Muscat grape Rusbol: variety description with characteristics and reviews


Grapes are one of the oldest crops cultivated by man. People began viticulture 6 thousand years ago. For comparison, wheat was cultivated 7 thousand years ago. Today in the world there are about twenty thousand grape varieties. Choosing from such a huge variety is not easy, especially if you just decide to start viticulture. Due to its features, Rusball is excellent as the first grape on the site.

The history of origin of the Rusbol grape variety

Usually, new grape varieties are bred at a specific research institute. Sometimes new varieties are brought out by experienced growers. But Rusball has a unique international origin. This variety is the result of a joint work of the NIIIViV (Bulgaria) and the Y.I. Potapenko (Russia). Rusball was obtained as a result of crossing a complex European-American hybrid CB 12-375 with a variety of Overbearing. The authors of the variety are the Russian-Bulgarian team of scientists: I.A. Kostrikin, L.A. Maistrenko, A.S. Skripnikova, I. Ivanov and V. Vylchev.

Characteristics of the Rusbol grape variety

Rusbol is an early-ripening nutmeg cultivar of table-and-intestine grapes. The growing season is 115-125 days. The flowers are bisexual. Rusball serves as a pollinator for all grape varieties that have the same flowering time.

Amber-yellow oval fruits have a sweet musky taste. Tasting assessment of fresh grapes 7.6 points, and dried raisins - 7.8. The pulp is fleshy dense. Berries of the fourth class of seedlessness, that is, with rather large rudiments of seeds 40-60 mg. The rudimentary seeds of Rusbol give a pleasant unique flavor to raisins. The weight of one berry is 3-4 g. The legs of the berry are medium. Sugar content - 19-21%, acidity - 5-8 g / l. The skin is thin, slightly noticeable when biting grapes. The weight of the bunch is 400-600 g, sometimes up to 1.5 kg. Usually the first inflorescence on the vine gains weight in the end up to 1 kg, the second - about 600 g, the third - about 400 g. The bunch is moderately dense or moderately loose, depending on the shading. For one shoot an average of 1.5-1.9 grapes. Transportability and marketability of the crop are average, the berries are not stored for so long, but since the variety is rarely grown for sale due to rudimentary seeds, the bush, when planted in its own root, starts bearing fruit in the second year. Fruits are intended for fresh consumption or for drying.

Under such lighting, the main disadvantage of Rusbol is clearly visible - rudimentary seeds

Muscat grapes are called grape varieties with a distinct musky flavor. Today, scientists believe that this is the oldest group of varieties, and the very first domesticated grape was just nutmeg.

The bush is medium-sized, perfectly propagated by cuttings and has excellent compatibility with most rootstocks. Frost resistance -25С °. Rusball has established itself as a non-covering variety.

Gallery: appearance of grape varieties Rusbol

Rusbol has a very high yield, which must be regulated, otherwise for the plant everything will end in disrepair. He will not bear the weight of his own crop and break. It is necessary to remove weak shoots in order to stimulate the remaining shoots that can bear the weight of numerous bunches.

Variety Rusbol has medium resistance to fungal diseases, including gray rot, mildew and oidium.

Features of planting and growing varieties of grapes Rusbol

The first and most important stage of grape planting is the selection of a healthy and viable planting material. Here are some features of a seedling that you need to pay first of all:

  1. The root system is the most important indicator of seedling viability. Fragile roots are a sure sign that the plant is already dead and you are unlikely to be able to reanimate it. Ask the seller to remove the top layer from one root with a pruner or knife. Under the mud you should see a white, living tissue.
  2. The escape must also be elastic. Make a slight scratch with a coin or fingernail on the bark. Under the brown bark you should find a layer of green living cells.
  3. The kidneys should be elastic to the touch. And, of course, the scales on them should not be exfoliated.

Before starting planting seedlings, you must also decide on a place for the vineyard. Grapes cannot tolerate waterlogging of the soil and high acidity, so it should not be planted in areas where groundwater lies close to the surface. Choose an open, well-blown area. This will reduce the likelihood of infection with fungal diseases that develop well in humid, warm, stagnant air. In this case, you can not plant grapes in a vacant lot. He loves light shading from shrubs and small trees adjacent to him.

Now you need to prepare the landing holes. Dig holes with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 45-60 cm. For convenience, you can use a manual earth drill instead of a shovel. Mix the extracted earth with humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

The planting algorithm for Rusball grape seedlings

  1. At the bottom of the hole, pour 10 cm of expanded clay or broken brick. Such drainage will help to cope with the excess moisture in the soil and provide the grapes with enough air to breathe the roots.
  2. Sprinkle 5 cm of drainage on the prepared soil mixture.
  3. Carefully place the seedling in the hole. The vaccination site must be located at a height of 1-1.5 cm above the soil level. Fill the hole with earth and spill with water. One bucket (10 l) will be just enough.
  4. After the soil subsides, add more earth and tamp. Now the microparticles of the soil are tightly attached to the root hairs, which guarantees the seedling full soil nutrition.
  5. Sprinkle the seedling on top with loose earth, completely hiding it under a small mound.

Care for Rusball throughout the year

Rusball is a non-capricious variety, therefore, the necessary agro-technical measures are classical in nature: watering, weeding, mulching. Water the bush only once a week, but abundantly: at least one bucket of water per plant (10 l). Remember grapes do not tolerate stagnant water. Fertilize during the year as follows:

  1. The first top dressing is introduced in the spring, before the buds have blossomed. You can fertilize with the following mixture: in 10 l of water, dissolve 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 5 g of potassium salt. Such a dose will be enough for one bush.
  2. Once again, feed the grapes with such a mixture before flowering.
  3. After the berries have set, repeat top dressing, but now exclude ammonium nitrate from the nutrient mixture. Otherwise, nitrogen will stimulate vegetative growth, and the plant will not have the strength to develop fruit.
  4. After fruiting, grapes are useful to feed potassium. This will help him survive the winter. For these purposes, use a solution of potassium salt, which contains up to 40% potassium. Dissolve 20 g of potassium salt in 10 l of water. This will be enough to feed one plant.
  5. Every three years in the autumn, you need to fertilize the vineyard with manure. Spread the fertilizer evenly over the surface of the earth and dig it onto the bayonet of the shovel.

Video: Proper grape planting

The normalization of Rusbola in bunches

Rusball is often called a suicide cultivar. One gets the feeling that this plant does not think at all about the consequences when it lays down inflorescences. This leads to overloading the bush with a crop, which increases the ripening period of berries and vines. Therefore, when growing Rusbola, it is necessary to control the number of shoots and clusters on the bush.

First of all, you need to understand how many berries can feed one shoot. On average, it is worth counting that 18-20 leaves are able to provide a sufficient amount of nutrients of 0.5 kg of berries, that is, one medium bunch of Rusbola.

When the bush enters the flowering phase, it will become clear on which shoots no inflorescences have formed. They must be ruthlessly broken down so as not to waste nutrients. You need to break out the shoots together with the heel, while the plant will not receive significant injuries and the wound will heal quickly.

After the grapes have faded, leave the largest clusters, removing small less promising secateurs. Now look at the remaining bunch, it is also recommended to slightly “cut” it, removing small branches.

Video: Normalization of grapes

Protection of Rusbol against fungal diseases

The main enemy of Rusbol is fungal diseases. Microscopic fungi are causative agents of gray rot, mildew and oidium. Outbreaks of these diseases occur when the weather is warm and humid for a long time. There are many fungicide preparations designed to combat fungal diseases. But to predict in advance which medicine and how it will affect a particular grape variety under certain conditions is almost impossible. Therefore, today, copper sulfate remains the most common antifungal agent.

Spend the first grape treatment in the spring before the buds open. To do this, you need a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate: dissolve 50 g of vitriol in 10 l of water. Repeat the treatment in the fall, after leaf fall, but now use a more concentrated solution: 3% solution for young seedlings and 5% solution for adults. Accordingly, 300 and 500 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water.

Video: How to process grapes with copper sulfate

Reviews about Rusball grape variety

It’s growing on my site in such a place that the sun only sees from 12 to 18-00, but it is pollinated normally ... It ripens by September 1, but the problem is, no one in the family eats it. I have to add it to the wort to Bianca and Crystal. I keep it just for the sake of the collection. I would have thrown it so long ago.



This year Rusball didn’t see leaves behind the bunches, it overloaded itself so much that it began to lag behind in growth ... this year I did not dare to leave everything, it seems to me that everything will not be pulled



This year, Rusball was a success thanks to spring return frosts and a hot second half of summer. The brushes were preserved at a height of over 1.5 meters. The clusters are all large, the berries are also for Rusbola, there were no bones. In dried form, this is not visible, but if put on the market, it is clearly better than Turkish raisins. There was a stepson crop, but he did not ripen, he kept it so that the vine did not fat.



My Rusball grows on the east side of the house, has never been sick, has never taken refuge, of all varieties, rooting is the best. Even last year, the nearby growing Delight was greatly affected by oidium. But Rusball absolutely nothing. The formation of the underground sleeve.

Petr Petrovich Nakonechny


Rusball has all the necessary qualities to become the first grape that you plant on your site. It produces crops early, bears fruit abundantly, has good resistance to diseases. The only drawback is the rudimentary seeds, but how significant is it, everyone decides for himself.


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