Remedies for the Colorado potato beetle: rating and review


Colorado leaf beetle harms young potatoes. He also eats leaves of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant. Due to its high resistance to pesticides, the ability to develop immunity, the pest spreads rapidly. He produces eggs several times a season. The female lays up to a thousand pieces per day. The larvae leave their eggs on the 5th day, under adverse weather conditions in two weeks.

The Colorado pest has taken root in many regions of Russia. He is not afraid of winter frosts, he is afraid of only late return frosts, when adult individuals rise from a depth of 40-50 cm to the egg laying surface.

Preparations of a new generation act on pests in a complex way, they destroy eggs, larvae, adult insects. When using them, it is possible to maintain a crop of nightshade crops.

Remedies for the Colorado potato beetle, rating and review

The drug for plant treatment is divided into three categories: chemical, biological, protectants.

Chemical poisons

Aktara, Intavir, Grinda, Karbofos, Killer, Commander, Confidor, Napoval, Executioner, Regent, Sonnet, Sherpa and other drugs from the group of chemicals have a systemic effect on insects, disrupt digestive, respiratory and motor function. Beetles and larvae are exterminated after a single treatment, less often it is necessary to conduct two to three times.

Many drugs accumulate in leaves and roots. Saved in plants up to 4 weeks.

The main components of chemicals:

  • hexaflumuron;
  • deltamethrin;
  • diphenoconazole;
  • imidacloprid;
  • metallax;
  • pencicuron;
  • triamethoxam;
  • fipronil;
  • fludioxonil;
  • cymoxanil;
  • cypermethrin.

Advantages of pesticides:

  • high efficiency;
  • single processing;
  • resistance to washing off by rainfall;
  • duration of action;
  • versatility, effective against many pests.

Disadvantages: any chemical product is dangerous for bees, birds, pets, toxic to humans. Processing plants can only be done before flowering and the tuber formation phase.

Biological products

The action of biological preparations from the Colorado potato beetle is based on the ability of bacteria to infect larvae or adult beetles; the insect population is gradually decreasing. Actarophyte; Actofit; Fitoverm; Boverin, Bitoxibacillin act selectively, bee colonies do not affect. Biological products belong to the group of bio-insecticides safe for birds and animals. The effectiveness of biological protection is lower than that of chemical. Processing plants should be carried out periodically. Biological products do not accumulate in the tissues of agricultural crops, are washed off by dew, rains, and are destroyed at temperatures below +18 ° ะก. It is impossible to store biological products for a long time, bacteria die.


Chemicals used to protect potatoes are effective in the first month of crop growth. Tubers are treated before planting, so the sediments are not afraid of the protectants. The cruiser, Prestige Taboo, Tirana are also used to water young shoots, which so love to eat larvae hatched from eggs.

Chemical disinfectants contain the same poisons as chemicals from the Colorado potato beetle. They are able to form a film on the tuber, are absorbed into the plant tissue gradually. Some protectants change color when exposed to air; processed potato tubers are immediately visible.

Treater Benefits:

  • ease of use;
  • safety for bees, birds, pets;
  • there is no need to create an aerosol cloud affecting the human respiratory system.


  • monthly duration of action;
  • a high concentration of harmful components in the solution, care must be taken when working with them, dressing agents cannot be used to spray plants.

With a high concentration of beetles during potato planting, it is recommended that the wells be etched well so that the beetles die during migration to the surface.

Best Chemicals Against Colorado Beetle

The consumer demand rating based on the results of surveys on social networks coincides with the opinion of farmers engaged in the industrial production of potatoes. Many note the low efficiency of using specialized protective equipment designed to defeat Colorado pests in a certain growth phase: on masonry, larvae, adults. Universal biological and chemical agents adversely affect pests in any age phase. They are presented in the top of the best drugs against the Colorado potato beetle.

Protravitel Cruiser 350 FS

An effective potato preservative in the first two months of growth. Thiamethoxam, related to neonicotinoids, affects wireworms, other pests living in the soil layer. Used by growers with their own apiaries, stocked ponds located next to the fields. The price of the product is not cheap, 13 thousand rubles per 1 liter.

On the spot

The chemical is used for protection of potatoes and solanaceous plants of the protected ground: eggplant, bell peppers, physalis, tomatoes. It has a complex effect, is able to kill aphids, whiteflies. The price is 3.40 hryvnia for 3 ml (for 2 hundred parts), this is about 10 rubles.


The Swiss Aktar pesticide contains thiamethoxam, which blocks the nervous system of Colorado beetles and larvae. The death of pests occurs a day after treatment, they lose the ability to eat, fall off the leaves, showered on the ground. The drug is retained by the plant all season after a single treatment. The latter is carried out during the formation of peduncles. In the growth phase of tubers, Aktara is forbidden to use, potatoes will contain toxins that adversely affect the liver, human kidneys. 4 grams cost 140 rubles.


The insecticide Commander is made on the basis of imidacloprid. Recommended against Colorado potato beetle, flies, aphids, wireworms, codling moths, cabbage butterflies. The drug accumulates in all parts of the plants. It affects pests in all age phases. It costs 58 rubles per bottle in 10 ml.

Prestige (comprehensive)

The effect of imidacloprid is systemic, affects the nerve endings of insects, paralyzes them. Pentcicuron destroys the microorganisms that cause root rot, after processing potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle, the risk of late blight, rhizoctoniosis, and wet rot is reduced. It costs 580 rubles per 60 ml.


The new Respect has a wide spectrum of action. It perfectly destroys wireworms, wintering larvae of cabbage, urticaria, and other butterflies. A two-component drug based on imidacloprid and pencicuron is similar in action to Prestige. The drug is carried out a single treatment when the first signs of beetles appear. During migration, insects will fly around the fields treated by Respect. For 30 ml of funds you will have to give from 120 to 250 rubles, depending on the store, you can also buy 60 ml.


Imidacloprid-based Corado is used once a season. In order to prevent the treatment of young shoots. Beetles do not have time to lay eggs, die when feeding from paralysis. The poison is effective for 35-40 days. Then the concentration of the chemical is reduced to levels safe for humans. The cost of 10 ml is about 100 rubles.

When working with protective equipment, you must take care of your own safety: wear gloves, a respirator, and glasses. Spraying is carried out in calm weather in the evening, when the sun is inactive.


Watch the video: How to Remove Japanese Beetles from Your Garden (October 2024).