How to collect and prepare tomato seeds


I really liked the tomato variety that I found this year. I want to grow these tomatoes in the following, but I'm not sure that I can find the seeds, so I decided to collect my own.

Varietal nuances

Firstly, I want to note that if you liked some kind of hybrid, then you will not be able to grow the same fruits, they will be different. But if you liked some sort, then boldly proceed.

The right fruit choice

For seeds, choose better from the first fruits, from the lower branches, which did not have time to pollinate. They bloom in early summer, when the bees are not yet active and cannot transfer pollen from one variety to another, so there is less risk of crossbreeding. But, if you want to get something new, then experiment, this is your right.

So, we pluck the tomatoes, if they are not ripe, then leave them in a dark place, in no case should you leave them in the sun. We choose even, without damage and spoilage.

Step-by-step process

Cut along the fetus. We extract the seeds in a plastic or glass container. We cover with clean gauze or a piece of paper on which you can write at the same time the name of the variety.

We put in a dry dark place for 2-3 days. The liquid with the seeds slightly ferments, becomes transparent, the seeds are separated. When this happens, wash them in a sieve under running water and set them to dry a little.

Then lay out on a clean sheet and leave to dry for another 5-7 days, periodically mixing. When they dry, put in pre-prepared paper bags with the name of the variety, its features and the time of collection. Such bags can be stored in a dry place for up to 5 years, while seed germination is preserved. Go ahead, I hope everything works out.


Watch the video: How to Save Tomato Seeds for Personal Use. Step by step instructions. (October 2024).