62 varieties of undersized tomatoes


The most important advantage of undersized tomato varieties is compactness, the ability to place them even in the smallest areas. Due to this, the number of plants that can fit on sq / m increases. As a result, the total amount of the crop grows.

Compared with ordinary species and varieties, they ripen much faster, are prone to lesser diseases and ailments, and require less care. Of course, the yield in quantity cannot be compared with tall varieties of tomatoes, but this disadvantage is compensated by the number of fruits collected from one plant and the ripening time.

Some types and varieties of undersized tomatoes are quite capable of ripening in open ground, in a greenhouse, as well as indoors, on the balcony.

Large and undersized for open ground

There are a large number of types of undersized tomatoes for open ground, which do not require special care.

Fat jack

Perfect for gardeners who are just gaining experience in this business, who want to get results as soon as possible.

Absolutely not whimsical, easy to care for. The ripening period is 3 months. The weight of ripe tomato is 240 g. The total yield from one plant is 6 kg. The color is often dark pink, there are red shades. It is immune to most diseases.


A fairly high percentage of yield, compared with other varieties. The fruits are large, juicy.

With a small height of the bush, the tomatoes that ripen on it reach 600 g in weight. The total yield reaches 8 kg. Excellent perceives all kinds of fertilizers. There is the possibility of using specialized stimulants for growth. However, their use has mixed reviews and opinions of gardeners.


It requires more care than other varieties. Due to the fact that the bush is weak, it needs to be tied to a strong support. However, this is more than compensated by the taste qualities of the grown tomatoes, their weight and the total amount of the crop.

Experienced experts recommend that this variety be formed in no more than 3 stems to obtain the best results. In open ground, the height will be 80 cm. In a greenhouse, a variety is able to grow up to a meter in height. The weight of a ripe tomato is 400 g. The total yield is up to 7 kg.


Early ripe variety, has a high yield, excellent taste. It requires prophylaxis to protect against most diseases, as it has low immunity. But at the same time does not need to be stepson. Ripening dates are just over 3 months.

The weight of one tomato is 200 g. The total yield from one bush is 7 kg. subject to all the nuances. Great for preservation, also popular in the preparation of salads.

Heavyweight Siberia

Designed exclusively for open ground, to achieve a larger crop. The bush is quite low, about 60 cm in height. The fruits are large, fleshy, does not require garters to support. Unfortunately, the variety cannot boast of a large number of ripe tomatoes. It is intended for cultivation in regions where cold temperatures prevail even in summer.

It tolerates virtually all diseases. They do not recommend growing in hot places, this will lead to a significant reduction in yield, possibly even the death of the plant.


Like all other varieties listed, undersized and early ripe. Most effective for open ground. Weight of one is 150 g.

Very popular for the preparation of summer salads, for the presence of saccharines on the palate. But good in conservation.


By maturity dates it belongs to the middle category. At the stage of completion of ripening, the fruits are of green color, acquire a saturated red color.

Tomato mass is small, 70 g.


Specially bred for the CIS countries. The highest yield is shown on open ground, but greenhouse conditions are not excluded.

It belongs to the mid-season category, the weight of one tomato is 130 g. They are great for making tomato juice.

Apparently invisible

Early ripening, the bush is quite strong, but garter is still required. Pinkish tomatoes, weighing up to 120 g.

The taste for early varieties is excellent. They are not prone to cracking, due to the dense skin.


It has a pink color, in places a shade of raspberry. The taste is clearly expressed sweetness, great for salads. Weight 170 g.

From one bush, the maximum yield is 5 kg.


He earned a place among the universal plants, due to the color of his fruits pink. Mid-season, has a high yield, up to 14 kg per sq / m.

Almost not affected by plant ailments, it requires only chemical harmless treatment from pests. Perfectly tolerates transportation.

Raspberry Viscount

The height of the bush is small, only 55 cm. Strong, compact variety, garter to the support is necessary. This is due to the maturation of large and heavy tomatoes on the bush.

It has no preference for the method of cultivation, has the same results in both types of soil. From one bush it is quite possible to collect up to 5 kg of delicious tomatoes.

Big Mama

Early and stunted. The maximum height of the bush reaches 1 m. It requires garter and pinching. Experienced gardeners, in order to achieve the best result, recommends forming this variety in 2, maximum 3 stems.

The weight of the fruit is 200 g. In terms of taste, sweet, firm. Do not crack at all. Productivity is up to 9 kg.

Read more in the article about the Big Mommy variety.

Siberian troika

A garter is necessary, because due to the severity of the bush just lie on the ground, in this case, the fruits of the pests will suffer greatly. The weight of one tomato is 250 g.

Very sweet to taste, great for making tomato juice. Productivity 6 kg.

Mushroom basket

The shape of the ripe fruit is original, it has ribs. The bush is strong, powerful, a garter is required. Although the bush is considered determinant, it can reach a height of up to 1.5 m.

Up to 4 fruits of bright red color ripen on one stalk. The taste is pleasant, delicate. The weight of a single tomato is 250 g. The total yield is up to 6 kg.

Russian delicious

A small, neat-shaped bush. Refers to early ripening. Recommended for growing in greenhouse conditions. In open land it is also possible, but this will affect the amount of harvest.

The average weight of harvested tomatoes is 170 g. The total yield is up to 11 kg. It is resistant to most major diseases.


A variety of medium ripening. The height of the bush reaches 1.3 m, subject to the necessary conditions. The skin is dense, pink in color. One tomato weighs an average of 200 g.

The variety is resistant to hot weather, sudden changes, some diseases.

The best varieties for open ground in Siberia

In cold regions with a short warm period, Siberian selection tomatoes are the most popular. These varieties are very resistant to cold, gusty wind. They are not demanding in care, they are immune to almost all diseases that plants undergo.

They are early ripening. They got this list of advantages due to the crossbreeding of various varieties, as a result of which universal ones appeared.

Ultra early

Superdeterminant, it is recommended to grow open ground and film shelters. The height of the bush is 0.5 m. Garter to the support and stepsoning is not required.

The weight of one fruit is 110 g. Productivity from one bush is 2 kg. Universal purpose.


The average ripening time of 85 days, applies to early ripening varieties. The mass of tomatoes is up to 100 g. They have a red tint in ripe condition.

It is resistant to major diseases. The total yield may be 6 kg.

Em champion

The variety is mid-early. Before the appearance of the fruit, at least 100 days pass from the moment of planting. The bush itself is quite low, reaches 70 cm in height. Such physical data allows you to grow this variety not even on the balcony of your house.

Productivity from one bush ranges from 6 to 7 kg. It has excellent immunity, tolerates temperature extremes. The disadvantage is the low shelf life.

Gardener parsley

It is deservedly popular in personal plots. The height of the bush is 60 cm. When grown in open ground, the yield is much higher than in greenhouse conditions.

Requires fresh air and plenty of sunshine. Fruits come out weighing up to 250 g. Tasting qualities are excellent, saccharin is well felt.

Pink honey

Weak-growing plant, with a height of up to 1.5 m in greenhouse conditions. On open ground, significantly lower, only 1 m.

Forming is carried out in 2, usually in 1 stalk. This allows you to achieve a better crop. The total weight from one bush can reach 4 kg. A single tomato weighs 200 g.


Unpretentious, undemanding. It gives an excellent harvest, can be used on all types of soil, this does not affect the quantity and quality of the harvested fruit.

Weight of one is 120 g. The total amount of 6 kg. Well suited for canning, cooking pickles.


Refers to the ultra-early group. Ripening time takes up to 105 days. Resistant to cold snap, as the name implies.

With sq / m, the crop is 8 kg. The weight of one tomato is 160 g.


The bush is very small, 40 cm. 7 fruits ripen on each individual brush. It is resistant to cold.

The total yield from the bush is 1.5. kg The weight of one tomato is 80 g.


Fruits growing on a bush are oval. Early ripe variety, suitable for almost all regions of Russia.

Productivity with sq / m 7-8 kg. The average weight of a tomato is 100 g. The color is classic, red.


It is popular in the middle zone of the country, mainly in Siberia. Fruit weight 200 g. The advantages include a short ripening period, immunity to wet rot.

Productivity up to 6.5 kg.

Winter cherry

Stem plant, ripening 95 days. The average yield of 2.5 kg. In some cases, when using fertilizers, the amount can grow up to 3.6 kg.

They are small in size and low in weight. They tolerate cold and transportation perfectly.


Early ripe, determinant type. They have a small oblong shape. Tomato weight 80 g. Total crop weight up to 4 kg.

Immune to most plant ailments.

Arctic (cherry)

Very early grade, unpretentious. The bush is low, 40 cm in height.

The fruits are very small, round, weighing only 15 g.

Far North

From the name it is clear in which region the need for growing tomatoes arose. The bred variety fully complies with the requirements.

Not susceptible to sudden changes in temperature, has resistance to disease. Bush height up to 50 cm. Tomato weight up to 100 g.


Due to its small height, only 50 cm. The possibility of growing your apartment on the balcony opens up.

At the same time, tomatoes look very beautiful, decorative. The average weight of 45 g. The total yield of 1.5 kg per bush.


It has a growth restriction after the 5th brush is formed. Height 50 cm. Average ripening time 95 days. The taste of tomatoes is sweetish, pleasant.

Perfect for making tomato juice. The weight of tomatoes can reach 120 g.


Combines a large number of advantages of different varieties. Fruits are large, weighing 250 g. Productivity is high, reaches 9 kg.

They have a dense skin that protects the fruit from cracking. However, the flesh is very tender.

Blush of St. Petersburg

Compact hybrid. The very first brush is formed between approximately 5-6 sheets. All of the following brushes formed through the sheet. It has a high yield of 13 kg.

The weight of one tomato is 150-170 g. It perfectly tolerates transportation.

Buyan (Fighter)

Early variety, fruits weigh up to 180 g. It has a high yield of 10 kg. Moreover, from one bush the maximum amount is 8 kg.

Actually created for the preparation of pickles, tastes good with acidity.


The height is small, 70 cm. Ripe fruits have a round shape, a red tint.

The weight of one is 200 g.


They are easily recognized by their bright color. Red tint, sometimes orange-yellow. Great for growing in the middle lane.

It is popular with Siberian gardeners. Tomato weight can reach 300 g.

Little egg

Mid-season variety, ripening time from 100 to 115 days. It does not require special growing conditions.

Resistant to disease. Productivity with sq / m is 9 kg. The mass of one fruit is 200 g.


Determinant, refers to the category of mid-season varieties. Maturing terms from 95 to 100 days. They have universal application.

One fruit weighs 200 g. The total yield of 8 kg. Requires pinching.


Recommended for open ground, as there you can achieve maximum results in the crop.

It does not require garter and stepsoning. The total yield is 8 kg.

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground near Moscow

Tomatoes grown specifically for cultivation in Central Russia.

Bonnie mm

Very productive, undersized variety. Recommended to grow in open land. The bush reaches a height of 50 cm, does not require garter.

The fruits have a flat, round shape. Weight is 100 g. Very good for fresh consumption.


This variety does not require garter and pinching, is highly resistant to diseases and ailments to which plants are susceptible. The ripening time is 85 days.

The average weight of one tomato reaches 50 g. The total yield is up to 2 kg. from the plant.


Early ripe, bush 70 cm high. Fruits are round, slightly flattened. The weight of one is 130 g.

Designed for the preparation of summer salads, well suited for the manufacture of pasta, various other products from tomatoes. The yield from the bush is 3 kg.

Read more here.


Early variety, total crop weight 5-6 kg. Unpretentious. It does not require special growing conditions. It has medium resistance to temperature extremes, weather conditions.

The weight of one tomato is 150g.


Variety belonging to the class of hybrids. In ripe tomatoes of such a bush, a high content of vitamins is noted.

Tomato weight 130 g. Harvest from the bush 5 kg. Taste excellent (for a hybrid). Good for sauce.


Great for beginners in gardening. Most used in regions with a short summer. Bush 70 cm high.

Requires garter, due to the large weight of the fruit. One weighs up to 170 g. The total yield is up to 6 kg.


The variety belongs to the super early. Very fond of moisture, gained popularity due to its unusual color, spring-yellow. Bush height from 55 to 70 cm.

The weight of one tomato is small, 80 g. It has a long shelf life, without harm to the skin and taste.


Great for those regions of Russia where cloudy, rainy weather prevails. Does not require a lot of sunlight to ripen.

Recommended to grow under shelter from polyethylene. The mass of one tomato is 65 g. In total, up to 7 fruits can ripen on one branch at a time.

Siberian trump card

Very strong, sprawling bush. This height is 80 cm. It has a high resistance to extreme weather conditions, including temperature.

The highest yield can only be achieved when grown on open ground. The average weight of one tomato is 400 g.


Very popular variety. He earned his popularity due to the simplicity of planting and growing, unpretentiousness, high resistance to all soil diseases.

It also has a high yield, up to 14 kg per sq / m. Individual weight - 80 g.

Pink stella

Variety of carpal, also early ripening. A bush of small height has up to 3 large, weighty fruits on its hands at the same time. Weight is 200g.

With a growth of 60 cm, the maximum harvest from such a bush can reach 3 kg.


Included in the mid-early group of varieties.Bred relatively recently, it has a good yield from one bush - 7 kg.

The mass of one tomato is 140 g. It got its name for its aesthetic appearance, uniform and bright color.

Pink cheeks

The average ripening time is about 110 days. It is not a hybrid, it also has no analogues. Unpretentious to growing conditions.

It survives well both on the open ground and in the greenhouse. The weight of tomatoes can reach 300 g. With a total yield of 5 kg per bush.

Types and varieties for greenhouses

Mostly greenhouse cultivation is necessary in regions with low temperatures for plants, even in the warm season. Weather differences, rainy weather. The Siberian selection of tomatoes is perfect for these items.

  • Firstly, this species is specially bred for Siberian conditions; they have incorporated the best qualities of many varieties.
  • Secondly, they are completely unpretentious regarding sunlight and the temperature surrounding them.

They gained their popularity due to their low maturity, which allows them to harvest a good crop in the conditions of a short, cloudy summer. In addition, some of the varieties are able to ripen even in autumn in the greenhouse. For those plant lovers who do not have a separate plot for these purposes, there are varieties adapted for growing in an apartment.

They do not take up much space, are compact enough and have excellent palatability, in addition, the size and weight of the fruit is average. As for the application, they are universal. These varieties include:


Ultra-early hybrid, bush height reaches 90 cm. The weight of one fruit is 120 g.

It has high productivity, 15 kg per sq / m.

Soil mushroom

The first fruits appear 95 days after planting. The bush is half spreading, 60 cm high.

The mass of one fruit is 60 g. The total yield of 8 kg.


Mid-early hybrid. It bears fruit well even in the absence of sunlight. The weight of one fruit is 150 g.

They have a universal purpose, they are great for making juice, pasta, various sauces.

Wonderful lady

Srednerosly bush, the average weight of tomato is 150-200 g.

Particularly valuable for its high resistance to disease, unpretentious.

Sunny bunny

It got its name for the color that mature tomatoes acquire. They have an orange-yellow tint.

Recommended for landing in the southern regions of the country. Tomato weight up to 60 g.

Varieties for balcony and indoor cultivation


Early, intended for salads. Ripening time 110 days. The mass of one tomato is 80-110 g.

The maximum height of the bush is 45 cm. Does not need garter and stepsoning.

Bonsai tree

The variety is intended for both consumption and decoration.

Miniature tomatoes look very pretty. The bush itself is 30 cm high. The weight of the fruit is 40 g.

Yellow hat

The ripening period is about 90 days. The bush does not exceed 50 cm. Does not require formation. The fruits are round yellow, very tasty, no more than 20 g.

It looks original in hanging containers, on balconies and window sills.

All of them are distinguished by an early ripening period, excellent palatability and a universal scope. Do not require special skills and growing conditions.

They have high immunity to almost all plant diseases. Excellent response to the addition and use of various growth stimulants, fertilizers.


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