Yucca - leaves turn yellow and dry, what to do


Yucca (lat. Yucca) - an ornamental plant, which can often be found in houses and apartments. The flower is part of the Agave family. The plant is characterized by weak shoots and large caps of green leaves. However, sometimes they can turn yellow and dry. A flower loses its decorative effect. Why the yucca flower turns yellow and the leaves dry, what to do in this case and how to save a houseplant will be described in this material.

Yuccas dry and yellow leaves - what could be the reason

The reasons why yucca leaves turn yellow are many. In most cases, the process results from improper care of the flower. If you do not take the necessary measures in time, then you can lose the plant.

Yucca leaves may turn yellow for various reasons.

The main reasons that provoke yellowing of foliage in yucca are the following:

  • physiology,
  • lack of nutrients
  • improper watering
  • improper air temperature
  • violation of the light mode,
  • damage by harmful insects,
  • various diseases.

Attention! Often, non-compliance with the rules of care leads not only to problems with leaves, but also the death of the whole flower.


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Often the reason why the tips of the leaves dry in the yucca is the presence of various plant diseases. Improper and excessive watering, hypothermia of the flower often cause the development of fungal diseases. Unfortunately, they are quite difficult to notice. The main symptom is a change in the appearance of the sheet plates for no apparent reason.

To save the plant, you need to stop watering and treat the yucca with special fungicidal agents. You may need to transplant the culture into another pot.

Yellow leaves occur in various diseases

Attention! Often fungal diseases lead to complete death of the plant.


A violation of the decorativeness of the plant and problems with the leaves can occur when the flower is damaged by various pests. The following are considered the main ones:

  • scale shield
  • aphid,
  • spider mite.

These are pests that suck out all the juices from a flower. As a result, the palm tree lacks nutrients, the tips of the leaves dry in the yucca, they curl and fall off. Incorrect watering, inappropriate air temperature, and reduced plant immunity can provoke the appearance of parasites.

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Pest control should begin immediately after detection. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the entire plant. Damaged leaves are removed, insects are removed by hand or with a soap solution.

However, in most cases, it is easier and faster to get rid of parasites using special-purpose chemicals. You can use such tools as Fitoverm, Aktara, Actellik. The solution must be done according to the instructions.

[Important! It will be possible to save the flower if its root system is not damaged. / Alert]

Soil moisture

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Improper watering is also one of the reasons that yucca leaves turn yellow and fall off. This flower easily tolerates a dry period due to the structural features. The plant is distinguished by a rather thick trunk, in which moisture accumulates, as in succulents. The leaf blade has a fairly dense surface, which protects against rapid moisture loss. Therefore, overflow for yucca is disastrous.

Excessively moist soil provokes decay of the root system, leaves may turn yellow and fall off. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to carefully observe the watering regime - the soil should not be constantly wet.

Attention! Lack of watering also negatively affects the state of culture, Yucca does not like this and can dry out.

Irrigation of the flower is carried out when the soil in the pot dries at least half. Watering is carried out with standing warm water, from below under the root.

High humidity can cause leaf rot.

Cold liquid causes rotting of the roots or base of the trunk. Such a plant can only be saved by transplanting to another soil.

Air temperature

Ambient temperature is no less important for yucca than proper watering. Incorrect temperature conditions affect the condition of the leaves - they dry, curl and crumble.

The best for yucca (elephant and other species) is considered a temperature in the range from 20 to 25 degrees. Under such conditions, the plant develops well and does not get sick.

A sharp change in indicators, constant drafts, cold or heat lead to the fact that the culture begins to hurt and quickly dies. Therefore, it is important to provide yucca with the most suitable conditions for growth and development.

Root decay

Rotting of the root system occurs due to constant waterlogging of the soil. In winter, the flower has a dormant period, so watering should be minimal and only with warm water.

With frequent irrigation with a cold liquid at a low temperature, the roots begin to freeze, get sick and gradually die.

Yucca (garden and home) accumulates moisture in the trunk, therefore, with its large volume, the root system begins to rot, the leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off.

It is dangerous that root rot cannot be detected immediately. The first sign is the darkening of the base of the leaves. Unfortunately, saving the plant is not always possible.

If the signs of rot are minimal, then the flower is removed from the pot, the roots are treated with antifungal drugs and transplanted into a new container.

Leaflets may turn yellow at inappropriate temperatures.

It is important to normalize the irrigation regime and precisely observe it in the future.

Other possible problems

Yellowing foliage in yucca can occur for natural reasons. Over time, the leaves age, lose their elasticity and strength, change color. This is a normal aging process. The lower leaves fade, the palm cannot get rid of them, so they continue to hang on the stem. Similar plates can be easily removed independently. Over time, the formation of a trunk, very similar to a palm tree, occurs from the remnants of leaves.

Another reason for the change in leaf condition in yucca is the lack of nutrients. A flower during the growing season requires various trace elements for normal development and growth. The lack of the necessary substances also occurs if the flower for a long time grows in one soil. In this case, the root system has already absorbed all the elements from the earth, and new ones do not come.

Lower leaves may turn yellow for physiological reasons.

It is important to determine exactly what the yucca is missing. In the spring, you can transplant a flower into fresh soil. The lack of certain substances can be determined by appearance:

  • Small young leaves of a yellow tint - a lack of nitrogen.
  • Adult leaves located in the middle turn yellow - there is little iron.
  • The presence of dark veins on the sheet - not enough magnesium.
  • Yellow leaf blades with dark spots - little phosphorus.

Suitable drugs can be purchased at specialized stores. Dilute the funds according to the instructions.

Light mode is also important for yucca. The flower needs lighting up to 12 hours a day. With a lack of light, the culture stretches, the leaf plates lose their brightness, become thin, gradually dry out and fall off.

Important! If you take measures at the beginning of this stage, then it is possible to stop it. If there is a lack of light, it will be necessary to install special lamps for illumination so that the plant has enough light. As a rule, such actions are required from October to February.

However, it is worth remembering that direct sunlight is also dangerous for the flower. The appearance of burns on leaf plates is not excluded. In these places there is a disruption of vital processes, as a result, the leaf does not receive the necessary nutrition, gradually turns yellow and dries. The plant should provide a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

With improper care, the plant may die


What if the yucca palms turn yellow and the leaves dry? To revive a flower, you should try to find out the exact cause of the problem with the leaves. If it is quite difficult, then it is better to transplant the plant into a new pot with nutrient soil. When there are signs of pest damage, the culture is treated with special means. It is important to ensure the right care for yucca - watering, temperature, lighting, top dressing. Leaf blades are periodically checked for the possible presence of parasites and diseases.

Yucca is an unpretentious flower and, subject to the rules, will not cause trouble. Even a budding flower grower can do just fine with him. When the first signs of flower disease appear, it is recommended to try to determine the cause and eliminate it.


Watch the video: My Yucca Plant Has Brown Leaves (October 2024).