Euphorbia mile - home care, reproduction, photo


Milkweed photo

Euphorbia mile (M. Milius, M. brilliant, M. milier, M. mile) - highly branching succulent, perennial shrub from the family Euphorbiaceae. Under natural conditions, grows in the arid regions of the islands of Madagascar and Mexico. In Europe, grown indoors. The plant is named after the Governor Fr. The reunion of Baron Pierre Bernard Milius, who brought him to France.

Euphorbia a mile in nature grows to 2 m, at home its height rarely exceeds 1.5 m. The bush grows slowly. On the tops of prickly shoots oval leaves are formed, which fall in autumn. Small flowers on long green peduncles are located outside the thorns. Attention is drawn to small bright bracts.

Shrub grows slowly.
Domestic euphorbia mile blooms almost all year and always looks elegant.
The plant is easy to grow.

Beneficial features

Euphorbia mile. A photo

Phytoncidoactive plant. Biologically active substances secreted by its cells reduce the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the air by almost 65%; pernicious effect on E. coli, staphylococcus.

In the room where the euphorbia grows for a mile, people calm down, feel a surge of strength. Attractive appearance of the flower evokes pleasant emotions. Milk milk juice is toxic, but in small doses it is used for medicinal purposes. Since ancient times, they bleached their skin, removed corns and warts.

Signs and superstitions

It is believed that the euphorbia plant brings happiness to the house. Spreading powerful positive energy around you, the euphorbia creates a favorable atmosphere and good relationships around you. Energy flower improves immunity and uplifting.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

It is easy to grow an euphorbia a mile at home, you just need to know his preferences and try to create an optimal environment.

Temperature modeIn winter - + 12 ° C, the maximum possible decrease is up to + 6 ° C; in summer - 23 - 29 ° C.
Air humidityBelow average, poor tolerance of high humidity and spraying in cold weather.
LightingLove bright sunshine; preferably south window.
WateringIn winter - once a month; in autumn and spring - once every 2 weeks, in the summer - once every 7 days.
PrimingTaken in equal shares of turf land, peat, humus, sand; soil for succulents; reinforced drainage.
Fertilizer and fertilizerOnce every 30 days with diluted liquid fertilizer for cacti (from mid spring to autumn).
TransferYoung - every year, in the spring; mature - every 2, 5 years.
Milkweed ReproductionCuttings.
Growing FeaturesIn early spring, weak, elongated and damaged shoots are cut off halfway to give the crown of the bush the desired shape and improve the light perception of the plant.

Milkweed Milk Care at Home. In detail

A flower euphorbia miles can be grown at home even by a novice grower who is familiar with the preferences and characteristics of plant development.


Flowering milkweed miles is an attractive phenomenon, sometimes lasting several months. The plant can bloom all year round, but in winter you need to send it to rest in a cool place.

Euphorbia mile - dioecious plant. It has small unisexual flowers collected in cyatia - special inflorescences consisting of 1 female and several male flowers with stamens.

Around the flowers are small glands that secrete nectar. Flowers in cyatia are surrounded by a wrapper. Special rounded bracts are attached to its outer side, which may have pink, scarlet, coral, cream or purple color. Many mistakenly consider them petals.

The saturation of the color and the size of the bracts depend on the variety and the proper care of the plant. The flowers are not capable of self-pollination, therefore, if they want to get seeds, put several bushes next to them.

Temperature mode

In order for the flower to develop fully, it is recommended to observe the temperature regime.

They are kept cool in winter, this has a beneficial effect on its flowering and growth. It is permissible to lower the temperature to a maximum of + 6 ° C, but + 12 ° C is considered optimal.

In summer, the plant is comfortable at + 23 - 29 ° C. In warm weather, it can be taken out to the balcony.

It is important to avoid draft and sudden cooling, so the flower is not placed next to the windows and air conditioning.


The euphorbia mile, like all succulents, normally tolerates dry air even during the heating season. About 40% of indoor air humidity is considered normal for them.. Spraying the plant is carried out rarely, and only in dry, warm weather, so as not to cause stem decay.

Spray the euphorbia a mile of the house with settled lukewarm water. Do this far from the draft and the bright sun, trying not to touch the flowers. After spraying, the plant should dry well in the shade.


Domestic euphorbia mile - unpretentious plant. But the right lighting for its development is important.

As befits succulents, the plant prefers bright sunlight. He likes to be on the south window. But in summer, especially on hot days, the euphorbia must be rearranged on the east window or shaded to avoid leaf burns (especially for variegated species).

In autumn and winter, when the length of daylight is reduced, additional illumination is installed.

Milkweed likes light from above. In low light it will slowly develop.


In order not to cause illnesses and to feel comfortable the euphorbia mile at home, you must responsibly approach its watering. Watering is carried out only when the soil on top dries well. Usually in the summer this happens once every 7 days, in the winter - once a month, and the rest of the time - once every 2 weeks.

It is important when reducing the number of irrigations not to reduce the amount of water poured into the ground. Overmoistening of the soil is much more dangerous for milkweed than overdrying. Its roots are able to retain moisture for a long time. To maintain the soil in a wet state, mulching is carried out.


The root of the bush is located superficially. Therefore, a pot for milkweed mile is needed low, but roomy, so that the root system is evenly distributed at the bottom. When picking up the pot, it is ensured that there is enough space in the tank for the drainage layer, as well as a drainage hole. Euphorbia mile needs a heavy, steady pot.


It is believed that the soil doesn’t demand a spurge mile, it can develop in ordinary land taken in the garden. But at the same time, a substrate for succulents or soil for milkweed mile, prepared at home from peat, humus, sand and turf soil, taken in equal proportions, is preferable. The soil mixture should be moisture- and breathable, have medium acidity.

It is important to create reinforced drainage from ceramic fragments, broken bricks or expanded clay. Brick chips are added to the substrate.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilizing and fertilizing are important to improve the appearance of the plant and increase its resistance to adverse factors.

From mid-spring to autumn, once every 30 days, the euphorbia is watered with liquid mineral fertilizer for cacti, diluted several times.

Top dressing is carried out after watering, in cloudy weather or in the evening.


Milk milk transplantation is necessary for its full development. Young bushes should be replanted every year, in the spring; mature - after 2, 5 years. Damaged root fragments are cut.

A pot is selected whose diameter is 2 cm larger than the previous one. Drainage and part of the soil are poured into the bottom. They put the euphorbia a mile and fill it with the rest of the soil so that 2 cm remains to the top edge of the pot (the growth point cannot be buried).

The plant is watered and left for several days in a shaded place to take root. After 2, 5 weeks, the flower can be fed for the first time.

Milkweed pruning

Euphorbia mile should be cut off in time to heal, rejuvenate the bush and improve its illumination. At the beginning of spring, elongated, weak and dried shoots are cut off halfway. Pruning stimulates the formation of new branches, so that the bush will be fluffy.

Cutting off a fragment of the shoot, wipe the places of the cut from the juice with a damp cloth. The wound is slightly dried and sprinkled with crushed coal. The work is carried out with gloves to protect hands from toxic plant juice.

Rest period

The plant can bloom almost all year round, but it must be stopped on time. Then the supply of vital resources will not be depleted, and flowering will resume with renewed vigor. Bush rest period is organized in winter. Euphorbia mile is placed in a cool room and kept for 3 months at + 12 ° C. At this time, they do not feed him and only occasionally - once a month - watered. At the end of winter, they are gradually accustomed to heat and light.

Can I leave without leaving on vacation?

If you go on vacation for a month, the spurge mile will calmly endure the breakup. Only before leaving, the plant must be abundantly watered, put away from the draft and too bright sun.

Propagation of milkweed miles cuttings

Breeding milkweed for millennia by cuttings is carried out in the spring, but if the flower begins to rot, then the cuttings are cut at any time. In this case, propagation by cuttings becomes the only possible option for preserving the plant.

Cuttings are cut, the length of which is 15 cm. They should have at least 3 leaves. The place of cut is washed and wiped, otherwise the viscous juice will flood the wound, and rooting will be difficult. Planting material is placed in a dark, dry place for several days so that a film appears on the cut.

After this, the stalk is left to root in a peat-sand mixture at + 20 ° C. After the appearance of small roots and 2 to 3 new leaves, the euphorbia a mile is planted in a pot.

Diseases and Pests

Diseases and pests infect the spurge a mile rarely, but sometimes unpleasant symptoms appear that worsen the appearance of the plant:

  • the lower leaves of milkweed fall off - if the plant is mature - a natural physiological process; in young people, a lack or excess of moisture in the soil; low temperature (correct watering; rearrange in a warm place);
  • stems rot - fungal disease due to excess moisture; overfeeding with nitrogen; lack of light and heat; poor drainage (stop watering; treat with fungicide; transplant into a new soil with enhanced drainage; rearrange in a warm, lit place);
  • euphorbia does not bloom - insufficient lighting; too big pot; lack of nutrition due to increased growth of the side shoots (rearrange in a bright place; transplant into a smaller pot; trim the side shoots);
  • leaves wither - insufficient watering (water abundantly);
  • brown or black spots on the leaves - damage by a fungus (treat with fungicide);
  • yellowing leaf ends - lack of moisture in the soil or calcium deficiency (water, feed);
  • the appearance of the web - attack of a spider mite with too dry indoor air (wipe the leaves with soap and water, rinse under the shower; spray regularly);
  • milkweed leaves bend, dry and fall - defeat with a mealybug (wipe the flower with soapy water, rinse under the shower; with a severe defeat, use the "Actellic" remedy).

Pests affect: spider mite, scutellaria, aphids, root bugs, thrips, whiteflies.

Varieties of milkweed mile home with photos and names

There are many hybrid varieties of Milk Milkweed. Some of them are most popular in indoor floriculture.


Beautiful bushes with bright green foliage. Pale pink bracts with darker specks or stripes.


Delicate slightly velvety bracts have a bright pink color.


Against the background of green leaves, yellow bracts with an orange center look fresh.

"King Yellow"

Dark green leaves are elongated. Bracts are bright yellow.

"Sakura kiss"

Bracts are snow-white with frequent impregnations of pink color.


The shoots are thin elongated. Bracts are deep red. Blooms profusely in the warm season, in the fall - in moderation.


Soft golden bracts stand out against the background of bright green foliage. The bush blooms profusely.

"Nam Choke"

Carmine red bracts. It blooms profusely and continuously. The bush is compact. Shoots with sharp spikes. Grows slowly, does not need frequent pruning.

Euphorbia Mile - a bush strewn with thorns. Despite the external inaccessibility of the plant and the poisonous juice contained in it, it is invariably popular with gardeners. The secret is simple: the bush is decorated almost all year round with bright flowers that bring joy to the house.

Now reading:

  • Euphorbia room
  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species
  • Oleander
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  • Prickly pear cactus - home care, photo species


Watch the video: Come with me: Plant shopping + tour. Carlsbad, CA. May 2018. ILOVEJEWELYN (October 2024).