What flowers to sow for seedlings in February in order to have time to prepare for summer flowering


Growing flowers from seeds is not easy. This is especially true for annuals: they are unusually beautiful, but they have a long growing season, and in order to achieve lush flowering, you need to prepare in advance. Early sowing with seedlings in winter will help plants grow stronger and prepare for abundant flowering in the new season.


This is an amazing unpretentious plant with delicate and airy flowers, which blooms from June to late autumn. Breeders have bred many varieties that differ in the hue of both flowers and leaves. It can be green, and bronze, and burgundy leaves, and flowers - white, pink or red. There are even two-tone varieties.

This beautiful flower is very easy to grow. First you need to prepare the land: it should be a mixture of land, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Seeds should be squeezed lightly into well-moistened ground. At a temperature of +20 degrees, the seeds will germinate after 2 weeks. After 1.5 months, the plants are dived into separate pots, and in early June they are planted in the ground. Choose a shaded place - begonia loves light partial shade.


An ornamental plant that pleases the eye with a wide range of colors and unusual shapes. It is very unpretentious, withstands both sudden changes in temperature and increased drought.

For planting seedlings, any container that is spacious enough and shallow is suitable. In compacted moistened soil, the seeds are distributed using a toothpick or tweezers, at a sufficient distance from each other. Then the seedlings are covered with cling film, the optimum temperature is 25 degrees.

Every day the flowers are watered and aired, and when the first sprouts appear, they are cleaned in a cool place with a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees. Dive after 3 leaflets appear on the sprouts, and then after 10-14 days they are planted in open ground.


Amazingly beautiful ornamental plants that can give charm to any corner, no matter where they are planted. The correct name of the flower is Viola. Pansies are a sweet nickname that many have come to love. The plant is loved by gardeners for their low growth and increased decorativeness.

The plant is quite unpretentious, prefers nutritious, loose and permeable soil. The bowl can be any, suitable wide enough and not very deep. It is advisable to decontaminate the soil before sowing. You can hold it over hot steam or calcine a little in the oven, then sift and moisten.

Watering is necessary before emergence, preferably from a spray bottle. Dive when 2 leaves appear. Transplant in mid-late May. The main thing is that the street is warm and there is no risk of return frosts.


Primrose, or “primrose” among the people, is a bright shade-loving plant that pleases the eye with a variety of colors and a variety of shades. You can create a real carpet of these flowers in your garden, and thanks to the large number of species and forms of the plant, you can admire it throughout the season.

The planting process and further care are not at all complicated. Almost all varieties of seeds require mandatory stratification. When sowing, they do not need to be deeply buried in the soil, it will be enough just to push them into the soil and spray from the spray gun. The plant loves plentiful watering and top dressing.


Pentunia is another unpretentious flowering plant that survives without problems both in personal plots and in apartments. That is why it is very popular and loved by all flower gardeners.

Planting petunia is quite simple: you need to sprinkle seeds on the surface of moist soil. Then cover with foil and put away in a dark and warm place. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the temperature should be reduced (optimally 20 degrees). Then you need to wait for shoots and remove the film. Before transplanting into open ground, you will have to make two pickings of seedlings. If the petunia bloomed faster than you managed to transplant it into an open place - it does not matter, it easily transfers the transplant.


Verbena is a flowering plant, quite unpretentious in care. In order to grow stronger and grow, the plant will need about 60 days, therefore, you need to plant a flower in the ground in advance, in February.

The soil for planting should be neutral, loose, light so that air can circulate easily. Before planting, seeds must be soaked in clean water for 30 minutes. It will be convenient to take small seeds with tweezers and spread them evenly in the soil, leaving a distance of 2 cm between the seeds so that the planting is not too thick. Use a spray gun to moisten and cover it with foil. Immediately after planting, it is advisable to leave the verbena in a warm and bright place. The optimum temperature for seed germination is +22 degrees. The first sprouts begin to appear 10 days after planting in the ground.

Clove shabo

Carnation Shabo - a very elegant and beautiful flower that can become the center of a floral arrangement in your garden. Growing it is not at all difficult, the most important thing is not to miss the sowing date. You need to plant it at a depth of 3 mm, sprinkling it with calcined sand on top - this method of planting will protect the flower from the disease (black leg).

Shabo cloves need several picks - then by the time of transplanting to a permanent place the bush will be dense and lush. They plant her in flower beds in May. The plant in maintenance is unpretentious, frost-resistant (can withstand temperatures up to -1), prefers slightly alkaline soil, well-lit places and moderate watering.

Our selection contains plants that can grow even flower growers without experience at home. Admire, choose the flowers you like that you would like to see in your flower pot or front garden and start, because spring is just around the corner.
