Calathea Medallion: Care and Growing Tips


Calathea medallion - a decorative home flower, belongs to the family of arrowroot, homeland - South America. Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of several meters, but the decorative calathea medallion is low, about 35-40 cm.

The photo shows that the peculiarity of the flower is in beautiful patterned leaves, the lower side of which is painted in cherry color. Small leaves look like tubes, which unfold as they grow. Calathea locket loves light and high humidity, is characterized by increased sensitivity to light.

It is not easy to take care of the plant, therefore it should be planted only by experienced gardeners.


Calathea medallion - a whimsical plant that requires gentle conditions and careful care.

Temperature and lighting

The most comfortable lighting for this flower is partial shade. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the leaves dry up, become pale. If the plant is in constant shadow, a bright patterned color disappears, the leaves become uniformly green.

Sudden temperature changes are contraindicated. The flower feels most comfortable at standard room temperature - from +19 to +25 degrees, in the summer - up to +28 degrees.

The choice of capacity and soil for planting, place

The flower has a dense, branched surface rhizome, so a wide capacity, the depth of which may be small, will be most preferable. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom.

The soil should consist of peat and humus in equal proportions. A small amount of sand and charcoal should be added to this mixture.

In order not to bother composing a suitable soil, you can purchase ready-made for the Morant family.

Watering, top dressing

Under natural conditions, the plant grows on the banks of water bodies, as it loves moisture. Comfortable humidity level - 90%. In an ordinary apartment, such air humidity is unattainable, and if you create it, it will be unpleasant for a person. Therefore, the calateh medallion must often be sprayed from the spray gun.

Watering is regular, the topsoil must be constantly moistened. At the same time, excess moisture should not be allowed, since the roots quickly decay when the soil is excessively moist.

From April to October, the flower grows actively, at which time special feeding should be done at least twice a month. Zeal is not worth it, as he does not like surplus.

Mr. Dachnik explains: transplantation and reproduction

Transplantation is carried out once a year, in the spring. At the same time, a plant can be propagated if it is large and healthy.

It does not like the division of rhizomes; it is better to use the method of cuttings.

A small branch is cut from the bush, placed in the prepared soil and covered with a plastic bag. It is quite difficult to grow a plant from seeds, but this method can also be used.

Diseases, pests

Sometimes the leaves of the flower turn yellow and dry, this is a sign of too hard application of fertilizing or that the plant is cold. If calathea lacks moisture, then the leaves dry and curl. Also, the cause of the disease can be electromagnetic effects, if the flower is located near household appliances.

The most common pests are spider mites, thrips and scale insects. Treatment is with insecticides.


Watch the video: Calathea Medallion: Addy's Tips for Beginners (October 2024).