Stalk: description and nuances of care


Stem (ceratium) is an annual or perennial plant that belongs to the clove family. The scientific name Cerástium (cerastium) is from Latin horned, derived from small horns that have flowers of some varieties.

Description of the hawks

Grows in the Northern part of the Earth: Eurasia, Africa, America and Australia. The flower petals are white and serrated, the shape is most often oval, lanceolate, ovate.

Seeds are brown. Species reach about 200 units. Abundant flowering begins late in May.

You can find an ordinary field variety of cerastium in the USA, Canada, the Mediterranean countries, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Russia and other regions.

Admiring the cultural colors, people do not realize that these representatives of the flora are magnificent and rich material for the treatment of many ailments.

Popular varieties

Currently, an unusual and very diverse stalker has about 200 species. Florists distinguish several varieties:

  • long flowering;
  • rapid growth;
  • umbrella inflorescences;
  • white flowers and gray-green leaves;
  • diameter 1.5 cm;
  • strict control on the selection of the landing site;
  • winter hardiness.
  • low height;
  • slow and rapid growth;
  • form - star flowers;
  • diameter 1 cm.
  • active horizontal growth;
  • White flowers.
  • silver leaf cover;
  • flowering in June;
  • prefers direct sunlight.
  • the most undemanding;
  • easily adapts to any environment and black earth;
  • bifurcated leaves.
  • high growth (45 cm);
  • adaptation to the wild;
  • perennial color.

Planting and caring for stalks

To grow a beautiful flower bed, the soil should be loose and airy:

  • It must be loosened far inward by 10-25 cm.
  • Then qualitatively fertilize the earth with compost, manure, peat (about 6 kg per 1 sq. M) or mix with sand (1 part sand to 4 parts of fertile garden soil).
  • Dig holes with a distance of 25-30 cm, pour warm water and plant seedlings.
  • Periodically water in the first three days. The plant root system is strong and active.

You can also sow seeds in open ground with the same distance. Acceptable temperature of seedlings - + 20 ... +25 ° C. The dense cover allows the flowers not to suffer from the sun and harsh wind.

The plant is drought tolerant and usually limited to rain. If the flower has become too thick, then you need to remove the extra stems. But keep in mind that pruning the stems increases the flowering time.

Recommended regular digging of the soil and the destruction of harmful weeds. So that the earth is not too hard, it should be mulched in early spring. For winter, cut the stems to 3 cm and cover with peat or pine needles.

Do not plant a long-term stalk near crocuses, muscars and onion irises. Excellent neighbors will be tulips, lilies and daffodils, cider Zelenchuk.

Rules for growing stalks

In general, the flower is undemanding to location and care, but it is important to follow the rules for its breeding.

Key Care Points:

  • In early spring, you need to cut off the lifeless stems, carefully clean and loosen the soil around.
  • If necessary, for abundant flowering, spend up to 3 dressings with a mineral-vitamin complex.
  • Water once a week.
  • Remove early flowering shoots.
  • Trim the stems to create the desired shape.
  • In winter, shelter is not required.
  • To flower pleased with rapid flowering, rejuvenation is necessary (transplanting overgrown bushes into smaller ones for plentiful color) - 1 time in 5 years.


Each species propagates in traditional ways that are familiar to every gardener:

  • by seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • rooting cuttings.

Seedlings for seedlings

The most common is the seed method. In early spring, they are sown for seedlings in containers with soil. Distribute well and lightly water. The tray is placed in a bright room with daylight with an average temperature of + 19 ... +23 ° C.

The first shoots are shown on the 10th day. Seedlings of about 5 cm are placed 2-3 seedlings in small pots. In late spring (May) or early summer (June), the finished seedlings are planted in the ground.

Bush division

Reproduction by dividing the bush consists in the fact that part of the bush is separated and planted with soil with another soil.

Reproduction for the most part occurs in these two ways, but sometimes cuttings are used for perennial stalks.


In March or August, the removed stems are strengthened in open soil by abundantly watering them 24 hours before treatment. Until the roots appear, the planting material is stored under a cover cap.

Pests, diseases, problems when growing stalks

Strawflower has a fairly stable immunity to pests and infections, but some diseases can affect it. Therefore, it is important to know them in order to overcome them as soon as possible.

Slow growthPlanting in insufficiently nutritious soil or lack of pruning of stems.
Abundant growthThere was no rejuvenation (division by bushes).
Fungal diseasesPlanting in too wet soil, with stagnation of moisture.
The flower is getting wetVariable local climate, temperature differences.
It is found in the regions of the Russian Federation, from the Leningrad Region to the Moscow Region and Siberia.

Mr. Summer resident informs: benefits and harms

The healing properties of cerastium have long been used by medicine men and fans of natural ingredients in medicines. The use of decoctions has long been popular in home medicine. They have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Flowers are used for such diseases:

  • irritability and depression;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • tumor removal;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema.

It is strictly contraindicated to use a folk remedy for allergies, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

To prepare blanks for long-term storage, roots, stems, and crushed leaves of the plant are used. The best time for storing and drying the material is the flowering period. Dry the blanks in a dry and warm place on a piece of paper. Store in plastic or glass containers to keep warm. Experienced users dry the raw materials with a thin layer in an electric oven at a temperature of + 30 ... +35 ° C.

The most common recipes

  • Soothing decoction: 3-4 tablespoons of chopped grass pour 0.5 liters of boiled water and insist. Take inside or arrange a bath.
  • Cancer tincture: 1 teaspoon of dried flowers is filled with a glass of water, boiled for 3-5 minutes over low heat, insisted for 2-3 hours, consumed half a glass of broth 4 times a day.
  • Tincture against conjunctiva: 3 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. Used in the form of lotions in a cooled state.
  • Treatment of vitamin deficiency: a cooked broth is taken in a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Thus, a real snowy river will decorate and refresh the flowerbed in any garden.

Decorative culture will always please with spectacular color, magnificent foam of white flowers, unpretentiousness in leaving. In addition, these flowers have many useful and medicinal properties that can be easily applied in traditional home medicine.


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