English roses: types, varieties, features of growing


English roses are a relatively recent species of roses. Appeared through the crossing of such varieties as “Dainty Maid” and “Belle Isis”. The result is a new group of varieties.

Which has incorporated the best qualities of both sides, gaining a lush flower, wonderful aroma and resistance to virtually all diseases. It is also worth noting that it is more resistant to harsh climates than its ancestors.

Pros and Cons of English Roses

Species obtained by crossing others, that is, artificially bred, often have excellent qualities. This is exactly the situation with the varieties of David Austin, named after their creator - the English breeder.


These roses have a very strong, pleasant aroma, the shape of their flower is more advantageous than that of their counterparts. It has high resistance to climatic conditions, whether it is a harsh winter or a hot summer. In addition, flowers form throughout the entire stem, unlike other species.


They are not numerous and they are easily compensated by pluses. When the question arises of choosing a landing site, a partial shade should be preferred. This is due to the fact that this species does not respond very well to direct sunlight, but tolerates hot temperatures well. A doubtful shortcoming is the high growth of the flower. It is doubtful because to create your own garden is rather a plus, but for apartment conditions this is already a matter of layout.

How to choose the right seedling

When planting any plants, it is important to consider the climate for which they are intended, and where they are supposed to be grown. View Austin bred in the foggy and damp lands of England. Therefore, just such conditions will be preferable for them. Of the approximately 200 varieties of roses in England, in the climatic conditions of our country will be able to get along at least a third.

How to choose the right variety for the climate of the territorial location of the site? You can take Canada as a sample. Their climatic conditions are almost the same as in Russia. Consequently, those varieties that they grow, we can successfully contain and we.

When choosing a seller, special attention should be paid to his competence in matters relating to English varieties. The fact is that fraudsters know how these seeds are valued, they buy similar ones for a low price, and they sell much more expensive. Naturally, preference should be given to nurseries, where this beautiful flower is bred professionally. The price is slightly higher, but this is because sellers there give a guarantee of climate suitability. Buy seedlings at points of sale located near roads is not worth it. They are almost 100% likely to be affected by the disease, or they may not be at all the variety the buyer paid for.

Types and varieties of roses Austin

This artificially bred species is one of the few that has not yet been classified. However, experts identified the exact groups into which it is divided.


They are distinguished by a large stem height, about 180 cm. For example, the variety Crown of Princess Margaret. The shape of the buds in the form of a bowl. The color is also far from the standards, have a yellowish-orange color. The aroma is quite delicate, the smell of fruit is felt.

On the issue of diseases, tall varieties are resistant to fungal, most of the standard ailments of such plants.

Some varieties, for example, Gertrude Jekyll, can easily reach a height of 2 m, the shape of the flower is rosette. The smell is specific, but pleasant. Reminds rose oil. The color is beautiful, pink. It also has an average resistance to plant ailments. This type is great for growing on the site, the embodiment of the hedge plan.

For growing in containers

This division includes the Anna Boleyn variety. The shape of the flower is rosette, in the form of glasses. The color is pale pink, thinner delicate aroma. Great for people who do not tolerate harsh, strong odors.

Some varieties are reminiscent of wild rose, such as Christopher Marlowe. Endowed with a smell similar to rose oil. A distinctive feature is a strong resistance to climatic features, sudden changes in weather conditions.

Grace, a beautiful variety with a flower in the form of apricots, dahlia. Like your brother in appearance, it smells of oil.

Large glasses

The varieties included in this group are distinguished by a particularly large size of flowers, which is already clear from the name. They have a rich, delicate pink color. The aroma contains notes of raspberries, which itself is barely perceptible. They show excellent performance in difficult weather conditions, demonstrating a high level of adaptation to the environment. However, there are varieties that are highly susceptible to low temperatures. These include the Gentle Constance Spray. Light pink color will not leave anyone indifferent to its flowers.

There are even varieties that can change their smell depending on the weather. One of them is Princess Alexandra of Kent. The dense pink color and the appearance of the dog rose combine perfectly. The smell changes depending on the flowering time, first you can feel the tea notes, and then a fruity aroma.

Rose Abraham Derby is long-blooming with large peach-colored buds. Winter-hardy, resistant to disease. But wilted flowers do not crumble, but rot on the bush, so timely pruning is necessary.

Variety Pat Austin - copper-orange with low tide, buds reach 12 cm, has a bright aroma of tea rose. Garter needed. The stems do not withstand the severity of the flowers.

Prince - begins to bloom with a dark red tint, which then turns purple. The height of the bush is 60-75 cm, the buds are about 8 cm.

The peculiarity of this group is that in order to grow and gain the declared size, you need at least a couple of years of stable and proper care, subject to all the nuances. Otherwise, they may not reveal their full potential, or simply wither.

Pure colors

From the name it is clear that the color of the petals of such varieties does not even have a hint of a gradient, interspersed. Among them there are white, red roses, a large number of yellow tones, even orange.

Most popular:

  • Graham Thomas - has goblet glasses of bright yellow color. At the same time, they exude a delicate smell of rose oil. Flowers are located close to each other.
  • Claire Austin is a beautiful, pure white shade that resembles a canvas. Has a musky smell and moderate resistance to possible types of climate.

Features of planting English roses

In matters of disembarkation, there are also many nuances. The species was bred in a climate where it is mostly twilight. Accordingly, to ensure comfortable conditions for the flower, it is necessary to choose a shady place, in extreme cases, create such a place artificially.

English roses react poorly to direct sunlight, for stable growth they need only 4 hours a day in a sunny place. In order to control the growth of the stem of the bush, you can choose a brighter place than twilight. Thus, the stem will grow more slowly, at some point, growth will stop. This method is the simplest, it does not need special conditions or fertilizer.

They do not like the wind, so the cultivation area should be artificially protected from this weather feature. Or initially choose a calm place. For better growth, it is recommended to plant on a hill, best on a hill.

The site where the location of such roses is supposed to be prepared is necessary in a special way.

First, the seedlings are soaked in water, where it is necessary to pre-dissolve the growth stimulating substances. A sort of "flower anabolics." Then a place is chosen based on all the nuances of the shadow, wind, and preference for elevation.

English species and varieties of roses do not tolerate spring melt water. In winter, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of snow to the places of growth of these plants. The best option would be to choose a place near which there is a gazebo, or some other structure with a roof. It should be positioned so that the cast shadow from the roof completely covers the flowers.

Preparing pits for landing. They must also have specific requirements.
It is necessary to dig a square, to the sides and to a depth of 0.5 m. Then, in each well, it is necessary to pour exactly 10 liters of water, leave them in this state for a day. This is because roses love moist soil.

After direct planting of plants in places, they must be moistened, spending at least 45 liters of water on one bush. After this procedure, the soil begins to spud. In England, where this species was bred, there is no snowfall per se, and indeed snow is a rare occurrence (at least in the form in which the inhabitants of Russia are used to seeing it). Therefore, in anticipation of the winter period, the question arises of preparing winter shelters for roses. Shelter is removed only in spring, from the moment the temperature reaches 0 ° C.

For such fastidious plants, additional nutrition is needed. However, you can not enter fertilizer immediately after planting. They begin to be used only for 2 years of rearing. The first course is nitrogen, it serves as an impetus for the formation of young stems. The following have a considerable amount of nitrogenous substances, even phosphorus. It is used during the active phase of the formation of buds.

Roses need to be cut only once a year, in spring, or in autumn. During this procedure, it is necessary to remove dry and weak branches, forming further the shape of the bush.

An important feature, in order to achieve maximum growth from the variety, remove at least half of the shoots.

English roses care

As for leaving, a specific approach is also required here.

As soon as the first sprouts have formed, the land near the base of the bushes is scooped up, the soil is loosened, then covered with sawdust. You can make a powder of needles, straw, this is done to better preserve moisture in the soil.

Bush formation

Trimming as a condition. It must be started immediately after disembarkation. The second time before wintering. Then, in the spring, before the buds open, the shoots are shortened by half the height. If cut to the third part. the bush will acquire a large number of buds, which will weaken the plant.

Immediately after the stem has grown, almost all shoots are removed, leaving only about 4 pieces.

It is important to understand that each grade requires an individual approach. For example, for climbing varieties, only 5 part of the length of the stem is cut.

Buds that have withered, as well as those roses that have matured, must be removed immediately. This will allow new buds to form as quickly as possible.

Bushes, which are more than a year and a half, are recommended to be cut in the middle of spring. Just before the buds begin to bloom. If you are late, roses will bloom much later. Do not stand on ceremony with weak and broken shoots, especially with the sick, this is a matter of the health of the whole bush. Old ones are removed much less frequently, once every five years, in their places a new shoot is formed.

As for the tool used to trim the bushes, it must be flawlessly ground. This is necessary so that the cut is smooth and clear, otherwise the tool will simply break the plant.

Another feature of the slices - they must be done exclusively at an angle, at a strict distance of 5 mm from the nearest kidney. The cutting site must be immediately treated with a specialized garden solution, or with a disinfectant.


Humidification is carried out only as it dries, there are no specific instructions and frames in this matter. Different varieties require different volumes of water. Curling varieties require at least 15 liters, while ordinary varieties require only 10 liters. It is recommended to perform it in the evening. In matters of water, there are also wishes regarding its type. From the tap is not suitable, because it contains a large amount of chlorine. It is best to use settled melt or rain water.

If you overdo it with moistening the leaves, you can provoke the appearance of diseases. It is also impossible to make frequent watering with a small volume. You need to stop watering the bushes at the end of August, if the summer is rainy, then much earlier. Next is autumn, where the rainy season will provide the necessary moisture level in the soil.

Winter Shelter Technology

As already mentioned, snow falling on the soil, and therefore its strong freezing (temperature below -10 ° C) is unacceptable for varieties of English roses. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to build special buildings that allow plants to wait out the inclement and cold season.

First comes the stage of preparation for warming. It consists in letting the buds bloom on their own, dropping the petals. If you break in advance, interrupted complete ripening. During the cold snap, the leaves remaining on the stem must be removed, as well as the need to cut out the lateral stems that have already matured. Only after a series of these measures can one begin to warm.

Hilling is the first, after which the process of creating a winter shelter begins. To do this, you need to stretch some mesh around the flowers, if it is not, plywood is suitable. The resulting open bunker is covered with dried leaves, then shavings, after which there is humus. Weaving varieties are laid on top, fixed and covered with a thick layer of dry leaves (at least 30 cm). Then, from above on a shelter pull a film. Shelter is disassembled only with the onset of spring, at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C.

Breeding methods

This process takes place in the same way as with other types of roses. Cuttings, layering, offspring, all of these methods are great for varieties of English roses. However, each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, they must be taken into account if the opportunity arose to breed roses yourself, without any help. Experts recommend using vaccination for reproduction, this is most effective.

Austin Rose Diseases and Pests

With strict observance of all the nuances of growing, watering and feeding, roses are able to grow for more than 20 years. However, with all the efforts of the gardener, the situation can be significantly spoiled by pests and diseases. These include fungal, they affect mainly bushes of plants. This is provoked by inappropriate conditions of wintering flowers. Syndromes develop on the stems, even on dead, fallen leaves, the gray color of the fungi remains for a long time. Distribution is possible through a tool that cuts an infected specimen.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, and as a result to avoid the death of plants, you must follow the list of rules:

  • To land only at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other, otherwise roses affected by the disease will easily infect others.
  • Spray sheets strictly in dry weather.
  • After cutting, the removed parts must be burned, the tool must be disinfected.
    The first call about diseases are spots on the bushes, white plaque. If symptoms are found, treatment is recommended immediately. For such purposes, 1% Bordeaux fluid every 5 days is suitable.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: English roses in the landscape

This kind of roses looks very beautiful and presentable. In general, any rose looks aesthetically pleasing, but the English have incorporated the best qualities.

The most commonly used varieties for decoration include:

Golden Celebration

The flowers are large, yellow. They have a pleasant, delicate smell.The height of the bush is average, not more than 150 cm. It belongs to the type of fast-growing, spreading. The advantages include high resistance to disease, repeated flowering.


It has a high growth, has a lemon-colored buds. It has a delicate aroma, medium resistance to ailments. It tolerates weather precipitation in the form of rain, snow. Refers to blooming.


Watch the video: ROSE TYPES: DESI ROSE vs ENGLISH ROSE - Classification kinds + Difference Modern vs Garden Roses (October 2024).