June is not uncommon for this region. This suggests the need to select early and early ripening varieties that are able to ripen during storage. Consider the most popular of them.

Pearl. The variety is medium early with a maturity of 100 days. Plants are able to tolerate harsh weather changes, small frosts. This pumpkin has a good yield (15 kg per m²). The fruits are fleshy, pear-shaped, with a small number of seeds and weighing up to 7 kg. The variety is characterized by long-term storage and a sweet taste of pulp with a nutmeg aroma.

Pumpkin Pearl is able to withstand harsh weather changes, small frosts

Bush orange. An early-grade pumpkin with a ripening period of 90-120 days. Plants are compact, not weaving. The fruits are characterized by a rounded shape, orange peel and a weight of 4-7 kg. The pulp is high in carotene, sweet and tender.

Bush gold. An early ripe variety with large fruits that reach a mass of 5 kg and mature in 90-100 days. Productivity from 1 m² is about 15 kg. A plant with rounded flattened fruits, on the surface of which there is a noticeable division into segments. The variety got its name because of its peel, which in the sun seems golden. The flesh of a pumpkin is crisp, yellow, but cannot boast of sweetness.

A variety of pumpkin Bush gold has a yield of 15 kg from 1 m²

Country. It belongs to the cold-resistant and most early ripening varieties (75-85 days). The fruit mass is 3-4 kg. The skin of the pumpkin is hard, green and yellow. The flesh is yellow, fragrant and sweet. It is stored up to 4 months.

Therapeutic. An early variety with a maturity of 90-95 days. It is characterized by resistance to cold and high humidity. Fruits are rounded, flattened, with a ribbed surface and weighing up to 5 kg. The peel is gray-green, flesh of a bright orange color, sweet, high in carotene.

Sweetie. Early long-stringy and cold-resistant variety, ripening in 90 days. Fruits are round in shape with bright orange. The average weight is 2 kg. The peel is divided into segments by green stripes. The pulp is distinguished by juiciness and sweetness.

Pumpkin Candy - a long-varietal variety that is resistant to cold, ripens in 90 days

Smile. Early bush pumpkin ripens in 85-90 days. Fruits of small size, weighing 0.8-1 kg (according to seed producers), resemble balls, have a bright orange color. The flesh is crispy, sweet, the taste resembles a melon. Pumpkin can be consumed fresh. It is distinguished by good keeping quality, does not require special storage conditions.

Growing conditions

In order to grow on your land not just a pumpkin, but tasty and juicy fruits, you must comply with the cultivation conditions of this crop. First of all, you should adhere to the rules of crop rotation and plant plants of the pumpkin family (zucchini, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, watermelon) in the same place no earlier than after 4-5 years. Good predecessors are cruciferous and bean cultures. You should not plant melon nearby, so that in case of illnesses you do not have to be left without a crop of all crops.

All pumpkin demanding lighting, with a lack of which reduces the number of ovaries, increases the likelihood of diseases, pest attack. Therefore, for a pumpkin in the Urals, you should choose the warmest, well-lit and protected from the wind place, for example, behind a house or outbuildings. The site should be flat and located away from growing crops.

Growing seedlings

Pumpkin can be grown in two ways - through seedlings and direct sowing in the ground. However, it is the first option that is recommended for the Urals, since it is more efficient and reliable. Nevertheless, it is worth considering both methods in more detail.

When to plant

Pumpkin seeds in the Urals are sown from late April to mid-May. If it is supposed to be planted in a greenhouse, then the sowing dates are shifted back 10-14 days.

Seed preparation

Before you start sowing seeds, they must be prepared. For this, damaged, deformed seeds are selected, and only large and thick ones are left. If you are not sure about the quality of the seed, you should first check its suitability for cultivation by placing it in a container with water for 3-4 hours. Those seeds that sink to the bottom can be used for planting, but which remain on the surface, it is better to throw it away.

The process of preparing seeds for each gardener can be different. So, the soaking procedure is widespread. For this, seeds are placed in warm water (1-2 hours) or potassium permanganate (15-20 minutes). If a manganese solution is used, the seed should be washed after the procedure, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and left to germinate at room temperature.

Pumpkin seeds are soaked in warm water, manganese, and then germinated at room temperature

Pumpkin seeds sprout, usually within 2-3 days.

If you listen to the opinion of experienced gardeners, then in addition to soaking the seeds should be hardened. To do this, sprouted seeds are placed on the lower shelf of the refrigerator with a wet cloth for 3-4 days. In the event that it is planned to plant old seeds that have been stored for more than 6-8 years, they are preheated. Then they are tied with gauze cloth and placed in water at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, after which they are immersed in cold. It is necessary to carry out several such procedures (4-5), keeping the grains in water for 5 s. At the end of the process, the seed is dried and planted. If you use dry seeds, then sowing should be carried out a week earlier.

Preparation of tanks and soil

When choosing containers for pumpkin seedlings, you need to consider that plants do not tolerate picking. Peat or disposable plastic cups with a volume of 0.2-0.5 liters will be an excellent option for planting. In addition, any containers of a small volume, for example, the same cut-off plastic bottles, from which it will be possible to easily extract plants during transplantation, will fit perfectly.

As containers for pumpkin seedlings, you can use any suitable container

As for the soil, the pumpkin prefers nutritious soil, which can be prepared independently or purchased ready for vegetable seedlings. For independent mixing, the following components are required:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part rotted sawdust;
  • 1 part humus.

Sowing seeds

After all the preparatory measures, you can start sowing. Spend it in the following sequence:

  1. Landing tanks are filled with soil a little more than half. This is necessary so that as the plants grow, it is possible to sprinkle the earth.

    We fill the prepared tanks with the soil mixture

  2. Water abundantly.

    After filling the earth, spill the containers with water

  3. We plant seeds to a depth of 2-4 cm.

    We deepen pumpkin seeds by 2-4 cm

  4. Cover the container with glass or plastic wrap.

    We cover the plantings with glass or film to create optimal conditions for germination

  5. We transfer the planting to a warm and dark place, we provide the temperature in the daytime + 20-25 ° C, at night - + 15-20 ° C.

The appearance of the first sprouts on the earth's surface should be expected 3 days after planting.

Video: planting pumpkins for seedlings

Seedling Care

As soon as the shoots appear, the shelter from the tank should be removed. Up to this point, you need to carry out airing 1-2 times a day, opening the plantings for 10-15 minutes. For 5-7 days after the appearance of the sprouts of the tank, you need to transfer to a place where the temperature will be lower by 5˚FROM.

Moving seedlings to cooler conditions will eliminate stretching seedlings. If the plants are still stretched, you should add a little soil.

For normal growth and development of pumpkin seedlings, good lighting is required, for which it is installed on a sunny windowsill. Long daylight hours also prevent seedlings from stretching. In addition to light, pumpkin needs moisture, which is supported by regular and moderate watering.

In order for pumpkin seedlings to grow and develop normally, she needs to provide good lighting

2 weeks after emergence, seedlings can be fertilized. For these purposes, a solution of nitrophoska (0.5 tbsp. Per 5 l of water) or mullein (100 g diluted in 1 l of water, insist 3-4 hours, diluted in 5 l of water) is suitable.

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

The grown seedlings are planted on the plot under the film in late May and early June. More specific dates depend on weather conditions. The age of seedlings at the time of transplantation is about 30 days. At this time, she should have 2-3 real and well-developed leaves, and the height should reach 15-20 cm. The best time for transplanting is evening or cloudy weather. Seedlings are planted according to the scheme 100 * 100 cm. For this procedure, stable warm weather with an average temperature of + 15 ° C must be established. Transplanting is reduced to the following actions:

  1. We make a large hole, pour humus and ash on the bottom, then pour it with warm water.

    To provide plants with the necessary nutrition, humus is added to the wells when planting

  2. From the planting tank, carefully remove the seedling along with an earthen lump, trying not to damage the root.

    We carefully remove pumpkin seedlings from containers, avoiding damage to the roots

  3. We put a plant in a hole and fill it with earth from the garden.

    Sprouts are placed in the planting pits and fall asleep with soil from the garden

  4. After planting, we mulch humus and cover with a film.

A layer of mulch will retain moisture in the soil, prevent weed growth. In addition, humus will provide plants with additional nutrition.

Video: planting pumpkin seedlings in the ground

Greenhouse cultivation

In the harsh conditions of Siberia and the Urals, pumpkin cultivation has its own nuances, since there are not so many warm summer days in these regions. One of the cultivation options is planting pumpkins in closed ground. But the place in the greenhouse, as a rule, is always not enough, and the pumpkin is a plant of considerable size and occupies a large area. Therefore, you have to resort to some tricks. In polycarbonate greenhouses, the implementation of such a trick is rather problematic, but in ordinary film designs it is not difficult to do this.

When growing pumpkins in a greenhouse, the root system remains inside, and the stem with fruits develops outside

Pumpkin is often planted next to cucumbers, giving it a place in the corner. Pits for planting are done in the same way as in open ground, not forgetting to fertilize, after planting plants or sowing seeds. When the length of the stem reaches about 0.5 m, the weather is stable and stable in the open air. In the greenhouse, the edge of the film is bent and an escape is released into the street. Thus, the roots of the culture are in closed ground, and the fruits are located in the open. To grow pumpkin seedlings in protected conditions, it is necessary to provide the following conditions:

  • temperature during the day within + 18-25 ° C, at night + 15-18 ° C;
  • high humidity;
  • good lighting;
  • regular ventilation is necessary to prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Planting seeds in the ground

You can plant a pumpkin in the Urals and immediately seeded, but, as they say, at your own peril and risk. How and what to do, we will consider in more detail.

Soil preparation

If you plan to plant climbing varieties of pumpkin, it should be borne in mind that in such plants the root system occupies about 8 m². This suggests the need to prepare the entire garden, which is designed for this culture. The site preparation process involves the introduction of 2 buckets of manure and humus per 1 m² for digging in the autumn. In addition, mineral fertilizers will be useful: 40-60 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, as well as 1 tbsp. wood ash per 1 m².

In the case of growing bush varieties, it is necessary to prepare separate planting pits, which are filled with such fertilizers in the fall:

  • 2/3 buckets of humus;
  • 2 tbsp. l superphosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. l potash fertilizers;
  • 4-5 Art. ashes.

When preparing a pumpkin patch, both organic and mineral fertilizers are applied

So that the soil is loose, in the spring it is necessary to re-dig.

When to plant

For the timely germination of seeds, it is necessary to observe the sowing dates. Pumpkin is planted in open ground after sufficient warming of the soil (+ 12˚С), as well as when the weather becomes stable warm. In the Urals, suitable conditions occur in late May and early June.

Landing procedure

Seeds for planting in open ground are prepared in the same way as for growing seedlings. The rest of the procedure is reduced to the following steps:

  1. In the prepared area, we make holes according to the scheme according to the pumpkin variety, after which we pour them with warm water.

    Before planting the seeds, the wells are well shed with warm water

  2. We deepen the seeds by 4-5 cm. We place 3-5 seeds in each planting fossa.

    Sprouted pumpkin seeds are placed in the planting pits.

  3. We fill them with earth and slightly mulch humus.
  4. We cover with glass, film or other covering material.

    After planting the seeds, the beds are covered with a film

The layer of mulch should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise young shoots simply can not break through the greater thickness.

Video: planting pumpkin seeds in open ground

Landing pattern

Since one plant requires a nutritional area of ​​1-4 m², the planting scheme must be followed, depending on the planted variety. Early ripe pumpkins need less area, late ripe more. Long-walled varieties are planted at a distance between the holes of 1.5-2 m, between rows - 1.4-2 m. When cultivating bush varieties, planting is slightly different: 80 * 80 cm or 1.2 * 1.2 m. The depth of seed placement depends on the type of soil. On light soils, seed is sown to a depth of 4-8 cm, on heavy soils - 4-5 cm.

Pumpkin planting pattern varies by variety

Pumpkin Care

Caring for the crop in question does not cause any particular difficulties and comes down to observing such basic agricultural practices as watering, top dressing, and forming bushes.

Top dressing

Although the pumpkin loves fertilizers, it should not be fed more often than once every 2 weeks. In open ground, the culture is fed twice:

  • with the formation of 5 sheets of 10 g of nitrophoska in dry form under one bush;
  • when lashes appear, 15 g of nitrophoska is diluted in 10 l and poured under one plant.

In addition to mineral, organic fertilizers can also be used. For these purposes, wood ash is suitable (1 tbsp. Per plant), as well as mullein (1 liter of substance per 10 liters of water). Mullein is introduced at the beginning of the growing season at the rate of 10 liters per 6 bushes and during fruiting - 10 liters per 3 bushes.All nutrients are introduced into a previously dug ditch in the form of a ring around the plant. Its depth should increase with the growth of the fetus - from 8 cm to 15 cm. The deepening should be 15 cm from the young plants, later it is increased to 40 cm.

Video: feeding pumpkin organic


Watering pumpkins is accompanied by loosening of the soil and the removal of weeds, while the procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the root system. For irrigation use exclusively warm water: tap water or from the well is not suitable because of the low temperature, which is detrimental to the roots. Watering should be given special attention during the flowering period: moisture promotes the formation of female flowers. The fluid flow at this time is about 30 liters per bush. When the fruits begin to ripen, the volume of water is reduced, since excess moisture adversely affects the duration of storage, and also reduces the sugar content in the fruits.

Use only warm water to water the pumpkin.

Lash formation and pollination

So that the plant does not waste energy on extra shoots and ovaries, it is necessary to complete the formation of lashes, which will contribute to the growth of large fruits with better taste. The number of ovaries left on the bush depends on the region and climatic conditions. In the Urals, as a rule, no more than 2-3 of the largest ovaries are left, and the rest are broken off. The bushes of the culture in question are formed into one or two stems. When forming in one stem, all lateral shoots and ovaries must be removed. No more than three ovaries are left on the stem. After the last, you need to leave 3-4 sheets and remove the growth point. When pumpkin is formed into two stems (central and lateral), 2 fruits are left on the main one, and one on the lateral. After the ovary, you need to leave 3-4 sheets, and pinch the shoots behind them.

Pumpkin can be formed into one or two stems, leaving 2-3 fruits on a bush

Video: Pumpkin Formation

Sometimes, due to adverse conditions, pumpkins have to be pollinated artificially. Perform the procedure in the morning, for which a male flower with ragged petals needs to be pressed to the stigma of a female flower.

Male and female flowers are easy to distinguish: female on the right, male on the left

It’s quite simple to distinguish the sex of a flower: women initially have small ovaries, while men grow on a thin long stalk.

Video: how to perform artificial pollination of pumpkins

Pumpkin Diseases and Pests

In order for the plants to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to monitor their condition and in case of diseases or pests, take appropriate measures. This suggests the need to be able to correctly identify them.


Bacteriosis is the most common disease, which manifests itself in the form of small wounds on cotyledons and brown spots on leaf plastics. When bacteriosis is affected, the surface of the fruit becomes covered with brown spots, pumpkins are deformed. After the ulcer dries, it deepens inside the fetus. The disease progresses with increased humidity and temperature changes. The disease is carried by insects, water and pieces of plant tissue. To prevent the development of bacteriosis, the seeds are treated before sowing in a 0.02% zinc sulfate solution, and then dried well. If signs of the appearance of the disease were found on the cotyledons, they are treated with Bordeaux fluid.

Due to bacteriosis, the leaves of the pumpkin become stained, which then dry and fall out, forming holes

Another common disease is white rot. It is not difficult to identify it: a white coating appears on the plants, which leads to softening and subsequent decay. The disease spreads most rapidly with high humidity of air and soil. The affected parts of the plants should be sprinkled with wood ash. To exclude the occurrence of such a disease, it is necessary to remove plant debris from the site. In the case of white rot, you need to remove the leaves so that the wounds dry out in the sun. A 0.5% solution of copper sulfate is applied to the cut sections.

With white rot, infected areas of the leaf soften and rot

Root rot - the disease leads to the appearance of constrictions. Shoots and leaves acquire a yellow-brown hue and subsequently decay. The most likely cause of the onset of an ailment is watering with cold water or temperature changes. For prevention, it is recommended to water the plants every 2 weeks with Previkur according to the instructions. In addition, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the site, remove weeds and other residues of plant origin. When the plants are infected, the stem is sprinkled with healthy soil to form new roots.

When root rot leaves turn yellow-brown and subsequently decay

Powdery mildew is manifested to a greater extent on the leaves in the form of white plaque. After the defeat of the disease, the foliage turns yellow and dries. From it, productivity decreases, the process of photosynthesis worsens. The disease progresses with insufficient watering and high humidity, as well as with a large amount of nitrogen during feeding. Powdery mildew spreads with gusts of wind. As with other ailments, preventive measures are to keep the area clean. If the first signs of the disease appear, the plants are treated with colloidal sulfur. Affected foliage is removed.

A clear sign of powdery mildew is a white coating on the leaves


Pests also do considerable harm to pumpkins. The most common of these is the spider mite. It damages the back of the leaves, after which it forms a thin web. First, the color of the sheet changes, then it dries. If you do not respond in a timely manner, the plant dies. To control the pest, plants are often sprayed with water, and preferably with infusion of onion or garlic husk (200 g of husk per 10 l of water).

Ticks entangle with a thin web all parts of the plant

Melon aphid first spreads to the weeds, and then moves to the pumpkin. The insect completely populates the entire plant. After the defeat, the leaves curl and fall. If you do not take pest control measures, pumpkin bushes will simply die. To get rid of aphids, they are sprayed with a 10% solution of malathion.

Melon aphid actively multiplies on the underside of the leaves, sucking juices from the plant

Harvesting and storage

You can judge that the pumpkin has ripened and the time has come to harvest it by the following signs:

  • the stalk has dried up, ripened, lignified;
  • the leaves have dried, faded;
  • the peel has become hard.

Pumpkin begins to be cleaned after the stalk and leaves dry

During harvesting, it is necessary to cut the stem, leaving 3-4 cm, while the peel should not get damaged. Thus, the fruits will be stored for a long time. It is important not only to collect the crop in a timely and correct manner, but also to preserve it. So, after harvesting the pumpkin can be eaten. However, this culture, as a rule, is not grown in one bush, which makes you think about storage. For these purposes, an underground floor, a pantry, a balcony, an attic, a barn are suitable. Regardless of the location chosen, it is important to observe several conditions:

  • humidity - 75-80%;
  • temperature - + 3 ... + 15˚C;
  • ventilation.

If one of the conditions is not met, the pumpkin's stubbornness will deteriorate. All fruits are sent for storage without damage. Those pumpkins that have scratches or dents on their peels are best eaten for a short time. Even if the storage is under the right conditions, for a long time they still will not lie. Damaged fruits can be cleaned by removing the damaged portion, separate the seeds and place the pulp in the freezer. When storing in a particular room, it is necessary to place pumpkins on shelves, racks, but not on bare ground.

When storing pumpkins, you need to observe the temperature and humidity

If you follow the experience of some gardeners, then the fruits can be stored in boxes with straw.

Everyone can grow a pumpkin, even in the climatic conditions of the Urals. To do this, you need to choose a suitable early ripe variety, properly plant and ensure proper care for the crop. In order to keep fruits after harvesting as long as possible, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for storage.


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