Hirita - growing and care at home, photo species


Chirita is a flowering herbaceous plant from the Gesneriaceae family. Under natural conditions, it occurs in the form of a perennial or annual low shrub. Indoor cultivate low (up to 20 cm) perennial bushes that periodically need rejuvenation.

Develops slowly. It begins flowering in May and delights with bell-shaped flowers until September. The homeland of the Khirites is hot and humid Colombia. In nature, the plant is common in India, Southeast Asia, on the rocky slopes of the Malay Peninsula.

Also see how to grow Smithian and Achimenes.

The intensity of development is slow.
It blooms from late spring to early autumn.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.

Chirita: home care. Briefly

In order for the plant to always have beautiful elastic leaves, flowers appear in time, careful care is needed for chirita at home. The optimal conditions for the content of hirita are as follows:

Temperature modeIn winter - not lower than + 15 ° C; in summer from + 18 ° C.
Air humidityAbout 50%.
LightingBroken bright.
WateringModerate; during flowering, increase the frequency of watering, in winter - reduce.
Homalomena soilReady soil for senpolia; a mixture of two parts of leafy soil and taken in one part of peat, humus, sand.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom mid-March to early September - once a month twice as much fertilizer for the senpolia.
Homalomen transplantAfter the first flowering; adult bushes rejuvenate.
BreedingLeafy cuttings, seeds, cuttings.
Growing FeaturesPeriodically, a silky brush cleans the leaves of dust. Hirita loves fresh air and airing. It reacts poorly to drafts, tobacco smoke and gas combustion products. Dry inflorescences and yellowed leaves should be removed on time.

Hirita brings peace and joy to the house. Velvety leaves of beautiful colors and funny little bells of flowers evoke a feeling of home warmth and coziness.

Chirita: home care. In detail

Hirita is an elegant delicate plant similar to a violet. In order for the bush to develop consistently and delight in flowering, a favorable environment is created around it.

Flowering hirita

In mid-May, the flowering of hirita usually begins, delightful to everyone who watches it. By this time, the plant has formed up to five pairs of leaves. Peduncles form in their sinuses. On one long peduncle, up to 10 buds appear, collected in racemose inflorescences. They rise above the emerald velvety or variegated leaves with a beautiful magnificent "hat".

Flowers, shaped like bells, have an elongated tubular base. They can be painted in white, cream, lilac, blue, pink shades. The lower petals of some types of hirita are marked by contrasting stripes. Each flower lives from one to two weeks. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a box with small seeds.

Temperature mode

Having southern roots, at home, hirita continues to be a thermophilic plant. When growing it, it is important to maintain the temperature regime. In summer, the bush is comfortable at +18 - 25 ° C.

In winter, the temperature should remain between + 15 - 20 ° C.

At higher or lower rates, the plant suspends development. At temperatures below + 15 ° C, a flowerpot with a flower is removed from the windowsill or put a wooden or cork stand under it to remove the roots from the cold surface.


The plant does not have special requirements for air humidity. Optimal for it is considered an average degree of humidity. Therefore, spraying, according to the rules of caring for hirita at home, is not a mandatory procedure.

It can harm a plant: spots and leaves will appear on leaves and flowers, rot will develop. On especially hot days, you can spray the air around the hirita, trying not to touch the bush itself. It is best to place a container with a flower on a pallet with wet expanded clay.


Light is very important for the harmonious development of hirita. If there is little light, the plant will not bloom. In bright light, the hirits begin to curl and turn yellow. You can place a pot of home furniture in any part of the apartment.

It should be remembered that if you put a flower in the northern part of the house, where there is never a lot of light, you need to turn on the backlight. In the southern part, where, on the contrary, the sun is very bright, the plant is shaded.

Watering the Hirits

The watering of hirita should be taken very carefully. It is necessary to water when the plant needs moisture (this can be seen in the drying soil). Excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots. Hirita will endure a slight drought.

But if the dry period dragged on, water carefully gradually adding small portions of water over several days. For irrigation take well-defended lukewarm water.

Pot for hirita

A large pot for hirita is not needed: it will not bloom in it. First plant the plant in a small container. Then choose a low flowerpot, the diameter of which is less than the diameter of the leaf rosette of the bush.

The diameter and height of the container for an adult plant should be approximately equal.


Hirite requires a loose, breathable soil with a slightly acidic reaction. Often use soil for senpolia - related plants. At home, hirita can be planted in a substrate prepared from two portions of leafy soil and humus, sand and peat, taken in one portion. To enhance the drainage properties, brick crumb, vermiculite, pieces of sphagnum are added.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

For hirita, fertilizers and top dressing are important during the period of active growth. With the onset of spring until the last days of summer, it is fed with a diluted agent for senpolia. Having deposited the baby from the mother plant, for six months it is fed with a preparation containing a large amount of nitrogen.

At the age of 6 - 8 months, phosphorus and potassium are added to nitrogen. Further, the amount of nitrogen is minimized, and potassium and phosphorus are increased so that flower buds are laid. After the procedure, hirita is shaded.


The plant is transplanted after the first flowering. An annual transplant of hirite is not required: with age, the bush ceases to bloom, its lower leaves fall. Adult hirita is rejuvenated with cuttings.

A young plantlet is planted in the smallest pot, then it is replaced with a larger one. Transplanting, do not deepen the growth point. 15 days after the transplant, they begin to feed the hirita.

Hirita Trimming

Hirita does not respond well to pruning. Therefore, it is often impossible to trim it. At the very beginning of spring or at the end of autumn (before or after flowering), yellowed leaves and dry pedicels are cut. During the procedure, they try not to damage the fragile shoots and petioles of the leaves.

Rest period

In hirita, the rest period is not pronounced. When it is rarely watered in winter, it is not fed and kept at a temperature not exceeding + 15 ° C, it is believed that the plant is resting. At this time, the growth of hirita is suspended, flowering is absent. If it is impossible to lower the temperature in the room, you must turn on the backlight. With additional lighting for 13 hours a day, hirita continues to bloom.

Hirita Reproduction

At home, hirita can be propagated in many ways. Three of them are especially popular:

Growing hirita from seeds

Small seeds are sown on moist soil without deepening and sprinkling with soil. Cover with a film, leave to germinate at + 23 ° C, periodically airing and spraying the soil. After about two weeks, the seeds will germinate.

With additional illumination, they are grown. When two leaves appear, dive into separate pots. So annual species are propagated.

With spring sowing, they bloom next winter.

Hirita propagation by cuttings

Cut the cuttings. Remove the lower leaves and sprinkle the cut with charcoal powder. The stalk can be rooted in wet moss or water. You can immediately plant in moist soil, cover with a film and continue to grow in greenhouse conditions. It is best to cuttings in early April so that the bush blooms next winter.

Hirita propagation by leafy cuttings

Choose a beautiful healthy leaf from the middle of the bush. Cut off with a razor from the stem. The slice is slightly dried and treated with fungicide. So that the leaf itself does not grow and does not delay rooting, you can cut off its upper part.

Leafy cuttings are planted in peat tablets or in the ground. Can be rooted in water. Planting in the ground, they try not to bury the sheet: so it will take root faster. Children grow up after about 45 days. A plant obtained from a leaf blooms in about 7 to 10 months.

Diseases and Pests

If hirita is poorly looked after, it can be affected by pests, and diseases will make themselves felt. You can immediately find out about this by looking at the plant:

  • hirita leaves turn yellow - if large leaves turn yellow - an irreversible physiological process; if yellowing is accompanied by rotting of the stem - excess moisture (damaged leaves are removed, the plant is better to transplant, water on time);
  • dry spots on hirita leaves - manifestation of sunburn (remove damaged leaves, plant shade from the sun);
  • hirita is slowly growing - little light (rearrange in a brighter place);
  • stems are pulled - lack of lighting (put in a well-lit place);
  • hirita leaves are twisted - dry indoor air (use humidifiers);
  • the tips of the leaves dry - from low humidity (put a flowerpot with a flower on a pallet with wet pebbles).

Sometimes spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies attack a hirita. Insecticides are used against them.

Types of homework with photos and names

In the natural environment, there are about 100 species. Houses grow some of them:

Hirita Chinese, silver Hirita “Chirita sinensis”

Low-growing (about 0.15 m) shrub with silver or emerald leaves, the length of which reaches 10 cm. The surface of the oval leaves is downy, the edges are serrated. Purple flowers are collected in large inflorescences. Brownish peduncles are covered with a light pile. Flowering falls in the summer.

Hirita Tamiana “Chirita Tamiana”

The height of the bush reaches 0.1 m. It has velvety small leaves and small white flowers with purple stripes running through the neck. It blooms at any time of the year.

Hirita lavender “Chirita lavandulacea”

Annual shrub with dense ellipsoidal leaves. Streaks are clearly visible on green leaf blades. Flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves and on the tops of the shoots. White flowers are distinguished by a violet limb and a yellow throat. When illuminated, it blooms at any time.

There are many hyrite hybrids. They are all attractive, but some are especially popular:

Hirita “Sweet Dreams”

Compact bush with large glossy leaves and lilac flowers, distinguished by dark corollas.

Hirita “Periwinkle”

Bush with catchy flowers of a lavender hue; the upper part of the pharynx is marked with an orange spot, the lower part with yellow stripes. The leaves are narrow dark green in color.

Hirita “Diana Maria”

A bush with large lilac flowers with a pinkish tint, "decorated" with golden stripes. Wide green leaves are covered with silver spots.

Hirita “Atsuko”

Bush with large pink - lilac flowers having a white pharynx. The pale green leaf plate is wide, with serrated edges.

Now reading:

  • Ruelia - home care, photo species and varieties
  • Violet - home care, photo
  • Oleander
  • Hippeastrum
  • Ahimenez - growing and care at home, photo species


Watch the video: LIVE: 3 Grow Light Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Seeds Indoors. Spring Garden Series REPLAY (October 2024).