Rosemary: tips for growing at home, useful properties


Rosemary or rosmarinus belongs to the genus of perennial evergreen shrubs, distributed in Europe and the Mediterranean, Crimea, and Asia.

This plant is green in color with sharp leaf-needles; the smell resembles a mixture of eucalyptus, camphor, pine and citrus. In nature, rosemary grows up to two meters. It does not withstand frosts, a temperature below +11 degrees Celsius is fatal to him. During flowering, the plant opens, it is strewn with flowers of lilac, sky blue and white, and the air is filled with a fragrant aroma.


Medicinal rosemary belongs to the genus of evergreens, is highly branched, smells good. The roots penetrate into the soil up to 4 meters. From May to July begins to bloom and is an excellent honey plant. The plant is easy to grow at home.

Home Care

Fragrant rosemary is suitable for home cultivation, this species is not capricious and does not require careful care.

Capacity, soil, planting

The soil should be fertile, with a neutral reaction, most importantly not acidic. A good earthen mixture contains leaf and turf soil.

Rosemary needs a lot of space for good growth, so you should choose a pot more quickly. The best option is a clay pot. Be sure to use drainage when landing.

To grow rosemary at home in a pot, you need to consider that in winter the plant will go into hibernation, and it is advisable to keep it at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees, otherwise the spice will not bloom. If in the summer it is not planned to plant rosemary in open ground, then it is necessary to transplant it once every 2 years in the spring. For a transplant, pick up a capacity slightly more than the previous one. Be sure to use the drainage layer when transplanting.

Location, lighting

For growing rosemary at home, it should be borne in mind that a lack of sunlight will affect its saturation with essential oils. Smell and taste will become completely expressionless.

The plant loves sunlight, in autumn and winter it is necessary to leave it on the windowsill on the south side of the apartment, the main thing is that a lot of light gets through the window, and in spring you can take it out onto the loggia to fresh air.

It is better not to put a pot of rosemary next to a rose, otherwise the spice will not be so fragrant.


The peculiarity of the plant is that in winter it feels uncomfortable and goes into hibernation. Be sure to make sure that the rosemary in the cold season is not supercooling and is not at a temperature below +10 degrees. Also, sharp temperature fluctuations cannot be allowed.

During the period of active growth of the plant, the temperature should be no more than +20 degrees, in the cold you can not open the window and window near the plant.

Watering, humidity

A green bush with needle branches is quite drought-resistant, but, for the growth of young shoots, it must be regularly, but moderately, watered. In summer, abundant watering is required, but the main thing is not to overfill, otherwise the roots will turn black and rot.

In winter, it is enough to water twice a month. You can sometimes spray, this has a beneficial effect on the leaves.

Top dressing

Mineral and organic fertilizers with peat, humus and sand should be introduced from spring to autumn, about two times a month. As a top dressing for rosemary growth, calcium is suitable, you can additionally introduce it once every six months in the soil.

Pruning, transplanting, reproduction

At home, spice is best grown by two methods: cuttings and seeds.

It is more difficult to grow seeds, seedlings hatch for a long time, but if you follow the detailed step-by-step instructions, then everything should work out:

  1. Moisten a piece of gauze with water. Lay out the seeds and leave for a couple of days.
  2. Put them on moist soil and cover with plastic wrap to preserve heat and humidity.
  3. After the first shoots appear, regularly spray the seeds.
  4. After a month, the shoots can be transplanted into a separate pot.

The second method is cuttings.

  1. Cut the shoot from the top of the plant bush, remove the lower leaves and plant the layering in a mixture that contains peat and sand.
  2. Once the cuttings take root, you can plant them in a pot.

Mistakes, diseases, pests and methods for their elimination

ComplicationElimination method
White coating on the leaves, which later turns brown.The plant is affected by a pest - powdery mildew. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves of the plant and transplant into another soil, treat with Baikal-M.
Dots began to appear on the leaves, leaves folded into a tube.This is a whitefly or aphid. Admiral sprayer will help.
White translucent spider web on leaves.The plant is affected by a spider mite, you can get rid of it with a soapy solution if the disease in the initial stage, with a severe damage to the bush, can not do without insecticides.
White spots on the leaves.Comes from excessive watering. It is necessary to temporarily stop watering and transfer the plant to a warm and bright place.
Leaves faded or yellowed.Lack of lighting, you need to transfer rosemary to a well-lit room.

Yellow leaves indicate insufficient watering, it is necessary to water the plant regularly, and it will rise again.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: medicinal, cosmetic and other beneficial properties of rosemary

Spicy herbs have enough medicinal properties that are used in folk and traditional medicine.

The healing properties of rosemary:

  1. Beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body.
  2. Heals fresh wounds.
  3. Beneficial effect on the joints.
  4. It has a strong diuretic effect, which stimulates enhanced kidney function.
  5. Actively used to treat oncology, prevents the development of cancer cells.

For dry, annoying coughs, rosemary oil is also used. It kills all harmful microorganisms and has antiseptic properties, helps the body cope with chronic ailments.

With psoriasis, use is possible both in fresh form and in powder form.

If rosemary grows in the garden or at home, you can use it as an aromatic additive for taking a foam bath, it will be magical aromatherapy. Also, tincture can be made from grass to dry acne and inflammation on the face.

Composition, vitamins and minerals

In rosemary there are alkaloids (rosmaricin), ursolic and rosmarinic acids, tannins. The leaves, flowers and upper parts of the plant shoots contain essential or rosemary oil.

ParameterValue (per 100 grams of product)
Calorie content331 kcal
Fats (gr.)15,2
Proteins (gr.)4,9
Carbohydrates (gr.)64
Water (gr.)9,4
Dietary fiber (gr.)42,5
Saturated Fatty Acids (g)7,4
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, PP
Minerals (mg.)Calcium (1280), potassium (955), magnesium (220), phosphorus (70), sodium (50), iron (29.3).

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergy;
  • epilepsy

In cosmetology

Rosemary essential oil is endowed with many beneficial properties. If you comb your hair with this oil every day, it will become long and shiny. Essential oil stimulates hair follicles and is an excellent prevention of baldness, you can find many recipes with rosemary for the treatment and restoration of hair. It has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

In cosmetology, various masks and decoctions based on spices are used. For hair growth, you need to brew 4 tablespoons of grass and stand for about 4 days. The broth must be rubbed into the scalp every 4 days. Hydrolate is made from rosemary, this spray is used for cosmetic purposes, refreshes and removes all inflammations on the face.

In folk medicine

Rosemary is also actively used in folk medicine:

  1. To get rid of gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to drink tea from rosemary.
  2. Also, spice is an excellent aphrodisiac and increases male potency. Dry mix is ​​sold in pharmacies, its average price is about 90 rubles.

In cooking

In cooking, it is used as a spicy spice and seasoning for dishes. To enhance the taste of food, you need to add a pinch of spices and lemon juice, this is the perfect flavor combination. This spice is ideal for a delicious marinade of meat and fish. But you can not use spice with bay leaf, it violates the metabolism.


Watch the video: Growing Rosemary and What to Do with It (October 2024).