Interesting Articles 2024

Caucasian loquat - outdoor cultivation in the garden

Medlar is a beautiful subtropical garden plant that can be grown on its site. What it looks like, how to plant and care when the Abkhaz medlar ripens, and what needs to be done so that the fruits can ripen earlier - more on this in the article below. Description of the culture of Caucasian medlar (sesek, lokva or eriobotria) is easily grown in Russia, Georgia, Turkey, the Caucasus, although it does not cause much popularity.

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How to care for a garden if you don’t have time at all

Caring for the garden requires the shortest life resource - time. Owners of private houses are constantly torn between the desire to have an excellent plot and the necessary things to transfer, which is not always possible. For such cases, we have prepared several secrets that allow you to take care of the garden with a busy schedule.

Aphids on indoor plants

Growing flowers in an apartment, you may encounter the fact that they look ugly and have stopped growing. It is necessary to determine the cause and begin treatment appropriate for each specific case. On indoor plants, a parasite such as aphids is often found. To successfully combat it, you need to know the available methods, and it is best to carry out preventive measures and create conditions that will prevent the emergence and reproduction of the pest.

Gatzania - Afternoon African Chamomile

Gatzania is a beautifully flowering herbaceous plant from the Astra family. His homeland is South Africa and North Australia. At the same time, the flower develops well in any garden with a sufficient amount of heat and sun. Gatzania is also known as African Chamomile and Midday Gold. They reflect its appearance and ability to unfold under the midday sun.

Saintpaulia - beautiful violets with lush flowers

Saintpaulia is one of the favorite plants of many gardeners. Her small green bushes are covered with beautiful flowers. You can make a beautiful composition from them, because it is very difficult to stop at one grade. Uzambara violet, it is also the Saintpoly belongs to the Gesneriev family. Its homeland is the tropical rainforests of the African continent, where it settles near waterfalls and mountain streams.

Indoor palm: types, rules of care

The homeland of palm trees is considered the island of Madagascar and Colombia. Some species grow in Spain and southern France. Their application is diverse - from eating to use in the construction industry. A palm tree is also good as an ornamental plant. The palm family includes over a hundred genera, including: Coconut palm, Sabal, Date, Bismarck.

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Fuchsia at home and pruning

Fuchsia is a bright plant with a lush beautiful crown, quite unpretentious. It is for these qualities that flower growers loved it. It is grown by both experienced flower lovers and beginners. Many believe that fuchsia is an exclusively domestic plant, but it is not. In regions with a milder and warmer climate, it is very popular as a street plant, whose bushes reach a height of 1 m.

Planting and propagating cherries: basic rules and useful tips

Of course, every gardener knows that the correctness of the planting procedure of a plant affects its further development, and cherries are no exception. There are several rules that you need to familiarize yourself with in order to successfully plant and ensure the best conditions for cherry to grow.

Cotyledon - graceful flowering succulent with decorative leaves

Cotyledon is a perennial succulent plant of the Tolstyankov family. In the genus, there are about 40 varieties in the form of small bushes or trees with unusual curved leaves. The birthplace of this plant is Africa: from Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula to South Africa. Highly decorative bushes look great in pots and are able to cover the entire surface of the soil.

Repairing raspberries Caramel - aromatic large-fruited variety

Many people believe that the large fruits of garden raspberries are not tasty enough, while the small berries of forest raspberries are very sweet and fragrant. Indeed, the main emphasis in breeding work was previously made on winter hardiness, productivity and culture immunity. Recently, however, special attention has been paid to taste.

How does dracaena bloom - what types, proper care

Dracaena is a compact palm-like tree with narrow leaves blooming in a fountain from the top of a thickened stem. A pretty unpretentious plant, which is so often found in offices and apartments, fits universally into the interior, but few people saw how dracaena blooms. A tropical guest needs a humid, hot climate to form buds.

Ah, what a smell: 8 fragrant garden flowers

In the summer I really want everything around to bloom and fragrant. Therefore, for your personal plot, you should choose a flora that will fill the garden with aroma throughout the summer season. It is good if these plants are also unpretentious in care. Lavender garden This perennial shrub has spike-shaped bright inflorescences.

Popular pumpkin varieties from A to Z

Pumpkin is perhaps one of the most amazing garden plants. An amazing variety of shapes, colors and sizes is a surprise to this natural wonder. There is something genuinely alive in it, attractive and at the same time frightening, it is not for nothing that the pumpkin is one of the indispensable attributes of Halloween. On the classification of pumpkin In order not to get confused in the great variety of pumpkin varieties, it is useful to know that the whole family of pumpkin plants is divided into types: large-fruited; nutmeg; hardcore.

Cactus Cereus: Popular Plant Species and Home Care

In every house you want to create coziness and beauty. Landscaping of window sills and wall shelves contributes to the overall interior of the room. Many people prefer not only flowering plants, but also exotic ones such as cacti. Very often in pots you can find these succulents. Many of them belong to the genus Cereus.

Rose Brothers Grimm (Gebruder Grimm) - what kind of variety, description

Rose Brothers Grimm was bred by German breeders in 2002 in the nursery Cordes, which is known for its beautiful cultures. A rose of this species has won many awards in flower contests. She is the owner of medals and certificates. Short description, characteristic Rose blooms twice, but in the first flowering buds are more effective.

How to water indoor flowers for fast growth and abundant flowering

Fertilizing and watering for domestic plants are mandatory procedures that help nourish them with the necessary macronutrients and minerals. Preventive procedures accelerate growth, positively affect flowering and resistance to temperature extremes. The existence of a plant in a stable nutrient medium depends on the right choice of fertilizer.

Murraya - beautiful, tasty and healthy exot

Murraya is a tropical exotic, quite popular in our country, which takes root well in the room. The plant not only pleases with a beautiful crown and flowers, it gives edible fruits. Different parts of murraya are also used to prepare cures for many diseases, which is another reason to get this green beauty.

Azistasia: description, care tips

Azistasia belongs to the Acanthus family. According to information from various sources, the genus includes 20-70 species. The plant can be found in Oceania, Africa, Asia. Features of azistasia This is an evergreen, flowering shrub with straight stems reaching a height of 1 m. Leaves on short petioles, with a pointed end, teeth along the perimeter.