Myrtle tree at home


Myrtle tree - belongs to the Myrtle family of plants. Originally from the Mediterranean, but found in some northern African countries with a subtropical climate. There are about 10 different species, as well as several varieties created artificially.


In the natural environment, myrtle can grow up to three meters, but the houseplant will not be more than 60 cm. The leaves are dark green in color, round and pointed at the end.

Myrtle can be identified by characteristic branches. When flowering, single, small flowers of a round shape bloom. They come in various shades depending on the type of shrub. In common myrtles and Boethics they are white. In a lemon tree, flowers darken over time to cream or yellow.

In summer, at the end of flowering, dark blue berries with a diameter of not more than 1 cm appear. They have an alluring smell and are suitable for food.

Myrtle is a magical plant, in ancient times they attached special importance to it. He was a symbol of sincerity, mercy and generosity. Often used as decoration for weddings, wreaths were woven from it, as it was believed that it brings happiness.

The origin of many legends and traditions is associated with myrtle; there are various signs and superstitions. For example, if you put a sprig of myrtle under a pillow, you will have a prophetic dream, and a tree grown from seeds will help conception your daughter. Feng Shui myrtle tree is described as a plant with soft energy. According to Taoist practice, it symbolizes family well-being.

In addition to decorating the house or bouquets, it is used in cooking, for example, added when frying meat and fish, for cooking pickles. Dried berries are used in some types of sausages, and in France they make jam. Moreover, due to the bitter taste, their quantity must be controlled.

What types can be grown at home

There are several types of myrtle tree suitable for growing a house.

TitleDescriptionDistinctive featuresBenefit and harm
Swamp (cassandra)Adapted to winter conditions. Height is not more than 1 meter. It lives up to 50 years. It grows in sphagnum bogs.Carries cold winters. In winter, its leaves fall off, and in spring bloom.Poisonous, dangerous for pets.
VariegatedBright colorful leaves with amber stripes at the edges.White flowers with a beige hue and golden stamens. Fragrant aroma.Air purification, reduction of carbon dioxide.
HymenRefers to the ordinary myrtle. A home plant is not higher than 1 m, in nature it grows to 3-5 m.Has a strong, sweet smell.They are decorated with bouquets of brides.
Large leafIt is attributed to a variety of ordinary myrtle tree.Large leaves about 5 cm. It grows up to 4 m.It kills bacteria, and is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and sinusitis.
TrentinaThe leaves are elongated, up to 1.5 cm in size.Bonsai. Many colors form groups.Thanks to its pleasant aroma, it is used for the production of essential oils.
Communis (standard)In the natural environment about 5 meters, the leaves are elongated.Has a smell of lemon.Spices and seasonings, etc. are prepared from it.
OrdinaryIn nature it reaches 4 m, in an apartment it rarely grows to 1 m.Oval leaves with fragrant flowers. Suitable for growing as a bonsai.Used for the preparation of medicinal decoctions and infusions.

How to grow myrtle at home

In order for the bush not to die, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions.

SpringMirtu needs bright light, while avoiding the north side.60-70%. Frequent hydration is required. When flowering, avoid getting water on the buds. Rinse in the shower, then dry the soil from excess moisture. The pot is also placed on a pebble pan filled with water.+ 20 ° C. The plant needs fresh air and ventilation.
SummerPut in the shade during hot days.Up to + 25 ° C.
AutumnPlace in the most lit places and use artificial lighting. When the day gets shorter, myrtle drops its leaves.Moderate - 50-60% if the room temperature is low. In a warm place, at + 20 ° C humidity is 60-70%. You should also clean the tree from heating appliances and moisten in various ways: shower, spraying, etc.+ 20 ... + 25 ° C. If the plant was outdoors or on the balcony, gradually accustom it to a new temperature.
Winter+ 12 ... + 15 ° C, at below + 6 ° C the bush will die. If the temperature is above + 15 ° C, the leaves will begin to fall off.
Avoid drafts.

Pot selection, soil composition, planting, transplanting

Until three years old, the myrtle tree is transplanted annually in the spring. Depending on the growth, you need to change the size of the pot. In an adult, it is not intense, so a transplant is performed every four years.

You should also monitor the size of the pot, it is changed only after the roots have occupied the whole earth.

Myrtle is choosy to the soil, so it should be light, loose and moderately nutritious. You should pay attention to drainage, quality is preferred, fine claydite, perlite, brick chips are suitable. Communis

Experienced gardeners offer three types of soil mix for planting:

  • Universal land for indoor plants, coarse sand is added, it is possible to use moss dressing.
  • Soddy soil, peat, organic fertilizers and sand in equal proportions.
  • A mixture consisting of 2 parts of leaf and peat land and 1 part of turf soil and sand.

When choosing pots, preference is given to those whose height and width are equal. They should have large openings to remove excess water.

When growing a myrtle tree as a bonsai, the pot should be low.

The material can be different, both plastic and ceramic are suitable. But myrtle will look more advantageous in the latter. Another advantage of the second type of pots is their stability, which is important when keeping a tall tree.

The main mistake in choosing a container is to acquire it for growth, which does not allow the plant to bloom in the future, which means that the pot should be selected in an appropriate size.

Step-by-step transplantation scheme:

  1. Prepare a sterile container, soil and drainage.
  2. First lay out the drainage layer on the bottom, on top of a little earth.
  3. The day before, do not water the tree so that the soil is dry and can be easily removed from the old pot.
  4. Carefully take out the plant.
  5. Inspect the roots and prune rotten ones.
  6. Brush off the outer roots from the soil and treat with Kornevin.
  7. Carefully place the myrtle in a new container and spread the roots.
  8. Fill the gaps between the tree and the walls of the container with soil.
  9. Seal the soil with your hands.
  10. Water the myrtle and spray the crown.
  11. Leave a pot with a plant in partial shade for a week.

Proper watering and fertilizer

Myrtle tree should be watered with settled water at room temperature, without chlorine content.

The frequency of watering depends on various factors: - temperature, air humidity and the amount of light.

One of the main is the condition of the soil. It should not be completely dry. Abundant watering can lead to rotting of the roots and falling leaves.

If the plant has wilted and leaves have faded, it is worth spraying it. A shower for myrtle is also necessary to combat pests and various diseases. You can moisten a tree by installing containers of water in close proximity to the plant. A humidifier will also simplify the task.

Mirtu needs fresh air, so the room in which it is located must be constantly aired. But the plant at this moment should be transferred to another room so that it does not freeze.

Myrtle tree is fertilized, but do it carefully. If during transplantation add humus to the soil, then the next top dressing can be carried out only in the summer. Usually fertilize the plant in spring with complex compounds, and after flowering with nitrogen. Myrtle perceives top dressing in the form of spraying.

Myrtle tree propagation

Myrtle tree is propagated by cuttings and seeds.


  1. Reproduction is carried out in winter and summer. Use branches after cutting the crown.
  2. Cuttings take 5-8 cm and cut from the lower or middle branches. An oblique section is treated with a substance for root growth.
  3. The cutlery is planted in a mixture of sand and moss sphagnum or leaf soil. Then the container is covered with cling film and cleaned in a dark place. Several times in 7 days, the cuttings are aired.

Usually sprouts after a month. You can determine by new leaflets that indicate rooting. After this, the cuttings can be planted in separate pots.

Using seeds

It is more difficult to grow myrtle from a seed, this method will require much more time and patience.

  1. First of all, when breeding, a mixture of peat and sand is prepared, moistened and scattered in small cavities, sprinkled with earth and covered with a film.
  2. Contain capacity at room temperature, protect from the sun. Air several times a week, removing the cling film. After 14 days, the first sprouts sprout.
  3. Transplanted after the appearance of two leaves, then only when the roots fill the entire pot.

How to achieve flowering myrtle tree

To a plant bloomed at home, you need:

  • First of all, extend daylight hours and add lighting. But do not allow direct sunlight in the summer.
  • Give the myrtle a rest, the period when watering stops and the temperature drops to + 8 ... + 10 ° C. Then return to room temperature.
  • When transplanting, use a soil mixture of peat, humus, turf land and sand.
  • Feed with mineral fertilizers, but only after selecting the correct ratio. The reasons for the lack of flowering are a lack of phosphorus and potassium or an excess of nitrogen.
  • Often watered without waterlogging the soil.
  • Trim myrtle every year.

Mr. Dachnik advises: myrtle as a bonsai

For the formation of bonsai, myrtle species of the Microfill or Boethics type are suitable. The plant is taken for three years, young is better not to use.

Creating a bonsai begins with the selection of a pot. It should be ceramic and low.

A large amount of sand is added to the soil during transplantation, in which case the myrtle tree grows more slowly, but constantly.

Transplantation is carried out once or twice a year. In this case, the roots are shortened twice. Hymen

To create a bonsai you need to use copper wire and you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Winding the wire in a spiral on the trunk and branches of a tree.
  2. Give the trunk the desired shape, carefully bending it.
  3. Leave the plant with wound wire in this position for six months, if the tree is young, then the period is reduced to 2-3 months.
  4. Watering is regular, and spraying is daily.
  5. After 3-6 months, the wire is cut off and the myrtle is given time to relax, then all the steps described are repeated until the myrtle becomes the desired shape.

Myrtle is sensitive to temperature changes, so the room should be around + 17 ° C even in winter. In addition, he is photophilous, but does not like direct rays.

What can myrtle get sick

If the plant is not properly maintained, it is likely that it will fall ill or be attacked by pests.

Manifestations on the leavesCauseHow to cure
Darken, sticky coating.Shield.Remove the pest with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. Treat with insecticide.
Are dry.Aphid.Use insecticide.
A white web appears at the bottom.Spider mite.Clean with soap or tobacco. Treat with insecticide.
White coating.Mealybug.Remove the pest and use Aktara.
The upper part has light spots, dark on the back.Thrips.Apply Actellik.
Dry up.Root rot.Cut off diseased roots, transplant into uncontaminated soil.

Errors in the care of the myrtle tree

Leaf manifestationCauseElimination
Dry and twist.Lack of moisture.Moisturize the plant. Adjust the watering mode.
Fall off, the ends of the shoots darken.High temperature and dry air in winter.Use a humidifier or install a container of water.
They grow dull, the shoots are pulled out.Not enough lighting.Move to a lighter place, turn on the backlight.
Lose color and fold.Direct rays.Rearrange in a shaded place during the summer heat.

Useful properties, contraindications, use in traditional medicine

Myrtle is a medicinal plant, common in the manufacture of folk recipes, as it is harmless and does not cause adverse reactions. It is used as a preventive measure to combat the following diseases:

  • herpes;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • prostate diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases.

In folk medicine, recipes use leaves, flowers, fruits and shoots of myrtle. Essential oils, as well as infusions, ointments, and medical powders are prepared from the leaves.

Scientists have identified the following plant properties:

  • bactericidal:
  • immunostimulating;
  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • sedative (favorably affects the nervous system);
  • stimulating brain performance.

The plant also helps with burns, wounds and other skin diseases.

To alleviate the patient's condition from itching or burning, lotions are made from infusions based on myrtle leaves.

Myrtle is added to cosmetics and perfume water, as it has a pleasant smell. Masks based on this plant strengthen the hair follicles. Moisturize and tighten the skin.

There are contraindications for taking folk remedies, which include myrtle, these are:

  • pregnancy;
  • elderly age;
  • individual intolerance.

It is also not recommended to leave the plant in the bedroom, as it causes headaches. Infusions on myrtle should be taken until the evening, otherwise there will be problems with sleep.


Watch the video: How to Plant a Crape Myrtle Planting Root Bound Trees (October 2024).