Aichrison or tree of love: description, types, features of care


Aichrison is a succulent belonging to the family Crassulaceae. Distribution area - Canary and Azores, Portugal, Morocco. The genus has 15 species.

Description of Aichrison

The stem is slightly branched, there are opposite-placed leaves, round-ovoid in shape, similar to hearts, so the plant is called the tree of love, with small light villi. Color - dark green, red, white and yellow blotches are occasionally possible. When damaged, the foliage emits a specific smell.

Paniculate or corymbose flowers, beige to red.

Types of homework for home

Today, at home, you can grow only five varieties of Aichrison:

ViewDescriptionLeavesFlowers and the period of their blooming
HomeShrub hybrid developed by scientists. Grows up to 30 cm.Small, have soft white villi, form rosettes.The color is yellow, there is a pleasant delicate aroma. April - October (with quality care).
Clear-leavedA shrub plant with smooth shoots, growing up to 40 cm.Broad, club-shaped, sticky to the touch. The color is yellowish-green with reddish dots.Golden, form racemose inflorescences. April May. During cold weather, discards foliage, negatively refers to excessive moisture.
Outstretched or looseGrows up to 40 cm.Diamond-shaped, located on elongated petioles.Small, yellow, form a brush. April - October. At the end of this period, the tree discards leaves, but continues to grow.
WindingA small bush growing to 30 cm.Pale green, diamond-shaped. There is a short petiole.Golden April - October.
SpotBrown shoots.Presented in the form of sockets located on elongated petioles.Yellow, form a corymbose inflorescence. It lasts from April and lasts for six months.

Seasonal Aichrison Care

When leaving home for aikhrizon, you need to pay attention to the season of the year:

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Lighting and locationThe light is bright but diffused. It is recommended to place on the windowsill from the west or east side. If placed on the south window, then it will need to be covered with a curtain. Sometimes you should turn, otherwise the crown will not be symmetrical.A well-lit place is needed. Located on the east or west window. Extend daylight hours with phytolamps, its duration should be 8-10 hours.
HumidityHe feels comfortable in dry air, but occasionally needs a warm shower and spraying.Moistening is stopped.
Temperature+ 20 ... 25 ° С.+ 10 ... 12 ° С. Wintering at higher temperatures negatively affects the appearance of the tree. Negative values ​​provoke death.
WateringModerate, must not be poured. Once every 2 weeks.Reduce to 1 time per month.
Top dressingOnce every 14 days. Use nitrous agents.Suspend.
PruningDuring the growing season, this will form a crown and rejuvenate Aichrison.It is forbidden.

Planting, transplanting, pot, soil

The plant is not demanding on the composition and quality of the soil, therefore, for the initial placement of the tree in the container, you can prepare the substrate yourself. An ideal option would be a mixture of turf and sheet soil, as well as river sand of a large fraction, the components are taken in a ratio of 4: 1: 1. You can use the prepared soil for succulents.

Aichrison has surface roots, so shallow pots are quite suitable for growing. A clay bowl with several special drainage holes is a good solution.

The plant does not need frequent transplants. It is carried out only when the achirison becomes crowded in an old pot. The best time is considered spring.

Phased process:

  1. For several hours, the plant is abundantly watered. It will be easier to get it out of the pot with a moistened substrate.
  2. The earth is gently shaken off from the roots and washed under a stream of warm water.
  3. The plant is inspected, broken branches, dry and decayed sections of the root system are removed. They are left in the fresh air for several hours to dry out.
  4. A drainage layer consisting of brick chips, expanded clay and gravel (not less than 3 cm) is poured at the bottom of the new tank. Fresh substrate is poured on top.
  5. The plant is carefully removed from the old pot and placed in the center of the new container. The voids are covered with earth, which is then a little tamped.
  6. After planting, the plant is not watered, moisturized only after 4-5 days.


Propagation of the tree is carried out by seeds and cuttings.

When using seeds:

  1. They are sown in a container with pre-prepared soil (sheet soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 1).
  2. A film or glass is placed on top of the plants to create greenhouse conditions, the seedlings are ventilated daily and watered if necessary.
  3. After about 14 days, the first shoots appear, which dive into other containers with soil intended for adult plants.
  4. After another 3-4 weeks, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots.

During the whole time of seed germination, it is necessary to create good lighting and temperature within + 15 ... 18 ° С.

For propagation by cuttings from the plant, the apical processes are cut off and dried thoroughly. A mixture of sand and soil for succulents is used as a substrate for rooting. Further, the tree of love is transplanted into the ground for an adult flower and provide optimal conditions for growth.

Difficulties in caring for Aichrison

In the process of growing Aichrison, certain difficulties may arise, attacking diseases and pests:

Olive gray weeping spotting on foliage. Quickly switches to buds and stems.Gray rot.Remove all damaged areas of the plant. The flower is transplanted into a sterile pot and new soil is poured. For 2-3 weeks, watered with solutions of copper sulfate, Skor, Fundazole.
Black spots on the shoots, dying leaves.Root rot.Cut off all affected areas and transplant the plant into a new container. The root system is soaked for 3-5 minutes in a mixture of water and Ordan, Previkur.
Gray or brown growths. The soil becomes unnaturally black.Shield.They destroy visible pests by lubricating the plant with alcohol. With a large number of insects, solutions of Metaphos, Actellik are used.
Thin threads, braiding stems, yellowing foliage.Spider mite.Apply a thick foam, hold it on the plant for 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off under a warm shower. Heavily affected areas are treated with ethyl alcohol. Apply acaricides Omayt, Borneo, Apollo. Use 3 times at weekly intervals (the sprayed plant is placed with the pot in a bag and left there for 2-3 days). Watered with a decoction of cyclamen tubers.
Prevent the appearance of pests by spraying the plant with onion infusion.
Lack of flowering.A plant is less than 2 years old (at this age they do not bloom). Too much free space in the pot. Excessive watering. Lack of normal wintering.Wait until the plant reaches adulthood. The flower is transplanted into a smaller container. Reduce the frequency of water application.
Puckering and drying leaves.Lack of moisture.Correct the watering mode.
Yellowing of leaves and decay of the root system.Waterlogging the soil.Regulate watering, remove all affected areas and transplant the plant into a new pot.

Mr. Summer resident tells: signs about the tree of love

There are several signs associated with the tree of love:

  1. If aichrison grows well in a house, then the dwelling is filled with love and happiness.
  2. The plant is able to pass through all the negative energy available in the apartment. Cleans rooms of evil.

With high-quality care for achiris, it will grow healthy and beautiful, and this will not only decorate the interior, but also save the house from negative energy.


Watch the video: Комнатные растения, приносящие счастье. (October 2024).