Scaffold purple - planting and care


Purple sapling is a life-saving plant that is undemanding to care for. It has beautiful flowers and is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. A variety of species and varieties will allow you to choose the plant that will meet the needs and tastes of the grower.

Most species are tall and powerful plants with magnificent small flowers that are widely used in landscape design. Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Saucetum sinensis) is used to create medicines.

About the history of appearance

The window sill got its name from the resemblance to hemp. Previously, the word "lean" was another name for this plant. In accordance with the Latin name, the window sill is also called the Evpatorium.


Sapling is a plant that originates in eastern North America. It is often found in nature at the edges of forests and along river banks. There are various types of it, for example:

  • hemp;
  • spotted;
  • purple.

Many other species of window sill are also known (there are about six hundred of them in all).

Based on them, a significant number of varieties were developed. As an example is:

  • Soccerball;
  • Phantom;
  • Baby Joe


Plant characteristics

Poskonnik landing and care in the open ground

In these plants, flowers can have a different color. They can be pink to purple. Shoots are powerful and upright. The growth of the perennial perennial reaches 1-2.5 m. This plant has dark green leaves, which have large sizes and an elongated shape. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences, which in their shape are similar to a hat. The beginning of flowering is mid-summer, the end is in autumn.

Interesting. Magenta purple has a complex and intense aroma, in which you can catch various shades.

Which family belongs to

Lichnis perennial - planting and care in the open ground

The scaffold purple belongs to the Astrov family (Compositae).

Description of popular species and varieties

If we consider the window sill, its types and varieties are very diverse. The most popular of them will be described below.


Perennial small petals or erigeron (Erigeron) - planting and care

The homeland of the spotted bud (Eupatorium Atropurpureum) is North American forest. It is also found on the banks of rivers. The height of an adult plant reaches 1.8 m. The leaf plates are arranged in the form of whorls (several emerge from one point of the stem, looking in different directions). Inflorescences have a purple color.

Several varieties of spotted window sill:

  1. The variety Album has white inflorescences with a grayish tint. The height of plants of this variety is 2 m.
  2. In the Barter Bryde bilberry variety, the flowers have a snow-white color. Such a bush grows to 2.4 m.
  3. Spraypaint (the name translates as "Spray paint") has dark green leaves with light spots. This is a type of variegate window sill.
  4. In the variety Karin, the flowers have a pale lavender hue. Adult plants reach a height of 2 m.
  5. Fortune's broom can have flowers of various colors.

Many other varieties also belong to this species.


This bush grows to a height of more than one and a half meters. The hemp sapwood has straight, sturdy stems. The inflorescences have a smoky pink color. The leaves are dark green in appearance resembling hemp. Their shape is dissected, with three claw-shaped segments. In the hemp sap, they are slightly pubescent, grow on short petioles. Flowers are collected in baskets of 4-6 pieces. Cannabis saplings is a good honey plant.


Saponnik of this species is hydrophilic. The bush can reach a height of two meters. It grows well in areas lit by the sun. In landscape design, used in combination with shrubs and flowers.

It can be used as a coastal plant. It blooms from mid-July to the end of September. The white sill has high frost resistance.


The bush grows compactly. Its width is 45, its height is 60 cm. This flower has a special coloring of leaves. They include pink, emerald and green colors. At the same time, their edge has a special color - creamy cream. Not only flowers have decorative elements, but also the leaves of this plant. It is preserved in the shrubbery bush for almost the entire spring-autumn season: from early spring to the end of September.

Prefers moderately moist soil. Not only good sunlight is suitable for him, but also light partial shade. Poskolnik variegated is used for landscaping and is suitable for growing in pots.


An important distinguishing feature of the hybrid varieties of perennial buds is that when propagated by seeds, they do not inherit the properties of the parent plant. This applies to seed produced independently. However, one that is purchased in specialized stores or nurseries will allow you to get the plant of the desired variety.

Examples of hybrid varieties are:

  1. Phantom variety, whose height does not exceed one meter. Its inflorescences have a sisy-purple color. It grows well in bright light or in partial shade. It prefers fertile soils, easily permeable to air and water.
  2. The hybrid variety of Baby Joe has a large leaf mass. The height of the bush does not exceed 75 cm. This variety is often used for decorative design of ponds. It is also a winning background for vibrant perennials. It needs good sunlight for growth. The flowering period is from July to September.

Hybrid varieties are the fruit of the long efforts of breeders and delight owners with their special beauty.

Flower seedlings

How does the scabbard breed?

To propagate the flowers of the barn, cuttings, division of the bush or the use of seeds are used. Read more about these methods below.


As a handle, it is necessary to take a part of the stem no longer than 15 cm long. Then it is planted in a container with soil and regularly watered. After 2-3 weeks, the roots develop, another week later you can expect the appearance of the first leaves. After this, the stalk can be planted in open ground.

Bush division

This method is convenient for those types of windowsill that grow well in breadth. In this case, part of the root is separated from the mother plant along with the stem, then transplanted to a new place.


Important! For this purpose, seed is taken from the plant being grown. This is done in cases where the variety is not hybrid. Otherwise, the seeds must be purchased in specialized nurseries.

Seeds are first grown to produce seedlings. In the open ground planted in mid-May.


Rules for landing in open ground

For the plant, you need to choose areas that are brightly lit by the sun. Allowed when there is a light partial shade.

Preparation and seeding

Important! Seeds are planted in early March when the weather is right. The time when the seedlings are ready comes in mid-May.

Seeds are stratified. To do this, it is mixed with sand and kept in a glass jar for a month on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After that, the seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 24 hours and planted in a small container to a depth of 5 mm.

Garden rafter

How to care for seedlings

Containers with earth are covered with foil and put in a warm place. They need to be regularly watered and aired. The film is removed after 2-3 weeks. When two leaves appear, seedlings dive, placing in peat pots. In mid-May, they are ready to land.


Wells are made at a distance of at least 80 cm from each other. Before landing on each square. meter add 3.5 kg of compost. It is necessary to choose a depth of holes so that the peat pot can easily fit.

After the plant has been planted, you need to drown the soil a little and water the sprout.

Replanting method

In this case, the seeds are placed in open ground in early spring. They must be carefully watered. In this case, not all of them will sprout, but those that sprout will be viable and seasoned.

Features of plant care

According to the description of the window sill, the plant is able to tolerate high humidity well and loves frequent plentiful watering.

Fertilizing is required three times during the growing season: in early spring, in June and during the period when buds begin to form.

Forming pruning is not necessary. However, if self-seeding is to be avoided, then wilted flowers are removed to avoid the formation of seed boxes.

Before the onset of winter, the aerial part is cut off, leaving only the roots.

When and how it blooms

In most species, this period begins in mid-July. Flowering continues until the end of September.

Types of flowers

The buds of this plant have only one appearance. When the bosom blossoms, small buds gather in a variety of inflorescences, which may look different in different species and varieties.


The buds are tubular and small in size. Color can be different: white, pink, purple or lilac-blue. They are collected in inflorescences, which take one of the following forms: scutes, panicles or brushes. The fruit of the window sill is the achene.

Flowering period

For most varieties, this time begins in mid-summer and ends in late September. Poskonnik retains decorative properties not only during this period, but also at another time.


Care Changes

During the formation of buds, one of three annual dressings is carried out. For her, it is customary to use complex mineral fertilizer for flowers. Other changes in care during this period do not occur.

Possible problems

This plant is very viable and grows efficiently. However, if difficulties arise, then measures must be taken to deal with them.

Leaf problems

Deviations can occur when the window sill receives little sunlight, moisture or a lack of nutrients.

If such a situation arises, care must be taken in accordance with the rules.


Plants are highly resistant to insects. However, the window sill may be subject to attack by miners. It’s hard to get rid of them. Therefore, affected parts must be removed and destroyed.


Subject to the rules of care, the window sill is not susceptible to infection.

Signs of improper care

If the plant grows frail, the leaves dry, there are few flowers, then this indicates that it is not sufficiently taken care of. In this case, it is necessary to provide the correct watering and top dressing.

Use in landscape design

This plant is widely used in landscape design.

In the gardens

This flower can be used as a solo plant and as part of a landscape ensemble.

If it is necessary to hide certain places in the garden, then in this case a group planting of the window sill can be applied.

In cities

This plant is often used to decorate the shores of natural or artificial ponds. It is sometimes planted separately, among lawn grass. You can also use the bush as a background for a flower ensemble.

Shoots retain freshness for a long time. Cut flowers can be used for bouquets and composition.

This plant allows you to tastefully decorate a garden or park. And for this, you can choose among the available variety the most suitable variety of window sill. However, it must be borne in mind that, despite the undemanding care, there are certain rules that must be observed in order to ensure abundant and beautiful flowering.



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