

Heyrantus is a small herbaceous plant with beautiful bright flowers. Sometimes forms low shrubs. Belongs to the crucifer family. Heyrantus hails from the Mediterranean and is common in southern Europe.

Plant description

Heyrantus reaches 60-100 cm in height and has soft stems that grow rectilinearly or branch like a bush. It grows in the southern latitudes for several years, but in a temperate climate it behaves as a one- or two-year-old. Foliage does not fall, so the plant is called evergreen. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate, cover the entire stem.

Bright flowers are collected in small brushes and reach a diameter of 25 mm. Petals are smooth or fringed. In the southern regions it blooms in mid-spring and stands out against the background of paler relatives, but in the middle lane the flowering period begins in July. The flowers are very fragrant, smell like lilacs.

Species of Heyrantus

The most popular among gardeners is Heyrantus Cheri. It is distinguished by larger colors. Petals vary greatly in shades, there are yellow, scarlet, brown, orange, purple, red with white veins. Moreover, from one mother plant, offspring of a different color may appear.

There is also Heyrantus Orange (Orange Bedder), it is abundantly strewn with sunny buds. Flowers vary in size from smaller side to large central. The plant forms a low bush up to 40 cm tall. The stalks near the ground often become woody. The leaves are saturated green in elongated shape.

For growing at home or for the design of large flowerpots using undersized varieties:

  • Prince (up to 20 cm);
  • Bedder (up to 30 cm).

Among the tall designs, the following are popular:

  • Ivory White - cream
  • Vulcan - scarlet;
  • C. Allionii - orange, early flowering;
  • Harlequin - two-tone;
  • Fair Lady - pastel.


The plant propagates by seed. They are planted in the spring in a cold greenhouse or special tubs. As a houseplant is sown at any time of the year. Seeds can not be sprinkled with earth. After 10-12 days, the first shoots appear. For young shoots, you need to maintain an air temperature of +16 degrees.

For planting, use loamy alkaline or neutral soils with lime. It is important to provide good drainage so that the roots do not rot. The plant is resistant to drought, so excessive soil moisture should be avoided.

Heyrantus loves the sun's rays, and in shady places it begins to bloom worse and turns pale. Mineral fertilizers and peat are added to improve growth. It is important to prevent excess nitrogen in the soil.

In order for the lateral shoots to actively grow and form bushes, you need to pinch the upper leaves. But in northern cities there is no need to get involved in this, otherwise the flowering will be sparse and the plant will not develop well. To prolong the flowering period, wilted flowers are cut, which stimulates the formation of new buds.

Winter Care

Heyrantus is quite resistant to cold weather. It is even able to withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -18 degrees. If freezing occurs regularly, then the root system begins to suffer. To help the plant, additional shelter must be provided. In regions with a particularly harsh climate, flowers are grown in tubs or pots, which are taken out to the garden for the warm season and returned to the premises when the cold weather sets in.
