Epipremnum - growing and care at home, photo species


Plant photo

Epipremnumor scindapsus is one of the most popular varieties of perennial vines, related to branchy ampelous forms of vegetation.

The flower has a huge number of varieties, but mostly it is highly curly vines, decorated with saturated variegated green leaf plates, which are effectively able to decorate any interior of an office, apartment, or private house. Belong to the Aroid family.

In natural conditions, branches can reach up to 38-40 meters in length, which can be spread on the ground, or attached to the trunks of various trees. The home plant grows to 4.5 meters. In the care is not whimsical.

In growth, it adds up to 45 cm per year. It blooms only in natural conditions from spring to late autumn. Flowers in the form of a cob with a veil do not have much value, so the plant has a value more like a decorative one. The birthplace of Epipremnum is the tropics of southeast Asia, the islands of Slomon and the Malay archipelago, as well as Indonesia.

See also how to grow zamioculcas and syngonium.

They have a high development rate - adds up to 45 cm per year.
At home, does not bloom.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.

Beneficial features

Photo of epipremnum in a pot

Effectively cleans the air of toxic compounds, as well as:

  • increase the stamina of the human body;
  • have a stimulating effect on intelligence, increasing the intensity of its development;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of people, both on the psycho-emotional and physical levels.

Growing epipremnum will fill the house with pep, optimistic mood and enthusiasm.

Epipremnum is golden. A photo

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Temperature modeEpipremnum at home is best grown at 18-24 ° C in the summer season, and in winter at least 13 ° C.
Air humidityRelatively high. Despite the fact that the plant is resistant to drought, regular spraying and leaf treatment will ensure optimal development and growth.
LightingFeels great in diffused light, but can also adapt to partial shade.
WateringWarm water once every 5 days in the summer, and in winter not more than once a week.
PrimingA soil mixture consisting of sand, peat, humus and leafy soil in a ratio of 1/2: 1: 1: 1.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom spring to autumn, feed liquid organic fertilizer for indoor plants every 2-3 weeks. In winter, does not need fertilizer.
Epipremnum transplantThe young plant should be replanted annually in early April, then every 2 years.
BreedingIt should be propagated by apical or stem cuttings with 2 leaf plates. For rooting, you can use a container of water, or a mixture of peat mix with moss.
Growing FeaturesIt reacts painfully to drafts and combustion products of gases. Needs support. Pruning is best done in spring, cutting branches half their length.

Epipremnum care at home. In detail

Caring for an epipremnum at home is very simple. The main thing is to provide diffuse lighting, choose a suitable pot and soil, ensure optimal air temperature, make timely top dressing, water and do not touch the plant during its dormancy.


Like other representatives of the Aroid family, it has an not quite attractive inflorescence in the form of a cob with a bract, about 6 cm long.

Scindapsus begins to bloom from spring to fall, but only in natural conditions. At home, this plant is used only as a deciduous.

Temperature mode

Home epipremnum must be kept in the summer season at a temperature of 18 to 250 C, and in winter the air temperature should not fall below 140 C, since lower temperatures can have a detrimental effect on the flower.


In the hot summer months, the plant must be sprayed daily. Water procedures will not become superfluous even with the onset of the heating season.

From time to time it is recommended to wipe the leaf plates with a damp cloth, or cover the flower under the warm pressure of the shower.


Shade tolerant epipremnum plant at room conditions does not tolerate intense heat and direct rays of the sun. The most favorable lighting for a flower will be its location on the east or west window.

But do not forget that growing a flower on the northern windows, as well as in rooms with minimal lighting, can lead to a deterioration in appearance. The leaves will fade, the shoots will become too long and not very beautiful. The mottled speckles on the leaves may completely disappear.

Therefore, it is best to provide diffuse consecration and then the plant will delight with the excellent appearance and beauty of exotic leaves.


Too often, the plant should not be watered. The soil in the pot between each watering should have time to dry out on 1/3 of the upper part.

Otherwise, the risk of root decay may increase significantly, especially if the flower is planted in a moisture-intensive heavy soil structure.


Epipremnum at home is recommended to be grown in a rather wide, but not deep pot, since the root system is shallow.

There must be holes at the bottom, which is necessary to ensure the release of excess water during irrigation and saturation of the root system with oxygen.


The soil for an exotic plant must be breathable and moisture permeable. For planting, you can use universal floral soil. A mixture of one part of humus, peat, turfy soil and half of coarse sand is also perfect. At the bottom of the tank, it is recommended to lay a layer of turf.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

If in the winter period to provide additional illumination, then to apply universal liquid fertilizer in half dose throughout the year is necessary once every 3 weeks. In the absence of additional lighting, it is necessary to fertilize the plant only from spring to autumn. In winter, the flower does not need fertilizing.

Epipremnum transplant

Epipremnum transplantation should be carried out once every 2-3 years, preferably in the spring, if the plant is already quite mature. Young tropical flowers need an annual transplant, although instead you can simply replace the topsoil. In one capacity, 3-4 shoots can be planted.


Pruning is recommended for the formation of bushy vegetation. The procedure should be carried out in early April, cutting off the shoots at half their length.

Rest period

There is no clearly expressed dormant period. However, its intensive development and growth proceeds from the beginning of March to the end of October; it is during this period that the flower needs timely top dressing.

After the air temperature reaches 14-15 degrees, the plant begins to perceive this as a dormant period and the growth process slows down several times.

Growing epipremnum from seeds

Like any decorative flower, epipremnum is quite difficult to grow from seeds, so this method is used in extreme cases. To grow this amazing flower from the seed, you must first stock up on loose soil and a pot with a hole in the bottom.

After the procedure for sowing seeds, it is necessary to water them and put the pot in a room with an air temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. After 2.5-3 weeks, the first shoots should appear, as they grow, they can be planted in separate containers.

Epipremnum propagation by cuttings

Reproduction of epipremnum is carried out mainly by apical cuttings, on which there must be at least 2 leaf plates. And you can also propagate this beauty by dividing the shoot into parts, provided that each part will have at least one leaf, from the sinus of which new shoots will develop in the future.

Cuttings must be simply rooted in any container with soil, the temperature of which should be at least 22 degrees. The rooting process of cuttings proceeds over a period of 2-2.5 weeks.

Rooted flowers can be planted in permanent pots and pinch the apical cuttings once to provide a stimulating effect on the branching process. What will be the size of the handle, the longer it will take to form a developed climbing plant.

Diseases and Pests

Epipremnum is a very stable plant, but inappropriate care and the appearance of pests can adversely affect the external state of the plant.

May be subject to the following problems:

  • If leaves turn yellow epipremnum, this indicates nutrient depletion of the soil.
  • Brown spots on the leaves are a sign of an excess of moisture in the soil and growing in heavy soil composition. It is recommended to spray the plant more often and reposition away from the heating appliance. If possible, replace the composition of the soil.
  • If the ends of the leaves curl then this may indicate too dry soil and air, it is necessary to water the flower abundantly and spray the leaf blades with warm water.
  • Black leaf edges - evidence of sunburn.
  • Pale and small leaves begin to appear in low light conditions. The flower needs to be transferred to a bright room, and the problem will disappear.
  • If the stem stretched out it also indicates a lack of light.
  • If the leaves turn pale then this may be due to excessive light. In this case, you need to remove the flower pot away from the window.

The brown tips of the epipremnum leaves may appear if the plant begins to freeze or the soil is excessively wet. In addition to these problems, pests such as scale insects, mealybugs, aphids and spider mites can appear on the plant. Getting rid of them is not difficult.

First you need to remove them mechanically, and then carry out the treatment with a fungicidal agent.

Types of epipremnum home with photos and names

Cirrus Epipremnum (Epipremnum pinnatum)

It is a winding vine, decorated with marble leaf plates with a yellow-green color and very long shoots. The stems grow up to 2 meters in length. Almost never blooms. Varieties: Aureum and Marble Quint.

Epipremnum Golden Aureum (Epipremnum aureum)

It is one of the most popular varieties of decorative flowers. A distinctive feature is the dark green leathery leaves, decorated with various spots and stripes of golden color. The stems of the creeper eventually reach 6 meters of the Variety: Golden Potos, Pearls and Jade, N Joy and the Marble Queen.

Epipremnum spotted or painted Scindapsus pictus

This is a vine growing up to 15 meters in length. The surface of the stem on a young plant is smooth, but with an increase in its age, numerous growths begin to form. Leaf plates have an ovoid shape, elongated 12-15 cm long, and 6-7 wide. The most famous varieties are Argyraeus and Exotica.

Now reading:

  • Scindapsus - home care, species photo, reproduction
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