Gypsophila perennial: planting and care, photo


Gypsophila (gipsophila) - an herbaceous plant in the clove family. Annuals and perennials are found. From Latin it is translated as "loving lime". Homeland - Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, non-tropical Asia. Found in Mongolia, China, Southern Siberia, one species on the Australian continent. It grows in the steppes, forest edges, dry meadows. He loves sandy limestone soil.

Gypsophila is unpretentious and is widely used by gardeners for growing on flower beds. In traditional medicine, it is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Description of gypsophila, flower photo

Gypsophila (Kachim, tumbleweed) is a shrub or shrub with a height of 20-50 cm, individual species reach a meter or more. Tolerates drought, frost. The stalk is thin, almost without leaves, branched, erect. Leaf plates are small, green, oval, lanceolate or scapular, 2-7 cm long, 3-10 mm wide.

The flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences, very small, simple and double, blossoming petals completely cover the plant. The palette is mostly white, with green, pink is found. The fruit is a seed box. The powerful root system goes 70 cm deep.

Gypsophila paniculate, creeping, elegant and other species

About 150 species of plants are counted, not all are grown by gardeners.

UsingViewDescription /Leaves

Flowers /Flowering period

To combine holiday bouquets.GracefulHighly branching annual, the bush grows to 40-50 cm.

Small, lanceolate.

Small, white, light pink, red.

Midsummer, not very long.

Make out rocky sections, borders.CreepingDwarf, with creeping shoots.

Small, narrow-lanceolate, emerald.

Bright pink, white.

From June to July, some species fall again.

Decorating walls, rocky places, on flower beds, for cutting into bouquets.Paniculate (paniculata)A spherical bush reaches 120 cm, perennial, highly branched in the upper part.

Narrow, small, gray-green.

Snow-white, pink, terry.

Blossom in July to August.

Decorates rocky surfaces, lawns, rock gardens.Stalk-likeCreeping up to 10 cm.

Gray, ovoid.

Small, white, purple with burgundy streaks, covered with pile.

May to October.

For wedding bouquets, flower arrangements.Fluffy snowStrongly branched perennial, 1 meter high, stems thin, knotty.

White, terry, semi-terry.

July August.

For cutting and flower beds, flower beds, borders.Pacific (pacific)Spreading bush up to 80 cm, shoots very branching. Long-term culture, but lives 3-4 years.

Gray-blue, thick, lanceolate.

Large, pale pink.

Aug. Sept.

For garden plots.TerryPerennial, sprawling bush-like cloud.

Small, snow-white.

June July.

In hanging baskets, flowerpots, on alpine slides.GalaxyAnnual, grows up to 40 cm. Thin shoots.

Small, lanceolate.


July August

Beautiful in hanging flower pots, flower beds.WallAnnual spreading bush up to 30 cm.

Bright green, elongated.

Pale pink, white.

In summer and fall.

In stony hills, borders, bouquets.SnowflakeVariety of Panicled. Spherical bush up to 50 cm.

Bright green.

Large, terry, snow-white.

Rules for landing in open ground

When planting in open ground, consider the variety of the flower to determine the distance between the seedlings. The site is selected dry, lit, without the proximity of groundwater. If necessary, make lime (50 g per 1 sq. M). Between plants, they usually stand 70 cm, in rows 130 cm. At the same time, the root neck is not deepened, watered.


Annual seeds are propagated by seeds. Perennials can be propagated by cuttings, seedlings. Sowing of seeds is done in late autumn on a special (adjustable) bed at a distance between rows of 20 cm, deepened by 2-3 cm. Seedlings appear 10 days later, they are thinned out at a distance of 10 cm. In spring, in April and early May, they are planted in a permanent place.


Creeping varieties are propagated by cuttings. After flowering or in early spring, shoots are cut, treated with heteroauxin, placed in a loose substrate with chalk, deepened by 2 cm, covered with a film, removed after rooting. The temperature is required +20 ° C, daylight 12 hours without direct sunlight. When 2-3 real leaves appear, they plant on a flower bed.

Seedling method

The purchased soil mix for seedlings is combined with garden soil, sand, lime. With the onset of spring, seeds are placed in a container or each seed in a separate cup to a depth of 1-2 cm. Cover with glass or film, put in a warm, bright place. Sprouts appear after 10 days, they thin out leaving a distance of 15 cm. Seedlings provide 13-14 hours of light, moderate watering, in May they are transplanted to the site, observing the distance: 2-3 bushes per 1 sq. M. m

Care Features

The gypsum loaf (another name) is unpretentious and easy to care for. Abundant watering is required only for young bushes, but without stagnation of moisture. Adults - as the soil dries.

Water the flower under the root in dry and hot weather, without falling on the leaves, stems. They are fed 2-3 times with mineral, then organic mixtures. Mullein can be used, but not fresh manure.

The soil near the bushes needs to be weeded and loosened, in the fall to make phosphorus-potash fertilizers.

So that the bush does not lean in any direction, make a support that will not be noticeable with plentiful flowering.

Perennial gypsophila after flowering

In autumn, when the gypsophila fades, seeds are collected and the plant is prepared for the winter period.

Seed collection

After drying, the bush-box-box is cut, dried in the room, the seeds are removed when they are dry, stored in paper bags. Germination persists for 2 years.


In October, annuals are removed, and perennials are cut, leaving 3-4 shoots 5-7 cm long. Fallen foliage, spruce branches are used to shelter from severe frosts.

Gypsophila cultivation at home

Creeping varieties that are grown as ampelous plants are popular at home. Seedlings are placed in flower pots, flowerpots, containers 15-20 cm from each other. The substrate is selected loose, light, non-acidic. At the bottom, drainage in the form of expanded clay is 2-3 cm.

When the gypsophila reaches 10-12 cm in height, the tops are pinched. Watered sparingly. They are placed on the southern windowsills, in winter daylight needs 14 hours, for this additional lighting is used. The temperature for flowering is +20 ° C.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, but with improper care, gypsophila can overtake fungal infections and insects:

  • Gray rot - leaf plates lose their elasticity, brown, then gray spots with a fluffy coating are formed on the edges. Helps Fitosporin-M, Bordeaux fluid. The affected parts are removed.
  • Rust - red, yellow pustules of various shapes and sizes. The process of photosynthesis is disturbed, the flower does not grow. It is treated with Oxychrome, Topaz, Bordeaux liquid.
  • Worms - loose, floury coating on a plant, sticky spots. Apply Aktara, Actellik.
  • Nematodes (roundworms) - pests feed on plant juice, leaves curl, turn yellow, have irregular spots on them. They are sprayed several times with Phosphamide, Mercaptophos. Heat treatment helps: the bush is dug up and washed with hot water + 50 ... +55 ° C.
  • Mining Moth - gnaws shoots, leaves forming holes. For the fight using Bi-58, Rogor-S.

Mr. Summer resident advises: gypsophila in the landscape

Designers widely use gypsophila for rock gardens, lawns, malls, borders, squares, parks. It blooms luxuriantly, emits a pleasant aroma. In landscape design, it is combined with roses, peonies, lyatris, monads, phlox, barberries, boxwood, lavender, elderberry. The plant beautifully borders the borders of the garden unpretentious and lives in one place for many years.

Florists decorate festive events with flower, decorate tables, arches, hairstyles for weddings. Gypsophila does not fade for a long time and retains freshness.


Watch the video: Baby's Breath Gypsophila (October 2024).