How to choose a chain saw: recommendations and advice from professionals


The chain electric saw is widely popular among owners of country farms. Although she is not able to fully replace her "sister" with an internal combustion engine, for small-sized sawmills, there is no better option. The tool is easy to maintain: to get started, you just need to connect it to the network. How to choose a chain saw with a sufficient set of functions, but not overpay? In order to make a competent choice, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, the main of which we will consider in the article.

The principle of operation of a chain saw

Saw - a tool needed in the household, which is often used when cutting branches in the garden, sawing wood and carpentry.

Compact and easy-to-use tool does not require knowledge and skills in handling a gasoline engine

Initially, manual chain saw models were rather bulky and heavy. Not surprisingly, the emergence of electric chain saws on the market among most consumers was enthusiastic. In addition to ease of operation, a significant advantage of the power tool is that it is environmentally friendly, since it does not emit exhaust gases during operation. This is especially true when sawing materials in a confined space.

The main structural elements of a chain electric saw are:

  • electric motor in the housing;
  • guide tires;
  • chain;
  • oil pump with oil reservoir.

When the unit is turned on, the engine creates a rotational movement, which is transmitted to the sprocket by means of a bevel gear or direct drive. An asterisk placed in a common plane with the chain begins to rotate it, so that the cutting blade easily cuts wood.

Recently, many manufacturers equip models with centrifugal clutch, thereby preventing damage to the electric motor and saw gear during cycling.

Electric models of chain saws are famous for their long service life, which is achieved due to the constant lubrication of movable elements during operation

The chain oil located in a special container is pumped through the pump to the tire with which it travels through the chain through the sprockets and the cutting blade. Many models have a function of adjusting the intensity of the lubricant, which allows you to work with materials of different hardness.

The volume of the tank averages 120-200 ml. This volume is enough for 2 hours of continuous operation. The task of the operator is to control the oil level in the tank, otherwise, working "dry" the motor will quickly overheat and the tool will fail.

To facilitate the task of controlling the volume of liquid, manufacturers make transparent inserts in the case or provide for the use of a special probe.

It will also be useful material that is better - a chainsaw or power saw: //

Household or professional tool?

Like any electric tool, a chain electric saw is presented on the market by household and professional models. Professional tools are more powerful, which allows them to operate without stops for a longer time. They are best chosen if frequent use is required.

Most professional models are equipped with a function to maintain a constant speed of the motor, as well as vibration protection and comfortable handles

The only drawback of professional chain saws is their high price, which is often several times higher in comparison with household counterparts.

Household chain saws are more suitable for short-term work. The time of continuous operation of the tool is limited to 10-15 minutes, after which it is necessary to pause, giving the engine a "rest".

The simple design of these models and the use in the manufacture of low-cost materials can significantly reduce the cost of household chain saws

In order not to miscalculate, before choosing a chain saw, determine for yourself the scope of the proposed work and the frequency of use of the unit. If you need a tool for seasonal work in the country, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a household option.

Parameters for choosing a quality electric saw

The modern market offers a wide selection of models. Among the well-known brands of well-established manufacturers, the most popular are: Bosch, Sparky, Patriot ... There are also less promoted brands, which are often not inferior in terms of the presented functions. Therefore, when choosing a chain saw, it’s worth noting only the brand’s publicity, but also the operational characteristics of a particular model.

Also, material about what you should pay attention to before buying an electric saw will be useful: //

Parameter # 1 - location and engine power

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a tool is engine power. Not only performance depends on this parameter, but also its durability.

If power surges in your mains are quite common, choose a tool with a sufficient power reserve. The engine of such a chain saw will not overheat when the voltage is reduced, giving out rated power.

The engine power of household electric chain saws can vary between 1.5-2 kW, and professional - up to 3.5 kW

With unstable voltage, experts recommend choosing models equipped with a thermal control system that automatically turn off the tool. The thermal relay is triggered when the temperature of the motor winding reaches the set threshold. But it should be borne in mind that when switching off too often in conditions of unstable voltage, the unit's productivity also decreases.

If you focus on the location of the engine in the structure, then it can be:

  • Transverse - the axis of the engine is perpendicular to the width of the unit, and its center of gravity is slightly offset. When working with such a tool will have to constantly maintain balance. It is most comfortable to work with him in a vertical plane when you cut from top to bottom.
  • Longitudinal - the design is a straight line in which all components are well balanced. Such a constructive solution provides excellent blade balancing during turns, giving the tool greater maneuverability.

Saws with a transverse engine are for general use. The power of such tools fluctuates around 2 kW, and the mass does not exceed 4 kg.

Saws with a longitudinal engine are indispensable for carpentry.

The absence of a protruding engine on the side simplifies the work with the tool, but increases the weight of the unit, the value of which can reach 6 kg

Hands will get tired of considerable weight quickly, and therefore it will not be very convenient to operate such a tool for several hours of continuous operation - this should be taken into account.

Power saw KRÜGER ECSK 25-40

The German brand KRÜGER, which has long gained popularity and consumer confidence, offers a very good tool with increased power. The KRÜGER power saw (Germany) has compact dimensions and is used for logging, sawing timber, sawing off branches and branches. The power of the KRUGER electric saw is 2500 watts. Impact resistant plastic protects the device from damage. Among the functions - automatic lubrication of the circuit, start lock. It is convenient to work: the electric chain saw Kruger weighs only 5 kg.

The price of a Kruger electric saw is about 5,000 rubles, which is more than acceptable for a German manufacturer. Without a doubt, this device is the best demonstration of the ideal ratio of quality and price.

Parameter # 2 - chain tension control

In the manufacture of electric saws, low-profile chains are used. Although they have lower productivity, they are good because they expose the instrument to less vibration, making it safer to use.

The correct tension affects the performance and safety of work, so during operation of the chain saws have to be pulled up quite often

On sale there are models in two versions of the chain tension:

  • Classic - to tighten the chain, the fastening tires are loosened and gently slid with a flat screwdriver. This is a rather painstaking method, time-consuming and requires the availability of the necessary tools at hand.
  • Simplified - chain tension is achieved by loosening the nut and shifting the tire with the slider.

The lubrication of the saw unit in modern models is carried out automatically using an oil pump. The pump is driven at the same time as the saw is turned on. This greatly simplifies the maintenance of the unit. The owner’s task was to control the level of the oil and add it as needed.

The presence on the side panel of the lever allows you to easily adjust the tension, the system is convenient in that it does not require the use of special tools

Parameter # 3 - bus length

The working tire on which the chain is fixed may have various modifications. The length of the tire is directly related to the power of the tool. It can reach 30-45 cm. Considering that it is unlikely that you will have to cut thick logs on a suburban area, a tire 40 cm long is considered the best option for household work. Tools with a longer tire will be much heavier, more powerful and, therefore, more expensive.

The quality of the cut depends on the thickness of the cutting blade.

For household tools, the standard tooth pitch is 3/8 inch: the thicker the chain, the more powerful the motor should be

Depending on the performance of the tool, different types of chains and tires can be installed on saws of various manufacturers. Movable items will wear out over time and require replacement. Therefore, in order to further prevent problems with finding parts, choose power tools with the most common type of circuit.

Parameter # 4 - soft start

The engine starting and braking systems are perhaps the most extreme operating modes of the unit. The reason for this is that at these moments, shock doses of current pass through the motor winding, which significantly reduce its resources.

Significantly facilitates the work and protects the engine from extreme loads, the soft start system, which limits the starting current, allowing the motor to gain speed gradually

The soft start system extends the "life" of the unit.

The presence of an inertial brake allows you to stop the motor in a split second when the tool is turned off, thereby reducing energy consumption.

Option # 5 - Security

Any wood saw is a potentially dangerous tool. Therefore, when choosing a unit, it is so important to protect yourself from possible injuries in the process of using the tool.

When choosing a power tool, pay attention to the presence of an accidental power-on lock. It protects you from danger if you are not comfortable holding the instrument with one hand or after turning it on you have found that you are not yet ready to work with it.

When working with a chainsaw, a “kickback” can be especially dangerous. It occurs when the end of the tire comes into contact with the hard surface of the lumber, as a result of which the tool is sharply thrown back, and its moving chain can injure the operator.

To prevent a “kickback”, modern models are equipped with an automatic brake system, which is a lever designed in the form of a shield located under the handle

The automatic brake is activated when the hand slips off when a “backstroke” occurs: when pressure is applied to the shield, a spring is activated, which activates the brake and stops the chain.

And for working on wood, an electric jigsaw is useful. You can find out how to choose this tool from the material: //

How not to break a freshly bought tool?

Specialists in the repair of tools note that most often electric chainsaws fail in the spring. This is easily explained by the fact that condensation accumulates in the windings of the electric motor of the tool during the cold winter months. Drops of moisture and provoke a short circuit when the unit is turned on. You can prevent this problem by “standing” the tool before starting work in a warm room. To do this, it should be brought into the room at least a day before the moment of inclusion.

A frequent provocateur of incapacitating a tool is a voltage drop. When the voltage decreases and the unit develops rated power due to intense heat generation, the insulation may simply melt or close the anchor. Therefore, when working with the tool, it is so important to monitor the stability of the current and periodically give the unit a "rest".

The chain saw is a simple and easy-to-use tool. With proper care and compliance with safety regulations, it will last more than 5 years without requiring additional costs.

Video tool wizard tips


Watch the video: Chain Saw Buying Guide. Consumer Reports (October 2024).