Ruscus - bright greens with berries on the leaves


Ruscus is an evergreen perennial from the Asparagus family. It is common in the Caucasus, the Mediterranean and Southern Crimea. In the more northern regions, ruscus is grown as a house crop. It attracts with dense bright green leaves and a scattering of red berries. Among flower growers is better known under the names "needle" or "mouse turn". It can be used to decorate a room, make bouquets and for medicinal purposes.

Plant description

Ruscus is an evergreen sprawling shrub with a height of overgrowth of 30-60 cm. It is fed by a creeping superficial rhizome. Shoots form many branches from the very base. They are covered with dark green scaly bark with expressive longitudinal grooves.

Dense ovoid leaves are actually reduced shoots. Botanists call them "phyllocladies." Foliage has practically no petioles. It is located on the stems again. At the end of each leaf there is a sharp spine.

Flowers grow directly from a leaf plate. They have short pedicels. A whitish or lilac corolla with a diameter of not more than 1 cm does not differ in special beauty. Flowering occurs in April-May. There are varieties that bloom in the winter.

Ruscus is a dioecious plant, therefore, for the appearance of decorative fruits, it is necessary to have a male and female flower nearby. As a result of successful pollination, roundish fruits of a bright red color are tied. Each fleshy fruit contains 1-2 seeds. It is important to be careful, because the berries are poisonous and unfit for consumption.

Types of Ruscus

Today, 8 species are registered in the Ruscus genus. Consider 4 of them.

Iglitsa colchis (ruscus colchis). A sprawling shrub consists of flexible shoots up to 55 cm long. Leathery phyllocladies are painted in dark green. A small flower partially hides under the lanceolate bract. Long flowering occurs in October-January. After pollination, rounded two-seeded berries ripen with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The fruits of this species can be eaten.

Needle Colchis

Needle of Pontic (prickly). Shrub 60-100 cm high consists of long erect shoots. They are covered with lanceolate bluish-green foliage with thorns at the ends. On phyllocladium, small membranous or subulate leaflets are visible. Small single flowers are located on a dense peduncle. They bloom in February and April. By November-December, round two-seeded berries ripen.

Needle Pontic

Italian Ruscus (needle of the leaf). The plant is distinguished by long, upright shoots with emerald lanceolate foliage. The height of the bush is 40-50 cm. Miniature flowers bloom at the end of winter. Their petals are painted in light blue or white.

Ruscus italian

Ruskus hyrcanic. The shrub forms upright and creeping shoots 25-40 cm high. It completely covers the soil with a dark green spiky carpet. The length of phyllocladium is 1.5-3 cm. The central vein is distinguished by a lighter color and relief.

Ruskus hyrcanic


To propagate ruscus, it is necessary to sow the seeds or divide the overgrown bush. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February in containers with a sand-peat mixture or in peat tablets. Shoots appear unevenly and very slowly. Individual seeds can germinate up to a year. To accelerate the germination process, cold stratification is necessary. Crops during the week contain at a temperature of 0 ... + 10 ° C, you can cover the container with a snow cap. After this, the pots with seeds are brought into a bright and warm (+ 20 ° C) room. When the height of the seedlings reaches 7-8 cm, they are dived in separate pots.

In the spring, when transplanting, you can divide a large bush into several parts. In each dividend there should be a section of rhizome and several shoots. Rooting is easy enough. In a few weeks, new shoots will appear on the seedling.

Care Features

Room Ruscus is unpretentious, it is easy to care for it. Even a beginner grower can afford to get this beautiful plant. It adapts to almost any adverse conditions. But flowering and fruiting, as well as sprawling shoots can be obtained under certain conditions.

Lighting. The needle is in need of a long daylight and diffused light. It must be placed at some distance from the window. In summer, direct sunlight can burn the leaves. In winter, you can rearrange the plant on the southern windowsill or use the backlight.

Temperature. Ruscus is grown at room temperature. In summer, the bush is recommended to take out to fresh air. In winter, cooling is allowed up to + 13 ... + 15 ° C. However, there is no need to specifically provide such a decrease in temperature.

Humidity. The plant adapts to indoor air humidity, it needs periodic spraying. In the warmer months, it is also necessary to bathe the bushes under a warm shower.

Watering. The needle is watered sparingly. The soil between irrigation should dry by 3-4 cm. During the formation of new phylloclad, watering should be increased.

Fertilizer. In April-October, Ruskus is fed monthly with universal mineral fertilizers. The solution is applied to the soil. In winter, top dressing is not performed.

Transfer. Ruscus transplantation is carried out in spring as needed. If you pick up a pot much wider, lateral processes will appear faster. When transplanting, an old earthen lump is cleaned and cut off dried roots. Choosing a deep container is not necessary. A layer of drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot. The soil for ruskus should be light and fertile. For its compilation use turf and leafy soil, as well as sand.

The disease. Ruscus is not susceptible to plant diseases. Its roots have bactericidal properties. They can withstand even some fungal and bacterial infections.

Pests. Most often, ruskus is affected by spider mites, scale insects, thrips and mealy bugs. To quickly get rid of parasites, use the appropriate insecticides.


Ruscus is used to decorate rooms. Its bright foliage and red berries are good at any time of the year. Shrubs are suitable for landscaping rooms, cold foyers and public places. The bushes covered with berries can be presented instead of a bouquet. Cut stems are also used to make bouquets.

Ruscus roots and berries have medicinal properties. Dried raw materials are brewed and taken orally to combat hemorrhoidal manifestations, strengthen veins and fight stagnation of blood in the lower extremities.
