Marshmallows at home and outdoors


Zephyranthes - a flower that is part of the Amaryllis family, is a bulbous perennial. Distribution areas are tropics in the south and in the center of America.

Flower description

The bulbs of the plant are round or oblong, the length can be about 35 mm. There is a basal neck of a small size, contributing to the formation of a leaf outlet. The foliage is narrow, in the form of a belt, of a deep green color. In length, the leaves can reach 20-35 cm.

It blooms in early April and before the end of summer. Flowers are similar in shape to crocuses; the colors are white, yellow and pink. In diameter, the flower is from 40 to 80 mm. The bud lives 1-3 days.

Popular Home Views

There are about 40 varieties of marshmallows, of which at home you can grow no more than 10:

ViewDescriptionFlowering period
AtamasA herbaceous plant with a small bulb and a neck. In total there are 6-8 leaves of tubular shape, the length of which is up to 20 cm. The buds are white with a yellow center, diameter from 25 to 40 mm.The beginning of March is May.
Snow whiteThe flower reaches a height of 30 cm. The diameter of the bulb is up to 30 mm, the neck is elongated. The color of the buds is white, perianths have the shape of a funnel.From July to October.
GoldenHeight is up to 30 cm, the bulb has a rounded shape, the foliage is narrow. Blooming in the form of a funnel, color - yellow.March-April is the middle of summer.
PinkThe bulb is elongated with a diameter of about 3 cm. The flowers are light pink with a yellow core.The middle of spring is July.
MulticoloredIt stands out with its original colors, combine shades of red.

Home Care

When caring for marshmallows at home, it is recommended to consider a number of key points:

Stage of restDirectly associated with a variety of flower: in September-November or December-February. It is necessary to lower the temperature and reduce the brightness of the lighting.
LightingPrefers the scattered sun. Do not place on the window on the north side.
TemperatureIn the spring-summer period + 18 ... + 25 ° C. In cold + 10 ... + 12 ° C.
HumidityThere are no moisture requirements. In dry air, sometimes spray.
WateringDuring flowering, water twice a week. In winter, depending on the condition of the flower, if the foliage is alive, then occasionally moisten the earth. With the complete death of the ground part, stop watering.
Top dressingOnce every two weeks, use complex type liquid fertilizers (Agricola, Kemira-Lux). Begin their application with the formation of a sheet plate. After the flowering stage is over, stop.
The soilLight nutritious soil. The best to choose substrates with sand, humus and turf in equal proportions. To improve growth, add phosphate fertilizer (Superphosphate).
TransferAnnually or every 2 years. Use low but wide pots.

Street views for the middle lane

There are several varieties of zephyranthes that grow well in open ground in central Russia: large-flowered and pink.

The large-flowered can produce a peduncle 30 cm long. Has large buds of pink-orange color. In central Russia, it can be grown only if digging bulbs in the fall.

Pink Zephyranthes is suitable for outdoor cultivation only during the summer season.

Outdoor cultivation technology

Planting and caring for marshmallows in the open ground is not difficult, but there are a number of important nuances. Firstly, you need to choose the right place for planting. Preference is given to open areas on high ground.

The soil should be loose and fertile. If the planting is carried out on loams, then sand (about 10 kg per square meter) must be added to them. When a flower is planted in sandy soil, it is preliminarily fertilized with humus.

It is advised to plant a flower at the end of May, by this time the ground is already quite warmed up.

A drainage layer consisting of pebbles or gravel and clean sand is necessarily laid at the bottom of the hole. Further, the drainage layer is sprinkled with earth, into which the bulb is placed. Before placing the plant in the soil, it is recommended that the bulb is kept for about 30 minutes in Maxim. After planting a flower, the wells are watered with plenty of water.


Reproduction of zephyranthes is carried out in several ways:

  • by seed;
  • dividing the children’s bulbs.

Sowing seeds is carried out immediately after their formation, because after two to three months they completely lose their ability to germinate. Landing is carried out in boxes of medium depth, filled with a mixture of sand and peat. Seeds are placed in small holes located at a distance of 30-40 mm from each other. The soil is sprayed, and then the box is covered with a film.

It is recommended to place the greenhouse on the site where the temperature is + 22 ° C, the flowers open daily for ventilation. The first sprouts form after 13-20 days. After that, seedlings are transported in containers with earth intended for adults. The first flowering occurs in two to four years.

Reproduction using bulbs in gardeners is much more popular, because every day about 4-5 children are formed near them.

For this, during the spring transplant of a flower, it is necessary to carefully separate the earth from the bulbs, without damaging the root system and to plant more freely. With this multiplication of zephyranthes, care does not require any special measures. The first flowering can be observed after about a year.

Diseases and Pests

During growth, zephyranthes can suffer from exposure to a variety of diseases and pests:

Disease / pestSignsTreatment
ShieldBrown plaques form on the foliage and stalk. Leaves grow dull and deformed.The affected areas are wiped with Actellic solution.
Amaryllis WormBetween the scales of the bulb are small insects of white color. There is a slowdown in plant growth, the foliage dries and dies.The soil is treated with an insecticide. Heavily affected bulbs are removed.
Spider miteFlowers fall, the plant gradually withers and becomes covered with a thin web of white.Zephyrantes is treated with a solution of soap and water. In severe situations, they are sprayed with Actellic.
WhiteflyFoliage turns yellow and falls, there is no flowering.The plant is sprayed with agents that contain permethrin. In severe cases, Actelik is used. Reduce the amount of watering.
Fusarium The bulb severely affected by the disease is destroyed.The roots rot, the foliage fades and turns yellow.Plants in the neighborhood are kept for 30 minutes in a solution of Maxim, and then planted in new soil.

Mr. Summer Resident informs: Zephyranthes is a violator of harmony

There is an opinion that Zephyranthes violates the harmony in the house. A flower placed in the matrimonial bedroom will worsen the relationship between husband and wife, and may cause love affairs on the side. Due to these properties of the plant, it is recommended to place it in the library, study and hall, where the presence of active energy will benefit.


Watch the video: DIY: How to Make Marshmallows Like a Pro with the Best Homemade Marshmallow Recipe (October 2024).