Indoor lily: description, types, planting and care


Lily is a perennial bulbous plant with a direct stem and large beautiful flowers in the form of a bell. Indoor varieties include agapanthus (African lily), amaryllis, gimenokallis (spider lily), hippeastrum, eucharis (Amazonian lily).

Description and features of indoor lily

All varieties are distinguished by beautiful colors of various colors. Grow out of the bulb. Blossom on a stalk-arrow lush funnel-shaped gramophones. Some exude a delicate aroma.

The most popular among indoor lilies are amaryllis and hippeastrum.

Types of Domestic Lilies

For an accurate distinction between amaryllis and hippeastrum, often confusing, you should adhere to the following information. The first is represented by varieties, the second only by hybrids. Agapanthus

AmaryllisDiscards leaves during dormancy. It blooms in early autumn, in September. Funnel-shaped flowers of various colors from white to red bloom on a dense stem. The bulb is round or conical in shape and covered with light-colored scales.
HippeastrumUsually covered with lanceolate leaves all year round. Only some hybrids throw them off at rest. It is able to bloom twice a year, but more often it is used for distillation by a specific date. Flowers bloom on a hollow arrow-shaped stem. It is represented by hybrids of various shades. Pear-shaped bulb with gray scales.
Agapanthus, African LilyIt blooms in late summer and blooms until late autumn. Umbrella agapanthus is usually grown with blue inflorescences.
HymenocallisIt blooms in summer or winter. Throws a long arrow with flowers resembling elongated petals of spiders.
Eucharis, Amazonian LilyThe plant drives out an inflorescence of white fragrant flowers on a high arrow. Pleases twice a year in late autumn and spring. In the center of the flower there is a large crown formed by overgrown stamens. A feature of flowering is a large number of children and roots, entangling an earthen lump.

Planting lilies in a pot

After acquiring lilies, inspect the bulb and send for 2 weeks in the refrigerator for a short rest. Prepare a pot that should match the onion. Choose a cache-pot with a diameter of 20 cm. Amaryllis

To fill the pot using ready-made soil mixture for bulbs and amaryllis or make up yourself. To do this, mix 2 parts of sheet soil, 1 part of turf and peat, then add coarse sand as a loosening material. A layer of expanded clay or small stones is laid at the bottom of the container, then the prepared soil is poured.

Before planting, the flower bulbs are treated in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in a solution of Maxim (4 ml per 2 l of water). Stand for 30 minutes, then dried and planted in a pot.

Before the appearance of the shoots, the cache-pot is left in a darkened room with a temperature of + 18 ... +20 ° С.

Home care for lilies

With the advent of sprouts put on a bright windowsill, where they provide an influx of fresh air.


For the proper development of the plant and beautiful flowering, a number of rules should be observed:

  • the soil in the pot must be loosened to gain air access to the roots;
  • regular watering of dried soil with the simultaneous introduction of nutrients (in this case, use settled water);
  • when loosening, remove emerging weeds;
  • leaves need frequent spraying, which can be combined with foliar top dressing with growth stimulants;
  • with the advent of the buds, support for fragile stems is established.

Room lily conditions after flowering

At the end of flowering, the pot with the bulb for 1-1.5 months is placed in a cool place. Before the new flowering season, the plant is transplanted into a new nutrient soil with the addition of a small amount of ash. Suitable for reproduction are selected from the children. Hymenocallis

Lily does not bloom: possible errors

The reason for the lack of flowering are errors when growing:

  • The plant needs to provide enough fresh air and light.
  • Choose a small pot for planting, so in a large amount of land the bulb will tend to grow children.
  • Provide the flower with a sufficient amount of nutrients, regularly feeding.
  • Excess moisture, as well as its lack, prevents the formation of buds.

Diseases and Pests

With proper care, indoor lily is rarely affected by diseases and pests.

But due to excess moisture at a low temperature, red bulb rot may develop. A measure of the struggle is the cutting out of a rotten place, after which it is sprinkled with crushed coal. Also treated with fungicide Maxim. For several days, the planted bulb is left to dry without watering.

In dry air, plants are affected by a spider mite, mealybug, or scale insect. The easiest way to deal with them is to regularly moisten the surrounding air from a spray bottle.

In the case of a large number of pests, the flowers are treated with insecticides:

  • Actara (4 g per 5 l of water);
  • Karbofos (6 g per 1 liter of water).

With timely care, a domestic lily will delight with its beauty for many years.


Watch the video: PEACE LILY - Air Purifier Plant Care Tips, Propagation Repot and Mistakes (October 2024).