Adenium - home care, transplant, photo species


Flowering photo

Adenium (Adenium) - succulent flowering shrub from the Kutrovy family. In the wild, distributed in the arid regions of South and Central Africa. The birthplace of adenium is the Arabian Peninsula. Perennial decorative foliage succulent is distinguished by a light gray trunk thickened in the lower part.

In nature, grows up to 3.5 m, forming long branches. The length of large glossy leaves can reach 45 cm. The height of a tree grown indoors does not exceed 0.5 m. To grow a home adenium is not in a hurry. By the age of three, its height reaches only 0.25 m.

At the age of four, the plant already blooms with spectacular flowers resembling roses. For its resemblance to the queen of flowers, the shrub is often called a desert rose.

Also be sure to look at the catharanthus flower from the same coutra family.

Growth rate is low.
At the age of four, the plant already blooms from late spring to autumn.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.


Photo of adenium in a pot

All parts of the plant contain poisonous juice, so increased care is required when in contact with it. All work is carried out with gloves, because the juice causes a severe allergy. The tree should be out of the reach of children and animals. In the homeland of the flower, warlike tribes still use toxic juice to make poisoned arrows.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Adenium at home can even grow a novice grower, if it creates optimal conditions for the plant:

Temperature modeDuring active vegetation - up to + 30 ° C, at rest - up to + 15 ° C.
Air humidityAbove average.
LightingBright without shading; south-facing windows.
WateringOnly after the soil has completely dried out.
PrimingReady-made substrate for succulents or a mixture of two parts of garden and leaf land, three parts of sand with the addition of eggshells and bone meal.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the summer, up to 3 times fertilizer for succulents.
TransferAdults - as needed, usually every 2 years; young bushes - in the spring annually.
BreedingLayers, seeds, cuttings.
Growing FeaturesThe plant must be satisfied with the rest period in the winter with the content in a cool room. The root system of the tree is developing intensively and gradually “pushes” the plant from the soil. When the plant rises above the substrate by 1.5 cm, its roots should be trimmed. The tree is removed from the pot, side roots are removed. The cut points are sprinkled with charcoal powder. Adenium is transplanted into a new container. In the spring carry out shaping pruning.

Care for adenium at home. In detail

It takes root well in the room. Even a beginner grower can grow a tree if he understands the intricacies of the process and learns the preferences of the plant.


Adenium - succulent blooming beautifully. The first time blooms in adulthood - over 4 years old. Adenium bloom is a spectacular sight. Depending on the variety, flowers similar to roses can appear on the plant from spring to autumn. The duration of flowering also depends on the variety. Sometimes the process does not stop within six months.

Nature tried her best to create large funnel-shaped flowers. In some varieties, their diameter can reach 0.15 m. The original "design" of the petals: they can be either monochrome or "painted" strokes, dashes and specks.

The texture of the flowers is varied. Petals are simple, velvety and terry. The color is amazing: it ranges from milky white to all shades of red and purple. There are instances painted in black and red. Collectors of rare colors consider cream and yellow species to be especially valuable.

Temperature mode

This is a thermophilic plant. For normal vegetation, he needs to be in comfortable conditions, therefore it is important to observe the temperature regime and keep the flower from spring to autumn at a high temperature - up to + 25 - 30 ° C, and during the winter, when there is a dormant period, the temperature is reduced to + 15 ° C.


Caring for the adenium at room conditions strongly recommends keeping the plant at high humidity. This is especially important during active vegetation, from March to mid-September. To do this, often spray the bush.

When flowering begins, the plant is sprayed rarely and very carefully, trying not to touch the delicate petals.

They maintain humidity in other ways: they install a container with a plant in a tray with wet expanded clay or near an aquarium, use humidifiers.


For the good development of the adenium plant, it is important to choose the right lighting. Experienced growers are recommended to contain premises in the southern sector. Here, the direct rays of the sun will be directed at him at least 5.5 hours a day. This time is enough to recharge your batteries and not burn the leaves with aggressive rays.

In spring, after emerging from a dormant state, a flower is accustomed to light gradually, not immediately substituting it under direct sunlight. If it receives little light, it will stretch, it will grow poorly.

In order for the crown of the tree to develop symmetrically, it is recommended to periodically rotate it on the windowsill, substituting either one or the other side to the light.


The tree refers to succulent plants that independently store moisture. Therefore, home adenium is watered exclusively after the substrate dries. In winter, watering is very rare, and if they are kept at a temperature of about + 15 ° C or a little lower, they do not water at all.

In spring, irrigation is resumed only when three weeks have passed after the formation of the first buds and the natural growth of the tree begins. Use well filtered tepid water.


When replanting, replace the pot. Experienced flower growers are advised to choose light plastic containers to protect the rhizome of the plant from overheating. The pot should be wide and deep so that the root system of the bush and a thick layer of drainage fit well there. There should be drainage holes at the bottom.


A well-chosen substrate is of great importance for good development. You can buy in the store soil mixture for succulents, add sand (perlite) to it. If you wish, you can prepare the soil yourself, taking for each two servings of leaf and garden soil three parts of sand, a little bone meal and egg shells.

To make the substrate loose and breathable, add crumb brick, coconut substrate, vermiculite or foam balls to it.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilizing and fertilizing gives the plant strength and improves its appearance. Adenium is often not necessary to feed. During the summer, spend up to three dressings with a solution for succulents, diluted in half. Overfed plants increase the diameter of the trunk and the number of leaves, but reduce the flowering time and impair its quality. Fertilizer combined with evening watering. After the procedure, the plant is placed in a shaded place for a day. In winter, feeding is not carried out.

Adenium transplant

Transplanting allows you to update not only the capacity, but also the substrate. Together with this update, the plant receives an incentive for further development. Adenium transplantation at a young age is carried out every spring. A mature bush is replanted when its roots completely encircle an earthen lump and begin to appear on the surface of the soil or peep through drainage holes. This usually happens every two years. Most adult plants do not transplant, only replace the upper layer of soil.

The root system should be carefully examined. Dried and rotted fragments are removed. The procedure will become an incentive for the formation and development of new roots. Place the slices sprinkled with coal powder and dried. It is also necessary to remove part of the leaves, leaving only the most beautiful and healthy. After transplantation, the adenium is watered after 5 days (during this time the earth has time to dry).


To form a spectacular crown in spring, after waking up, adenium is trimmed. To give the crown a woody shape, the side branches are shortened by a third. To form a bush, the shoots are cut below. At one time, the desired result cannot be achieved. Pruning is carried out purposefully for several years.

Rest period

In mid-November - early March there is a period of dormancy in adenium, when there is a slow sap flow, leaf growth stops, buds are not tied. In advance, closer to the beginning of November, artificially reduce lighting and lower the temperature of the plant to + 15 ° C.

Top dressing is stopped, the frequency of watering is reduced, and with a severe cooling, they cease to water at all. They make sure that the roots do not get too cold, otherwise the adenium will die.


Reproduction of adenium is possible at home in three ways. All of them are effective.

Growing adenium from seeds

Very common. Before sowing, seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate and germinated in peat tablets, between layers of filter paper or in several layers of gauze. After germination, they are planted in a substrate. At a temperature of +15 - 28 ° C, seedlings develop well and quickly. When they grow up, they need to be transplanted into larger containers. Before the transplantation, the central root is pinched to stimulate the formation of subordinate roots.

Propagation of adenium by cuttings

Apply immediately after pruning the plant. The cut points are sprinkled with charcoal and dried. Planted in a moistened substrate without watering. After 4 days, you can spray the soil. Watering for the first time is possible when the development of the plant is noticeable.

Propagation by layering

They make, by slightly cutting the stem, the diameter of which is not less than 2 cm. The place of the cut is moistened with a root growth stimulator, wrapped with moist sphagnum and covered with a lightproof film. A month later, when the roots are formed, the layers are carefully separated from the parent plant and placed in the ground.

In all ways, you can easily get a new plant, but only with seed propagation in the adenium will a thickening form in the basal region of the central trunk.

Diseases and Pests

The worst disease - root rot from waterlogging of the soil. The disease is easier to prevent by responsibly approaching watering. If leaves turn yellow in winter, this is a normal physiological process of leaf death. So the plant facilitates rest, freeing itself from unnecessary "burden".

Leaves turn yellow adenium in the summer from exposure to draft or cold, changes in habitual location, lack of moisture. To avoid trouble, protect from drafts, rearrange in a warmer place, watered.

Sometimes the plant is affected by pests. The most active among them are scale insects, spider mites and mealybugs. Insecticides are used against insects.

Types of home adenium with photos and names

In the natural environment there are 7 species. For many years, breeders have been working to create new varieties based on them. At home, not all are common.

Thick Adenium (Adenium obesum)

Succulent with a thick trunk and branched apex. Dense leaf plates are oval; attached to the shoots with short petioles. May be velvety or covered with a slight coating of wax. It blooms in spring. Funnel-shaped large flowers form before the leaves. They can be painted in different colors.

Adenium Socotran, Socotran Baobab (Adenium socotranum)

Saturated green glossy leaves are collected in rosettes. The flowers have a velvety nimbus. Prefers calcareous soils.

Popular varieties of adenium

Adenium grade 'Aden. Best of Siam variegata '

A tree with pale green, almost white, leaves and double pearl-pink flowers.

Adenium grade 'Bright Gems'

A well-branched plant with lanceolate leaves and white-pink flowers (the lower part of the petals is dark scarlet).

Adenium variety 'Chalkng Pink'

A tree with velvety emerald leaves and large flowers of a pink hue.

Adenium grade 'Double Color'

Against the background of emerald leaves, originally colored flowers stand out: when they appear, they are black, after a few days they turn red.

You can endlessly admire the tree with the original trunk and spectacular flowers and each time see it in a new way. By experimenting with trimming the crown, you can "construct" an unusual plant. From a small seed or a short cut, a flower grower is able to grow a unique handsome man.

Now reading:

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