7 things you can not do at the cottage


I want to warn the owners of suburban areas of several violations that threaten a fine. Although many of them are little provable, it’s still useful to know about them. This is not only about fines, but also a decent attitude to nature, neighbors, their loved ones. Photo from the site: //www.pinterest.ca

When the summer season is in full swing, it is worth remembering how to behave in the country. It is a fallacy that everything is allowed on its territory. The creators of the Code of Administrative Offenses (Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses) think differently.

Spread the fire

Perhaps the most punishable "garden" activities are burning garbage and cooking barbecue. For open fire detected by the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles is expected (article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

An open flame is punishable in several cases:

  • if on the territory by the decision of local authorities there is a ban on bonfire, barbecues fall into this category (their arrangement, by the way, is also regulated);
  • with a storm warning;
  • when the wind speed exceeds 10 meters per second (if you want barbecue without a penalty - follow the forecast);
  • if the site is located next to the forest, on peat deposits, conifers grow on it.

Now about the grill: according to the rules, it is installed on a cleared area, at a depth of up to 30 cm. Within a radius of 5 meters there should be no bushes, buildings, trees. An absurd requirement, but if it is not fulfilled, the inspectors will have a reason for a fine.

If the campfire is not fenced, it should be located at a distance of 50 meters from the buildings., 100 m from the stands. For a closed barrel, there are other restrictions: 25 m to buildings, 50 m to trees.


Improper waste disposal is another reason to write a fine (Article 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). Burying non-waste plastic, glass, construction debris in your own area is considered illegal storage of waste. By the way, burning toxic garbage is also prohibited.

SNiP 30-02-02 regulates the construction of compost pits or piles in each of the sections; for solid waste, there should be provided equipped storage facilities for solid waste on the territory of the partnership. For violation of the rules of planning and development of summer cottages, a fine of 1 to 2 thousand is threatened.

The misuse of natural goods

Subsoil include water reservoirs to which wells are drilled. For an individual, with a water volume of up to 100 m3 per day, a license is not required. If the well is common for the entire garden or 2-3 neighbors have cooperated, the registration of permits is required. Water users in this case are equated with enterprises (Article 19 of the Law "On Subsoil").

The fine under article 7.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

If water is extracted above the aquifer, it can be used without hindrance, only drains cannot be directed to neighboring areas. It is punishable - violation of the rights of other owners.

Do not “make friends” with neighbors

Not only territorial disputes can arise with neighbors, it is impossible:

  • fill the neighboring area with water for irrigation, if you accidentally break the hose, you will have to pay damages;
  • spray fertilizers, pesticides to protect plants so that they fly to neighboring territories (this also applies to smoke bombs).

Separate article violation of territorial boundaries.

When planning the site, it is necessary to adhere to building codes and rules (SNiP 2.07.01-89, SP 53.13330.2011).

Before planting trees, it is advisable to take into account that 15-meter stands should be removed from the fence by 3 m, 10-meter by 2 m, and up to 10 m - by one meter.

Make noise at the wrong time

Lingering gatherings with friends with music, songs - an occasion for neighbors to contact the police (Federal Law No. 52). Noise on weekdays is not allowed from 22:00 to 6:00, on weekends from 23:00 to 9:00, take care of the neighbors' sleep. Although the amount of the fine is small - from 100 to 500 rubles, relations will be ruined with neighbors in the summer cottage. Photo from the site: //vorotauzabora.ru

To build too high fences

Blind fence on the side of the road should not exceed 1.7 meters, between sections it should be visible (transparency at least 50%), the permissible height of mesh or lattice fences is 1.2 m. Blind fences should be erected by mutual written consent. If there is no such permission, you will have to limit yourself to a legalized standard. Speaking of green hedges, they relate to green spaces, they must be planted at a meter distance from the territorial border. These are the rules.


On the site it is allowed to grow any living creature except cattle. The building for keeping poultry, small cattle is located at a distance of 4 meters from the fence.

Free uncontrolled "grazing" of animals is prohibited. Domestic animals should not interfere with neighbors enjoying peace, fresh air - I'm talking about manure, it can not be stored so that the aromas are carried away to the neighboring site.

Despite the impracticability of certain standards, for example, on the arrangement of the barbecue, planting trees, the punishment in the case of verification is inevitable. The law is the law, it must be followed.


Watch the video: STRANDED IN A HAUNTED COTTAGE FOR 24 HOURS!! (May 2024).