Badan planting and care in the open ground


Badan plant is unpretentious, grows well in the shade and in the sun. It features a quick change in color: from green to bright red. Changes occur in one cold autumn night, with the onset of the first frosts. Poured stems and leaves are preserved all year round, they look original from melted snowdrifts.

Description of the plant

Badian flower is a perennial herbaceous culture of the Saxifrage family. It is widely used in Europe for decorating gardens and flower beds; in Russia it is quite rare in garden plots. The plant extends up to 60 cm in length. Leaflets are voluminous, shiny, have a rounded shape, dark green color, collected at the root in a rosette. White, pink, blue, purple bells are collected (up to 120 pieces) in thyroid inflorescences. The size of the flowers is up to 2 cm across. Badan with bright bloom pleases gardeners from late March to early June.

Popular types and varieties

Poskonnik landing and care in the open ground

There are few varieties of incense, about 10 subgroups of wild and cultivated varieties. Under the climatic conditions of Russia, it will be possible to plant several varieties of frankincense: thick-leaved, heart-shaped, and Pacific.

Plate Bergenia

It is found in glades and meadows of Altai, Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan, and China. The cultivation and care of thick badiana will make it possible to obtain medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Leaves of culture are used to make healthy teas that help with colds, cystitis, and indigestion.

Externally, the plant is represented by a compact bush 60 cm long. Large leathery foliage has a deep green hue, by autumn, adult plants take on a bright red color. The flowers of the frangipani are bell-shaped, form large inflorescences. The culture blooms luxuriantly for 3-4 weeks. The best varieties of frangipani for cultivation in the gardens of Russia - Giderruspe, Purpurea, Senor.

Heart-shaped Bergenia

The description of the variety bergenia cordifolia is determined by the growing conditions. On average, the height of the shoots is 30-40 cm, the leaves are voluminous, have a heart shape, a saturated green tint. The flowers are pink or lilac-pink (less often white or lilac), form racemose inflorescences.

Bergenia cordifolia

A hearty frankincense actively blooms in late spring. It copes well with severe frosts.

Badan Pacific

It is found in the wild in the Far East, in China and Korea. If properly looked after, the flower shoot reaches 40 cm. The foliage is voluminous (maximum 20 cm across), ovoid, painted in light green, forms a convex vein in the center. Flowers of rich pink tones, collected in inflorescences.

Important! Hybrid bergenia pacifica is more demanding in care, relative to other plant species.

The healing properties of frankincense

Knifofiya - planting and care in the open ground

In scientific medicine, frankincense is well established as a medicinal raw material. For healing purposes, extracts of leaves and roots of the culture serve. Bergenia-based drugs are used for gastrointestinal diseases, also in gynecology as a hemostatic agent in the treatment of the cervix. Badan roots are also useful for colitis, enterocolitis of non-infectious origin.

The dried, darkened foliage of the culture is brewed for aromatic teas - Mongolian or Chigirsky varieties. The drink has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the nervous system, intestinal microflora, and helps solve gynecological problems and acute respiratory infections. The healing properties of the plant are effective in pneumonia, gum disease, and stomach diseases.

Planting and propagation in the garden

How and when to plant

Blue or blue hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

The use of seedlings is the most convenient way to grow a frankincense planting and care in the open ground begin in early August. Many gardeners do sowing in June without diving the plant, however, the seedlings are too weak. Experienced gardeners recommend planting strong and developed bushes at the beginning of summer, the rest - dive and grow houses until August, then transplant into the garden.

Tip. When planting and caring for the incense, it is important to consider that the flower does not tolerate transplants, in one place it has been growing for more than ten years.

Planting rhizomes with sockets

Experienced gardeners before propagating the frangipani vegetatively, separate rosettes with roots located close to the surface, from May to August. On separate segments of the rhizome leave at least three kidneys. The lower leaves from the cuttings need to be cut, transplanted into the holes of the delenki at a depth of 3-5 cm, in increments of 30-40 cm.

Transplant bush division

In the first year, rooted plants build up a rosette and begin to bloom in the second or third year.

Planting rhizomes with sleeping buds

To propagate the roots of the incense with sleeping buds, you will need to dig out the underground part of the plant, containing 5-6 sleeping buds. Store seedlings in a dark and cool place, shifting aerated paper or straw. Before planting, the rhizomes are kept for 2-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vitriol, treated with a fungicide, preventing possible diseases.

Planting and growing in pots

Badan has the ability to bloom and multiply well in tubs or flowerpots, providing easy transportation of decor.

Planting in a cache-pot is carried out in several stages:

  1. The bottom of the cache-pot is drained with expanded clay, pebbles or gravel, per ¼ of the volume.
  2. Fill up to half the capacity with a substrate based on turf, leafy soil, compost, sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.
  3. A rose of incense is placed in the central part of the pot, sprinkled with the remains of the earth.
  4. Lightly burn the soil around the plant and watered.
  5. The upper part is mulched with bark, pebbles or decorative gravel.

For the winter, a planter or a tub with a flower is recommended to be relocated to a greenhouse or to the veranda, covering with lutrasil. In regions where frost does not fall below 5 degrees, plants can winter on the street.

Generative propagation method

Sunflower seeds are planted in a container or pan under the winter, allowing the sprouts to grow stronger in favorable conditions. Sprouts, which have reached the size of 10-15 cm, allow you to determine when to transplant a frankincense in open ground. A couple of years after planting, the culture will bloom.


In the spring, as the snow melts and the earth dries out a bit, some of the damaged foliage is removed from the saxifrage. Complete pruning of the leaves is not recommended - dying out processes retain soil moisture and maintain the temperature necessary for shallow roots. In the month of March, it is useful to shorten overgrown shoots.

How to care in the open ground

Soil selection and preparation

Bergenia is planted on an elevated site in partial shade. At low and damp places, perennial shrubs will rarely form flowers, which is caused by rhizome decay with excess moisture. Saxifrage prefers to grow in soddy soil, with low neutral acidity - pH 5.5-6.5.

Saxifrage Transplant

The soil must be well-drained.

Watering Rules

The first watering of the grass is carried out as the buds are formed, the second - during the flowering period, the third - on the 15-20 day of the dormant period. It is recommended to moisten the soil in the dry season. If it rains regularly, bergenia will have enough natural rainfall.

After landing

In spring, care when planting frankincense in open soil begins with the tearing of spoiled leaves. Then the soil under the plant is mulched and fertilized with Kemira Lux universal fertilizer. Perennial should be watered as necessary, excluding drying out of the soil.

In spring and autumn, during flowering

The healing doctor is responsive to feeding during the formation of buds. It is worth the crop to bloom, it is necessary to stock up on a complex of mineral fertilizers and, after 3 weeks, provide plant nutrition. In autumn, the culture is watered with a solution of superphosphate mixture from the ratio: 20 g per bucket for irrigation of 1 m² of soil.

It's important to know! It tolerates a low temperature of bergenia normally. During flowering in spring with severe frosts, buds and buds freeze. Under the scorching sun the incense turns yellow in June what to do? To shade or transplant the plant, the gardener determines this on his own.

Preparing for the winter

Badan (bergenia) winter in open soil without shelter, but can be damaged by the wind. So that the leaves do not dry out, in the cold period the plant is watered.

Growing and Care Problems

Why the plant does not give inflorescences

Blossoming at the incense is delayed under the following conditions:

  1. The plant is young. The main reason why the frankincense does not bloom is seed cultivation, the chosen method of propagation is accompanied by late flowering: in the third or fourth year after sowing, you should wait a bit.
  2. Flowers are densely planted. It is advisable to plant bergenia.
  3. A culture recently or often replanted is an additional reason why incense bushes do not bloom. What to do? Wait until the plant adapts to a new place, provide complex mineral nutrition.
  4. Not enough light. A similar situation is possible if you shade the bushes with old trees with wide crowns.

The plant does not bloom


Badan does not give color when affected by a fungus. Growing a flower in wetlands, constant hydration end with diseases that affect leaves and peduncles.

Leaves are curled

The reason for the deformation of the leaves more often are holes in the care:

  • if improperly planted;
  • provide nutritional deficiencies;
  • lack of moisture;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • Do not prevent the attack of pests;
  • diseases.

The definition of a problem begins with a careful examination of the shoots and leaves, an analysis of weather conditions, and care actions.

Pest and Disease Control

The chemical composition allows the frankincense to easily cope with the attack of pests. However, in clayey soil or with poor drainage, the rhizome is rotten. A culture grown in the shade is attacked by drooling pennies. Nematodes also attack perennials; fighting earthworms will not be difficult if the rhizomes are treated with a solution of manganese. Then you need a change to a new place. Plots attacked by nematodes are disinfected with chemicals.

Use in landscape design

Colorful varieties of frankincense are applicable for the formation of multilevel flower beds of medium and large dimensions. Badan is planted more often at the foot or at the penultimate stage. In the shade, the culture produces juicy and large foliage, in the sun pleases with abundant flowering, the leaves are less lush.

In the best way, the perennial manifests itself when decorating paths, the foreground of flower beds and flower beds, as an evergreen groundcover, an element of large mixborders. Saxifrage is also used as a tapeworm, placing the plant against the background of a manicured emerald lawn. In the fall, culture draws attention to the differences in green and red tones.

With proper care, the frankincense actively grows and pleases with colorful flowering.



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