Interesting Articles 2024

Cortaderia - lush panicles of pampas grass

Cortaderia is a perennial herbaceous crop from the Myatlikov family. In the natural environment, it can be found in the steppe regions of South America and New Zealand. Therefore, the plant is often called pampas grass. At home, cortaderia is considered a weed. It grows great without any care. In the garden, the plant attracts with lush multi-colored ears of corn, but even without them, a green fountain as tall as a human height cannot leave anyone indifferent.

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Alyssum - planting and care for a fragrant flower

Alyssum (Alýssum) - a representative of the genus of ornamental plants belonging to the vast family Cabbage. The numerous genus Burachok includes about two hundred species that are widely distributed in several European countries, in North Africa and Asia. In the post-Soviet space, about forty plant species grow.

Lavson's cypress - home care, photo and description

Lavson's cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) is a coniferous plant from the Cypress family. In the natural environment, an evergreen tree is found in East Asia. The homeland of the cypress is North America, where a perennial tree reaches 75 m. The plant has short scaly leaves (needles). The trunk covers the bark of the color of hard-brewed tea.

Tradescantia ampelous flower: what kind of flower

Only a lazy grower does not know about a flower. This plant is very common in apartments in Russia because of its unpretentiousness and ease of care. A beautiful ampel plant can be found in educational institutions, offices and homes. It is used on open ground in the decorative compositions of flower beds.

Hydrangea Hayes Starburst - variety description, planting and care

Hydrangea of ​​the Hayes Starburst variety is a flowering and not very demanding shrub plant. The variety is distinguished by unusual flowering. Description of the variety Before buying a seedling, you should study all the characteristics and description of the plant, and especially the appearance of the inflorescences. The history of Hydrangea Hayes Starburst was bred in the United States, in Alabama.

Forest violet and its characteristic features

Forest violet or Viola (from Latin Viola) is a modest, delicate and beautiful flower of northern latitudes. Different sources describe from 500 to 700 species of this wild plant of the Violet family. They grow mainly in the Northern Hemisphere in areas with a temperate cold climate. The birthplace of the plant is East Africa.

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Peony Collie Memory (Paeonia Callie's Memory)

Peony Collis Memory is a sprawling bush that has a strong trunk. It is characterized by beautiful delicate apricot flowers with cherry elements. A characteristic feature of the culture is an amazing resistance to frost. It is able to withstand temperature drops of -35 degrees.

Hydrangea room: varieties and care

Hydrangea - flowering plants of the Hydrangea family. It is grown as a garden and home plant, moreover, in the second case, it is only large-leaved. Description of hydrangea Hydrangea in open ground can grow up to 4 m, in room conditions - up to 1.5 m. Its leaf plates are simple and ovoid, painted in bright green.

Apricot Krasnoshchekiy - all you need to know about the variety

It has long been known and popular variety originating from the sunny Crimea. For a long time beloved by many, the red-cheeked apricot gave birth to its varieties and hybrids. What are they, what are good, where do they grow? How and where to plant and grow this magnificent tree? What to do so that the tree does not get sick and does not suffer from insects and rodents?

Koenigsberg tomato: so different, but always delicious

Tomato Koenigsberg is a unique variety that, on the market, quickly changed the worldview of many experienced gardeners. They were surprised to learn that a tomato can have a lot of advantages at the same time and practically have no shortcomings. The Koenigsberg variety, created in Siberia, is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather and reliably gives high yields of large fruits of excellent quality.

Do-it-yourself hanging chair: two step-by-step master classes

It is unlikely that you can meet a person who would not feel like hanging out in a comfortable chair and feeling the smooth swaying movements of a suspended structure. Comfortable swings and hammocks have always been very popular. Today, a number of hanging seats has been significantly expanded: hanging sofas and armchairs decorate many suburban areas, easily fitting into landscape design.

Whitewashing of trees in spring - treatment of fruit trees from pests

Gardeners have a hot season after winter. Some works are urgent, for example, whitewashing of trees in spring. Even fulfilling this duty on time, many do it simply out of habit, making many mistakes and nullifying the beneficial effect. Why trees are bleached Many people living both in the city and in the countryside have a vague idea of ​​why trees are bleached.

How to water ficus for proper growth

Ficus (ficus) is deservedly referred to the most popular indoor plants in the Russian Federation. It belongs to the group of evergreen deciduous crops. The flower is known for its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt in different places. The occurrence of problems with the growth and development of the flower causes inexperienced gardeners an interest in how to water the ficus correctly.

Epiphyllum - unpretentious and flowering plant for the home greenhouse

Epiphyllum is very similar to the usual Decembrist, but undemanding in care, and its flowers are more magnificent and brighter. This is a find for those who can not devote much time to domestic plants. The standard set of rules for caring for the epiphyllum will help to grow a healthy and beautiful bush with juicy green leaves from a small stalk or shoot.

Rosa Summer Song (Summer Song) - description and characteristics of the variety

In 2005, David Austin, an Englishman by birth, was puzzled by the creation of a rose that would concentrate all the signs of classic English rose scrubs. As a result of two years of work, a marvelous flower appeared, which was called the Summer Song - "summer song". Brief description, characteristics of the variety In fact, Summer Song is an oleander hybrid, a vivid representative of English roses.

Ideas for a country hearth: options for arranging a campfire on a site

Hearth - the personification of family comfort and warmth. The soaring flames and the melodic crackling of logs mesmerizes and soothes, tuning in to relaxation and a pleasant rest. It is pleasant to gather around the bonfire in the evening, enjoying communication with households and friends. To be able to enjoy the magic of open fire on your site, you can equip a special area for recreation, the key element of which will be a fireplace.

The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2020

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners will tell you on which days you can perform work and which not. And also, what kind of actions are best done on a specific date. Compliance with the recommendations contained in it allows you to achieve good plant growth and a rich harvest. Source: Do I need a lunar calendar for work in the garden Some people do not believe that the lunar phases influence the development of plants, but in vain.