Daylily: varieties, planting and care in the open ground


Daylily (krasnodnev, hemerokalis) is a herbaceous perennial that is part of the Xanthorrhoeae family.

Distribution area - southern regions of Europe, Mongolia, China. Known in culture for more than one century.

Description of daylily, photo

The plant has a fibrous root system, and roots in the form of cords are present on the sides. Barrel height up to 1 m.

The foliage is elongated, the edges are slightly narrowed, smooth. Color - dark green. Arises from a basal outlet.

Large beige, pink or red buds (up to 20 on one peduncle), tubular or funnel-shaped in shape. They do not bloom at the same time. The duration of flowering is 1-2.5 months.

The fruit has the shape of a rounded trihedral capsule containing several dark seeds.

Types of daylily

In floriculture, widespread natural species are widely used, as they have an attractive appearance and low requirements in terms of care.

These types of plants include the following:

ViewDescriptionFlowersFlowering period
OrangeOpened in 1890. The foliage is hard, saturated green, about 3 cm wide. The trunk grows to 1 m.
There is no smell.
Asymmetrical, in diameter the buds reach 12 cm. Color - red-brown, core - orange.July.
Lemon shadeHomeland is the central region of China. It blooms at night and looks like a lily. Shrub up to 90 cm tall.
Pleasant rich smell.
Yellow, peduncle has a length of about 14 cm.Mid July - end of August. Duration - about 40 days.
Dumortier (Wolf Locust)First described in 1830. Homeland - Northern and Eastern regions of China. A compact shrub that grows up to 70 cm. The leaves are saturated green, up to 2.5 cm wide.Solar. The buds have a diameter of up to 5 cm.July.

Varieties of daylily with photos, names and description

Species and varieties of daylily derived by breeders also deserve special attention:

Hybrid (garden)They count more than 60 thousand.Absolutely different shapes and colors. Orange or yellow shades prevail.
Terry (Double group)KyutiThe color is chartreuse, the diameter of the buds is up to 10 cm.
DreamApricot, the core is dark orange. The diameter of the buds is up to 12 cm.
Red royalBurgundy, with the original form - large external petals, small inside, formed into a lace rosette.
Spider-like (spider)HelixYellow-green buds with dark raspberry fringing.
Arms Tu HavenThe color is lilac red, the neck is yellow-green.
Free heelingLarge, the color is cream yellow, the core is red.
FragrantApple springLight pink, with a greenish-yellow border around the edges. In diameter, the buds reach 15 cm. In the peduncle, 28 buds.
Ode to faithBright yellow with a pinkish overflow in the center, the neck is green. Diameter is about 15 cm.
Stella de Oro (stunted, included in varieties blooming all summer)Funnel-shaped, color - dark yellow. The diameter of the buds is up to 7 cm.
WhiteApple Blossom WhiteWhite, on the edges have a corrugated fringing of yellow color.
Ruffled parchmentCreamy white, neck - yellow. The diameter of the buds is up to 13 cm.
Granny SmithWhite, have a greenish corrugated edging.

Varieties of daylilies blooming all summer: Stella de Oro, Frans Hals, Strawberry Candy. Among the relatively modern varieties distinguish daylily Voroshilova Anna Borisovna (purple-green), which is widely used for decorating loggias, balconies, winter gardens.

Daylily: planting and care in the open ground

The time for planting a flower is selected taking into account climatic conditions, at least 4 weeks are allocated for rooting.

When breeding daylily in the Middle lane, the optimal period is May-August.

  • Planting material purchased at the store is immersed for several hours in a humid environment or any mineral fertilizer. This contributes to the revitalization of the roots, the strongest are chosen from them and shortened to 20-30 cm.
  • For each shrub, a planting pit is prepared, with a depth of about 30 cm and a distance between the bushes of 60 cm, since it grows rapidly. A mixture of peat, humus, sand is poured into each of the holes (taken in equal proportions), and then a little phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is added.
  • The plant is placed in a hole and carefully straighten the root system, check for the absence of voids. Wells are almost completely filled with earth. Holding the shrubbery with your hand, the soil is watered with water, rammed and repeat the action until the trench is completely filled.
  • During planting, it is necessary to control that the root neck of the plant is not deepened more than 2-3 cm, otherwise problems with growth and decay are possible.

In one area, the shrub can grow up to 15 years, but over time, the appearance of the flowers worsens, and then a transplant is performed:

  • the plant is dug along its outer border;
  • carefully removed with a lump of soil;
  • the rhizome is washed in the shower, and then divided into parts;
  • planted on a new site under cloudy weather conditions, pre-shortened and removed all damaged areas.

Daylily care

Subject to the rules of planting and care in the open ground, daylily will please its flowering for a long time.

To make it that way, neutral or slightly acidic soil is selected for the plant. In some cases, strongly acidic or alkaline soils are used, adding lime. Preference is given to fertile loose soil. Clay areas are not suitable, since they increase the likelihood of stagnation of moisture and decay of the rhizome. The site is selected sunny, it has a positive effect on flowering.

The plant is hygrophilous, so it is watered 1-2 times a week.

Fertilize the flower twice a year:

  • In April. Apply dry complex mineral additives, after which they carefully water the soil.
  • 20-30 days after flowering. Use phosphorus-potassium substances, which increase the laying of flower buds.

Daylily propagation

The plant is propagated by dividing the shrub. The optimal time is when changing, in August. They also use seeds, but with this method, the flowers lose their maternal traits (this method is mainly used by breeders).

When the bush is 3-4 years old, it is propagated by separating the daughter sockets from the root system. To do this, take a ground shovel and vertically place it in place of a further cut. Then they press on the instrument with the foot and cut off the necessary part, which is cut from below and pulled out of the ground. Injured places are covered with shredded charcoal or wood ash. Suitable time is spring or autumn.

Mr. Dachnik advises: the fight against diseases and pests

Daylily is a plant resistant to external factors and changes in weather conditions, but it is often attacked by pests and diseases:

SymptomsCausesRemedial measures
A sharp deterioration in the condition of the plant, leaves turn yellow and fade.Exposure to bacteria or viruses.The plant is dug up and removed from the site.
Spotting on peduncles and seeds. Felt fluffy plaque.Fungus.Heavily damaged shrubs are removed from the soil and thrown away. The remaining plants are treated with soapy water, the affected areas are removed, and transplanted to a new place.
Yellow-brown stripes on the leaves.Foliage strip.Treated with any fungicide.
Pustules are yellow-orange in color. Slow development, falling leaves.Rust.Spray with garlic solution. With severe damage, various fungicides are used. If necessary, the bush is transplanted away from patrinia.
Withering of stems, blackening of the root of the neck.FusariumProcessed by such means as Benomil, Carbendazim. Fitosporin-M is added to water for irrigation.
Yellowing and dying of leaves, softening of the root neck, specific smell.Root of the root neck.They dig up the shrub, wash the rhizome under running water, put it in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes, and dry it. Transplanted to a new place.
Wilting buds, the appearance of white larvae in them.Daylily mosquito.Damaged and deformed buds are removed, insects are collected manually.
Decoloration of leaves, falling buds.Thrips.Correct the watering mode. The plant is treated with a soapy solution. With severe damage, the flower is dug up and burned.
Leaf deformation.Aphids, slugs.Shrubs are sprayed with Actellik. The slugs are harvested by hand.
Damage to the root system, wilting.Water voles.Use drugs aimed at combating garden rodents.

With the timely detection and elimination of diseases and pests, especially given the winter hardiness of daylily, it can be widely used in landscape design. Shrubs adorn gardens and flower beds.


Watch the video: Planting Lily Bulbs (October 2024).